I played that the first time against Radiohead and mfs went “The Doo Wop song?”
S*** gave me Vz trauma
that fraudulent radiohead vz :vlosereave:
Lyrics are honestly timeless
Could easily apply to modern day
Beatles gonna be like classical music is to us today
True. In My Life feels like it could be around for 300 years and still be just as real for people
that fraudulent radiohead vz :vlosereave:
Having Paul lose against his songwriting partner >>>>
True. In My Life feels like it could be around for 300 years and still be just as real for people
You could argue there have been few or perhaps even no, better or equivalent songwriters since them and I would not be mad at it
Beautiful gif
You could argue there have been few or perhaps even no, better or equivalent songwriters since them and I would not be mad at it
Paul and John were great songwriters on their own. But together? They cancelled out their flaws and made some of the best s*** ever.
when you told me
you didn't need me anymore
well you know I nearly broke down
and crieee ieee ieee ieeedddd
when you told me
you didn't need me anymore
wel you know I nearly broke down
and dieeeee ieeee ieeed
In the context of the Beatles, John was a slightly more consistent songwriter than Paul, so I get these results. Paul was the better musician though and really kept things on the rails.
Paul was better and more versatile outside of the Beatles, I'd say.
You could argue there have been few or perhaps even no, better or equivalent songwriters since them and I would not be mad at it
nowhere man
nowhere man
Til there was you so sweet
In the context of the Beatles, John was a slightly more consistent songwriter than Paul, so I get these results. Paul was the better musician though and really kept things on the rails.
Paul was better and more versatile outside of the Beatles, I'd say.
Paul had the better singing voice by far on a technical level
John was more consistent yea, but when Paul hit, it was a grand slam.
Paul had the better singing voice by far on a technical level
John was more consistent yea, but when Paul hit, it was a grand slam.
John was a great rock singer, Paul is a great singer in general
Paul and John were great songwriters on their own. But together? They cancelled out their flaws and made some of the best s*** ever.
Timeless music
I love how common it is for people to want to hate on them but being won over by the song writing eventually lmao
Radiohead is beyond corny.
Brother your whole gimmick is corny … I would sit it out
Brother your whole gimmick is corny … I would sit it out
Ok, but the vocals -- can't stand them.
John was a great rock singer, Paul is a great singer in general
They both could switch roles well though
Paul could get down and rock when he wanted to very well and John could sing tenderly and beautifully when he wanted to well. The chemistry was perfection.
@ryder get him..
Oh, he knows.
They both could switch roles well though
Paul could get down and rock when he wanted to very well and John could sing tenderly and beautifully when he wanted to well. The chemistry was perfection.
Julia vs Helter Skelter, for example
Ok, but the vocals -- can't stand them.
Not even The Bends or OK Computer?
Thom has shown real range
Not even The Bends or OK Computer?
Thom has shown real range
They don’t really like white artists lol
It’s a whole thing…
They don’t really like white artists lol
It’s a whole thing…
Oh lol