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  • Jan 31, 2020

    Great show that ended too early 😪 Schwartzman, Danson & Galifianakis have great chemistry

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    I definitely heard a lot about that lol

    Not even worth watching considering how bad the ending is. I get and understand the Lost criticism but it doesn't ruin everything that occurs in the show lol

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply
    Mac Foley

    Not even worth watching considering how bad the ending is. I get and understand the Lost criticism but it doesn't ruin everything that occurs in the show lol

    Really? that’s a question I been asking myself

    Because Lost relayed on that trick, it was based on mystery cues and hints, something popped there then there and there, all unrelated, it seemed bigger and larger, the bird says Hurley? the numbers on the hatch? the kid with supernatural s***? what’s up? where is this leading to!

    And the first season was great for that

    Sure we got black smoke by the end of it so it already got goofy pretty early, but for a contrast to how science fact and grounded it was it wasn’t too bad, and it played into the unknown of what it was all about, not too fr from what JJ Abrams birthed yet!

    But then the bird saying Hurley is just a coincidence, the numbers on the hatch IS JUST A SERIAL NUMBER??? and the kid with supernatural powers which was if you ask me the heart of it is thrown away and NEVER explained?!

    It’s a definite dictionary definition of cop out and a lack of idea

    So therefor I been asking myself this, how does a conclusion influences the overall quality, does a bad ending impact what made something good in its first place

    You don’t think it does for Lost? because I don’t see a lot of people going back to it

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Really? that’s a question I been asking myself

    Because Lost relayed on that trick, it was based on mystery cues and hints, something popped there then there and there, all unrelated, it seemed bigger and larger, the bird says Hurley? the numbers on the hatch? the kid with supernatural s***? what’s up? where is this leading to!

    And the first season was great for that

    Sure we got black smoke by the end of it so it already got goofy pretty early, but for a contrast to how science fact and grounded it was it wasn’t too bad, and it played into the unknown of what it was all about, not too fr from what JJ Abrams birthed yet!

    But then the bird saying Hurley is just a coincidence, the numbers on the hatch IS JUST A SERIAL NUMBER??? and the kid with supernatural powers which was if you ask me the heart of it is thrown away and NEVER explained?!

    It’s a definite dictionary definition of cop out and a lack of idea

    So therefor I been asking myself this, how does a conclusion influences the overall quality, does a bad ending impact what made something good in its first place

    You don’t think it does for Lost? because I don’t see a lot of people going back to it

    Wow, good point! I agree that a ending to a show ESPECIALLY how lost ended, can sometimes make the entire show feel pointless or like a waste of time. That's why I HATE ambiguous endings to things (Just like a lot of shows nowadays 🥱) But Lost's acting, character arcs & mystery were extremely enjoyable despite the ending for me, which is rare. You would think the lil things in the show would be answered or spoken on before it ended but in Lost's case I assume they wrote w/out having the ending in mind which left them with a mess by the time they needed way to wrap it up. In G.O.T. case without spoiling everything the ending essentially s***s on everything you watched for the past 7 seasons and more so unravels it then leaving unanswered ?s if that makes sense?

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply
    Mac Foley

    Wow, good point! I agree that a ending to a show ESPECIALLY how lost ended, can sometimes make the entire show feel pointless or like a waste of time. That's why I HATE ambiguous endings to things (Just like a lot of shows nowadays 🥱) But Lost's acting, character arcs & mystery were extremely enjoyable despite the ending for me, which is rare. You would think the lil things in the show would be answered or spoken on before it ended but in Lost's case I assume they wrote w/out having the ending in mind which left them with a mess by the time they needed way to wrap it up. In G.O.T. case without spoiling everything the ending essentially s***s on everything you watched for the past 7 seasons and more so unravels it then leaving unanswered ?s if that makes sense?

    That’s true, at the end of the day it is mostly how you connect, altho again I gotta insist that Lost premise was the mystery of it all, the hype was unreal back in the day, people were making maps on Counter Strike of it lol

    But I’ll tell you this (I can’t speak on GOT I haven’t watched, not that I mind the spoilers I just don’t know what happens) the Jack death scene was heartfelt and beautifully crafted, it seems like it was the only thing they knew they were going into with the eye closing shot

  • Jan 31, 2020

    It’s a shame Locke and Jack actors haven’t been seen since on the big screen, I thought they were great, they were the Jesse and Walter of back then in terms of charisma and presence

  • Jan 31, 2020

    That’s true, at the end of the day it is mostly how you connect, altho again I gotta insist that Lost premise was the mystery of it all, the hype was unreal back in the day, people were making maps on Counter Strike of it lol

    But I’ll tell you this (I can’t speak on GOT I haven’t watched, not that I mind the spoilers I just don’t know what happens) the Jack death scene was heartfelt and beautifully crafted, it seems like it was the only thing they knew they were going into with the eye closing shot

    I agree, A lot of the characters death's were some of the most emotional moments I've ever seen watching a T.V. show. I was shook that Desmond wouldn't make it to the end, The Constant

  • Jan 31, 2020
    1 reply

    @Danny Dexter is on Netflix im kinda tempted now

  • Feb 1, 2020

    @Danny Dexter is on Netflix im kinda tempted now

    Could watch the first 4 seasons and still get something out of it tbh. A bit cheesy at moments and might not have aged that well I imagine, but still rather entertaining. Season 4 is its peak and could serve pretty well as an ending. Otherwise you can persevere to the end and laugh/cry at some of the stuff they butcher.

  • Just finished The Leftovers and it did so many things right. I loved it. Need to think on it more but it’s feeling like a 9.5/10 or maybe just 10. It really just has a ton of stuff that I connected to and left me so incredibly satisfied.

    Before this, I rewatched FMA Brotherhood and I’d rate it just about the same. I sometimes get scared that I’m gonna run out of amazing stuff to watch but then a show like this surprises me

  • Feb 3, 2020

    Watched the Castle in the Sky by Studio Ghibli earlier today and it is 9/10 . Great movie, my favorite scence was the one in the mine. I watched it as a kid I think so this counts as a rewatch

  • Feb 4, 2020

    Colony season 1

  • Feb 5, 2020

    Colony season 2

  • Feb 5, 2020
    1 reply


  • Feb 5, 2020

    Money Heist

    I finally decided to try it out and was pleasantly surprised. I binged all 3 seasons just last week and I was glad to know that there's a 4th coming in only 2 months.

    I'd give this a 6.5/10 for originality and entertainment. Loses some points for some terrible characters.

    Like obviously whoever is writing this has no idea how to write women. The younger ones are all stupid and emotional. Now that I think about it, every young person is way too emotional and can't ever think when something happens to them and it's just so annoying.

    Still fun to watch when you're bored.

  • Feb 9, 2020

    watching this Netflix ottoman show. no love for it?

  • Feb 9, 2020

    Gundam 00 Season 1: 7/10

  • The Wire | Season 1

    Yeah this was great

  • Feb 9, 2020

    Mr. Robot Season 2 - 9/10

    The Walking Dead Season 4 - 7/10

    Happy! Season 1 - 8/10

  • Feb 13, 2020

    Gundam 08th MS Team: 7.5/10

  • Feb 13, 2020


    such a beautiful show

  • Mission: Impossible (1966)
    Love these spy shows - the villains of the week, the banter between the team, the gadgets.
    Throw in a nice dose of f***ery and I'm all in.

  • Feb 14, 2020

    High Fidelity
    Zoe Kravitz forever bae

  • Feb 15, 2020

  • Feb 16, 2020
    1 reply

    Dragon Ball Z Kai (Part II): 3/5

    Haven't seen this arc in years, Buu saga is way more irritating than I remember it being, still highly entertaining tho.

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