  • Jun 21, 2020
    4 replies

    Neil Druckmann said a long time ago what the theme of the story would be about, idk why people are so against it

    Because that theme is generic, seen before, simpler than the first, and the game loses all sense of focus by just revolving around the idea that "revenge is bad" lol

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    The Last Jedi's critic score is also like a 95 lmao

    only plebs hate on TLJ (finn’s storyline sucks tho ngl)

  • Jun 21, 2020
    rwina sawayama

    my opinion: the game is great and better than the original in every way

    i mean, besides the ponytail mfer yeah sure, but anything related was dumb, forced and not great storytelling

  • Jun 21, 2020

    only plebs hate on TLJ (finn’s storyline sucks tho ngl)

    I mean...the movie's not good lol. The entire thematic connection in that movie is weak, the storylines don't work together, the pacing is s***, etc.

    Finn's storyline is just a part of a bigger problem. TLJ had the exact same issue of critics loving it and then when fans/audiences complain, the creators/fans of the movie started s***ting on people who dislike it.

    Annoying stuff. You can dig something and still get why people have an issue with it.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Because that theme is generic, seen before, simpler than the first, and the game loses all sense of focus by just revolving around the idea that "revenge is bad" lol

    exactly. no s*** other people have lives, but it's a post apocalypse survival game. S*** is gonna happen and morals and being nice to everyone goes out the window

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Why would you force people to play something they already know they won't like?

    I see this argument so much, "you have to play it to know" and it's literally don't have to. If it's not something you think you'll enjoy or if you're literally pissed off by narrative decisions, it's totally fine to express disappointment and not buy a product.

    There’s an implication here that the people were forced to write a review or something.. why give a review to something you haven’t played or care to play? And why defend such an obviously disingenuous practice?

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    Because that theme is generic, seen before, simpler than the first, and the game loses all sense of focus by just revolving around the idea that "revenge is bad" lol

    But I mean he has told everyone what type of game it would be a long time ago.
    The story of the first game is generic also.
    A man transports a girl across the country to save humanity... on paper that sounds like an average thriller film.
    What makes part 1 and 2 special isnt the plot

  • Jun 21, 2020

    But I mean he has told everyone what type of game it would be a long time ago.
    The story of the first game is generic also.
    A man transports a girl across the country to save humanity... on paper that sounds like an average thriller film.
    What makes part 1 and 2 special isnt the plot

    I mean, what made the first game special is its believable, consistent characters and their interactions and humanity in a doomed world.

    In the second game....

  • Jun 21, 2020

    But I mean he has told everyone what type of game it would be a long time ago.
    The story of the first game is generic also.
    A man transports a girl across the country to save humanity... on paper that sounds like an average thriller film.
    What makes part 1 and 2 special isnt the plot

    plot and story are the same thing. Literally the plot, and relationship are what made TLOU so good. Same the the Uncharted series, that's ND's thing.

    Knowing what type of plot is not the same as knowing what actually happens or the poor storytelling that takes place, or being forced to play through some bs to empathize with someone

  • Jun 21, 2020

    The divisive element in the story was done about as well as they could possibly do it. The writing is so great, especially with the flashback scenes you see later on in the game.

    It makes sense. It gives the rest of the story a reason to even happen. People just want a reason to complain. No way you could play this game and say you don’t enjoy how it feels. Also people saying the puzzle element “disappeared” are full of s***. This is classic ND style gameplay with an added layer of fast paced stealth and action on top.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Never seen a loved character be disrespected so bad

  • dat guy

    someone help me out that s*** is 60 bucks

    You can just buy it now, finish it in under a week, and sell it for 50

  • Jun 21, 2020

    There’s an implication here that the people were forced to write a review or something.. why give a review to something you haven’t played or care to play? And why defend such an obviously disingenuous practice?

    Nah, but people all over the Internet expressing vocally their disinterest and disappointment in the way this game treats the characters of the first (in addition to the way Druckmann/Naughty Dog are trying to censor criticism or make this a political thing to help their case), and fans are attacking them saying they have no right to express disappointment or anger if they haven't played the game.

    Review bombing isn't a great practice, obviously, but acting like the public perception of this game being bad isn't important or valid at all because some of the people criticizing it haven't played it is equally disingenuous. There are decisions a creator/story can make that permanently alienate and discourage fans from participating, and, honestly, they have the right to express their anger/disappointment even if they haven't played the game.

    If you know the entire story, know the plot holes/contrivances, know the narrative decisions you hate, you can comment on the story without being forced to play the game for ~60 hours before you can have your opinion heard. Gimme a break man.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    Because that theme is generic, seen before, simpler than the first, and the game loses all sense of focus by just revolving around the idea that "revenge is bad" lol

    A topic doesn't make a story better or worst. It's treatment does, know your s***. The topics in the first game weren't original at all neither, it also basically riped off Cormac Mccarthy's The Road.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    I wouldnt listen to any reviews for a game that seemingly attempts to be progressive in alot of what it does with the characters

    thats gonna be innately divisive for people

  • Jun 21, 2020

    Game hard as s*** , imagine falling for the negativity of people who never played the game

  • Jun 21, 2020

    The people criticizing the story know the damn story. They haven't "not experienced it." A ton of them are literally watching Let's Plays and cutscenes to make sure they're certain in their concerns and worries.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I mean have a pretentious story where every character is an unlikable serial killer and there you are

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    It’s gotten to that toxic stupid ass point where you just gotta experience it and see for yourself

    game of thrones, Star Wars 8-9, TLOU2

    you might scare off literally everybody by comparing this to those two.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    I wouldnt listen to any reviews for a game that seemingly attempts to be progressive in alot of what it does with the characters

    thats gonna be innately divisive for people


  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    A topic doesn't make a story better or worst. It's treatment does, know your s***. The topics in the first game weren't original at all neither, it also basically riped off Cormac Mccarthy's The Road.

    Did you ignore the post I made after where I literally said that the first game also had a generic theme, but still managed to have focus/direction due to the characters and the approach unlike the second?

  • Jun 21, 2020
    1 reply

    you might scare off literally everybody by comparing this to those two.

    I mean, it's a valid comparison. GOT Ssn8, TLJ, newest season of Doctor Who, and this are all kinda in the same boat.

    People hating on it because of inconsistent character beats/questionable narrative decisions, and then fans/creators are trying to gaslight the people being critical to appear bigoted or unknowledgable.

  • Jun 21, 2020
    2 replies

    It is excellent. Don’t listen to reddit manbabies.

  • Jun 21, 2020

    you might scare off literally everybody by comparing this to those two.

    this game is definitely in same boat as got s8

  • Jun 21, 2020
    3 replies

    It is excellent. Don’t listen to reddit manbabies.

    I think it's pretty telling when the people that love this can't defend why and instead result to saying stuff like this^

    I'm not even a hater of this game, I just hate seeing fans getting called misogynist/homophobic because they rightfully don't like a mediocre story.