  • wolny

    Combat is lot better
    Nature looks better than RdR 2

    And they polished stealth that's ale so far

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Countdown till I clock out from work to play.. how are you guys liking it so far?

    I'm very early in but it's cool. I'm still ass at the combat so idk. Might be a rough go for me. Last game I just used a hammer and bashed people to death to get by

  • Bo Ceephus

    I'm very early in but it's cool. I'm still ass at the combat so idk. Might be a rough go for me. Last game I just used a hammer and bashed people to death to get by

    You will get better tbh its easier to learn than og as far as i know

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Hans and Henry acts like a monthy python duo

  • Feb 4
    1 reply

    Tedious beginning for sure. 3 bodies?

  • Feb 4

    Lmao i started this thread and completely forgot.

    I'm so lazy with ops

  • Anyone have audio problem when fighting od carrying bodies on ps5pro?

  • Bo Ceephus

    Tedious beginning for sure. 3 bodies?

    Henry starting a body garden in Bozhena front yard


  • hope we get monastery part 2 in this one

  • potion making in the first one was so fire

  • buying tonight

  • ATF 🦺
    Feb 4
    2 replies

    Graphics and performance alright on ps5 for y’all?

  • ATF

    Graphics and performance alright on ps5 for y’all?

    Just about made it through the intro. Playing on ps5 performance mode haven’t had any issues, though at one point Hans was sitting 2 feet behind a stump when he should’ve been on the stump lol

    Graphics look good to me, not bleeding edge triple A quality but solid and definitely improvements over the first. Also it’s a plain medieval game so the art direction is rather realistic.

    Facial animations are okay lol Henry gave this chick a 5 year old’s smile tho ☠️

  • ATF

    Graphics and performance alright on ps5 for y’all?

    Had one audio glitch where the song cut off abruptly but besides that it's run well

  • Feb 4

    Hans and Henry acts like a monthy python duo

    dumb and dumber

  • only like 90 minutes in and I can feel this is gonna be addicting

  • Feb 4
    2 replies

    S*** still brutal at the beginning lol. Just getting assfucked everywhere. Everyone hates you. You're poor af all the time and hungry.

    Just like real life.

  • Feb 4
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    S*** still brutal at the beginning lol. Just getting assfucked everywhere. Everyone hates you. You're poor af all the time and hungry.

    Just like real life.

    found a axe to sell, bought a spade, looted some graves, found a bandit camp- got 2 pieced up and had to restart from the convo with the beggar girl, did everything again, saved right before the little camp, killed the 2 bandits
    currently overburdened lugging all my loot back to the little village

  • ATF 🦺
    Feb 4
    2 replies
    Bo Ceephus

    S*** still brutal at the beginning lol. Just getting assfucked everywhere. Everyone hates you. You're poor af all the time and hungry.

    Just like real life.

    Worth a cop? I keep seeing “not for everyone” and hesitating but the world and everything seem beautiful

  • ATF 🦺
    Feb 4

    I wish this would have came out on my off days damn it lol I just started my shift rotation today

  • ATF

    Worth a cop? I keep seeing “not for everyone” and hesitating but the world and everything seem beautiful

    It is really not for everyone
    I recommend it to someone who likes role-playing fr and is used to dying or things kind of sucking until you gradually get better.

    The combat is something that is definitely not for everyone. But rewarding when you grasp it.

  • ATF

    Worth a cop? I keep seeing “not for everyone” and hesitating but the world and everything seem beautiful

    First one reminded me a lot of rdr2 all of its systems prioritize immersion first and foremost so if you like that idea I'd def recommend

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Game is hard as brix, loved the first one and this is just a complete improvement upon everything from the original. Surprisingly bug free so far and runs like a dream on PC (though I'm expecting frame drops once I get to the main city )

  • Hold up theres 2 maps?
