this would've been a sweep on 99% of my list
I could’ve been cheap and leaned into Revolver more but for the integrity of Paul’s work, I wanted to showcase as something as widespread as KTT2s casual crowd would allow
no revolver songs lost
Got to Get You Into My Life beating All You Need Is Love that bad kinda threw me tbh
Got to Get You Into My Life beating All You Need Is Love that bad kinda threw me tbh
thought everyone disliked those horns tbh
thought everyone disliked those horns tbh
Both songs pretty h**** tbf
drive my car just killing help! too
beeeep beeeeeep
I thought Help was a nuke
I thought Help was a nuke
Same, what the hell
I thought Help was a nuke
me too
I thought Help was a nuke
More like he needed Help!
Drive My Car
I'll stay quiet this time
you cannot deny the pocket that drive my car sits in
first 5 seconds it's over
jealous guy getting 5-6 votes against yesterday was real as f***
I’m pretty damn happy with my list though
Went to an open mic the other night and someone did You Won't See Me
My roommate tapped me on the shoulder and was like "What song was that? Those lyrics!"
I would've gotten oh darling out there that's a nuke for me
I played that the first time against Radiohead and mfs went “The Doo Wop song?”
S*** gave me Vz trauma
Went to an open mic the other night and someone did You Won't See Me
My roommate tapped me on the shoulder and was like "What song was that? Those lyrics!"
Lyrics are honestly timeless
Could easily apply to modern day
Beatles gonna be like classical music is to us today
I played that the first time against Radiohead and mfs went “The Doo Wop song?”
S*** gave me Vz trauma
that's insane what the f***
that's insane what the f***
Nasty work