  • Jun 22, 2020

    Which game do you like that he s*** on?
    You have to at least admit he's reasonably unbiased

    I love Dunkey but he’s more of a meme reviewer for me than anything else

    I watch his videos for a laugh, not really for the serious criticism

    NakeyJakey said he’s gonna do a video on the game, and that’s what I’m really looking forward to

  • Jun 22, 2020

    First game 9.5/10

    This one id say 8.5

  • Jun 22, 2020

    I'm not seeing enough talk about that wolf vs scar escape level man...I don't think anything in the original is f***ing with that game design wise

    man especially when you transition from the horse to the ground and then into a mini boss fight

  • Jun 22, 2020

    I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about it

    The only negative thing I’ve heard about it is a 50/50 split on the ending of the story

  • Jun 22, 2020
    6 replies

    Y’all think this is the “end” of naughty dog or nah?

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Y’all think this is the “end” of naughty dog or nah?


  • Jun 22, 2020

    Y’all think this is the “end” of naughty dog or nah?

    f*** no

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Y’all think this is the “end” of naughty dog or nah?

    Why would anyone think this

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Imagine thinking this game is the end of one of the most reputable studios in the industry bruh

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all think this is the “end” of naughty dog or nah?

    No but I dont think they can put out another TLOU after this

  • Jun 22, 2020
    dat guy

    facts, even those flash games on the browser can be somewhat fun

    Fancy Pants Man

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Never seen a loved character be disrespected so bad

    Then watch more s*** lmao

    F*** writing stories for fans

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Imagine reading a 100 word summary of a 1000 page script and going yep it’s s*** 0/10

    Truth is most gamers would do this

    It really shows just how little they know about cinema and storytelling given the s*** they’re b****ing about

    It’s not even with plot holes or any of that. They’re actually just mad the story didn’t fulfill their sequel fantasies

  • Jun 22, 2020

    I think it's pretty telling when the people that love this can't defend why and instead result to saying stuff like this^

    I'm not even a hater of this game, I just hate seeing fans getting called misogynist/homophobic because they rightfully don't like a mediocre story.

    not even, I was just saying its great very quickly. It’s great because the voice acting/motion capture is top tier, it plays great, the story is unlike anything I’ve ever played in a game, the characters are great and the game doesn’t hold back punches. there were so many easy routes to approach a sequel to the last of us and they went with one that really is going to challenge the player. maybe you don’t like the choices they made with the story, thats your opinion but for me, i thought it was bold and very refreshing. and about the misogyny thing, thats not what i’m implying at all. its that people think they are owed something or believe that they know better than the creators of the game. this complex has been plauging entertainment since the How It Should Have Ended Days and even Red Letter Media’s Star Wars prequel reviews. its also quite obvious that people don’t like to be challenged in their way of thinking and looking at characters/story. ive started to see what a lot of these people online wished the story was and I’m having Last Jedi deja vu. they all sound horrible and fan made lmaoo

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    No but I dont think they can put out another TLOU after this

    They already doing a whole tv show after this lmao

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    They already doing a whole tv show after this lmao

    Well dam. Do we know if the tv show is gonna cover both parts or just 1 or 2?

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Well dam. Do we know if the tv show is gonna cover both parts or just 1 or 2?

    no one really knows yet. I won't be surprised if it builds upon the other factions and s*** that have been discussed in both parts. I think it'd be kinda lame to just rehash the story from these 2 games, especially when the creator of Chernobyl is involved.

  • Jun 22, 2020

    Truth is most gamers would do this

    It really shows just how little they know about cinema and storytelling given the s*** they’re b****ing about

    It’s not even with plot holes or any of that. They’re actually just mad the story didn’t fulfill their sequel fantasies


    This is every damn time gamers complain.

    I saw a man post about wanting to go on a damn TLOU II roadtrip with Joel and Ellie.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Because that theme is generic, seen before, simpler than the first, and the game loses all sense of focus by just revolving around the idea that "revenge is bad" lol

    The first game story isnt generic as f***?


    So original cause we haven't been bashed in the head with that theme since the early 2000s.

    Just say youre hurt they killed you know who and cant get over it instead of acting like you know anything about writing

  • Jun 22, 2020

    This story is objectively far more ambitious, risky, and bold than The Last of Us. For fans of the first game who fell in love with the characters and the world, this is extremely interesting to get more lore on the world of this game and seeing different characters and their perspectives.

    If you are stuck on Joel and Ellie and just wanting that, then you will definitely be disappointed.

  • Jun 22, 2020

    It's one of the most intense games you can play, combat feels real and everything counts. Story is going to be divisive as can be, and people are calling it a "misery simulator"

  • Jun 22, 2020

    no one really knows yet. I won't be surprised if it builds upon the other factions and s*** that have been discussed in both parts. I think it'd be kinda lame to just rehash the story from these 2 games, especially when the creator of Chernobyl is involved.

    Nah they said season 1 is based on the first game and parts of the second. Neil Druckman is adapting it with Craig Mazin

  • Jun 22, 2020

    I don’t get this simplification of a revenge story being one note and generic. Without getting into spoilers, the game deconstructs video games and the classic tale of revenge in a way that most writers would be petrified of trying to pull off. It sounds more like you guys just weren’t ready and didn’t want to accept the honesty of what this game was trying to say to you. That there is no good or evil, light and dark and in your own mind, you are the hero of your own story. It’s all about perspective. It is powerful stuff. Especially in a medium where one of the biggest games involves people running around battlefields aimlessly shooting soldiers with no remorse or weight to those kills.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    1 reply

    The story is mediocre, the ending is dogshit.

    Visually it's much much better than the first, but that's all about it. The gameplay is pretty much the same.

    Imo you should buy it only on sale.

  • Jun 22, 2020
    dat guy

    what u mean

    Play the game. Most of those review bombs are coming from people that are upset over the ending of the game and a certain scene at the beginning of the game. The game play is a upgraded polished version of the first game.

    I recommend you play the game yourself do not listen to blind hate.
