Undone S1
Great show, had to get used to it for the first couple of episodes but the idea and message behind it is great.
Barry Season 1
Enjoyable binge. A lot transpires throughout the 8 episodes. Reminds me of some of the fun and notes of early Dexter. Obviously different. Some enjoyable performances from faces I haven't seen as often. Catching up before new season.
Last show I watched - Bocchi The Rock 8/10 great if you love seinen SOL comedy
Last non animated was - Better Call Saul slow burn (I know everyone says it) but fantastic acting, great characters, story etc 9.5/10
Watching Dexter New Blood and god I wish they left his sister out of this. Her character is annoying af
Season 1: 7.5/10
Station Eleven
Season 1: 7/10
Season 1: 8/10
Season 2: 7.5/10
Season 3: 8.5/10
Season 4: 8/10
Season 5: 8/10
Season 6: 8/10
Season 7: 7.5/10
The Last of Us
Season 1: 8/10
this Man in the High Castle show is nice af
i've bumped the mad men thread like 3 separate times now just to gush about it but one episode left in season 3 and idk man it might already be my #1 lmaoo
part of me wants to speed through it but my slow pace is really to it's benefit
8.5/10, underrated show
such a comfort show for me. love when they did homage episodes like the friday the 13th one and the twin peaks episode.
10/10 must see. HBO Max.
Poster hits different when you know its context brilliant show, just finished
I’m watching this Netflix doc about the Boston marathon bombing. It’s good (but I’ve only finished episode 1 out of 3)
about to be done with broad city season 1. will give rating shortly
Funny show