LIG > 4:44 as well btw
King's Disease
Probably 4:44 but Kings Disease was also incredible and will probably also be considered a classic soon
Need to see Goo and DMWR in a match up
Kings Disease Nas 2nd Best Album
big facts
But probably 4:44
Kings Disease and it isnt close for me
Don't get the LIG Hype
Haven’t heard KD since the week it dropped. For sure need to listen again
Goo rn
4:44 both classic
Yikes I live in some nerd's head rent free
4:44 lol
4:44 by ACRES
Your reputation is being a Nas stan
Embrace that s***
Y'all sleeping on LT2, better than LT1
Y'all really think Kings Disease is better than Life Is Good tho?
4:44 no question don’t come round here with that disrespect
4:44 wtf
Dumbest s*** ever posted on this website