Sorry to hear. That sounds f***ed up. How is your relationship today?
It's alright... sometimes s*** can get awkward between me and him, but we're working on it.
He lived a tough life, he received the same beatings from his grandmother and grandfather. They expected him to be a man out of the endless beatings he had gotten, which is absolute bullshit.
We forgive him for the s*** he's done to us, but never understood why he decided to continue the tradition knowing how it made him feel.
But there are also times where we cherished the moments being with our father.
All in all we love our father to death...a working man with glaucoma who gets things done and I will always admire that about him. me and my brother have him covered 💯
Getting whooped is common, but if your child gets older and say “yeah that f***ed me up” you can’t dismiss that.
Lauryn is too afraid to admit her parenting style may not have been the best. Parents will rarely admit they had a hand in scarring you
As a parent you gotta recognise this feedback and genuinely apologise. Not on some "Well I'm sorry you feel that way"
I hope she finds closure behind closed doors. They're family after all. It's not our business
You can say anything can traumatize a child. The simple way we live can f***up a child
So stop trying to act like this is the worst thing that can happen to one the f*** you mean ok
So stop trying to act like this is the worst thing that can happen to one the f*** you mean ok
But it's the worst thing that happened to her
As soon as I saw the amount of replies I knew that niggas itt would be defending child abuse
So stop trying to act like this is the worst thing that can happen to one the f*** you mean ok
I'm not acting like this is the worst thing that can happen. Also, just because there are worse things that can happen doesn't mean you can't deal with things that are still potentially bad. The f*** kind of logic is that? lol
You can say anything can traumatize a child. The simple way we live can f***up a child
You be playing the semantics game to much ngl.
Lauryn is too afraid to admit her parenting style may not have been the best. Parents will rarely admit they had a hand in scarring you
As a parent you gotta recognise this feedback and genuinely apologise. Not on some "Well I'm sorry you feel that way"
I hope she finds closure behind closed doors. They're family after all. It's not our business
I think about this in relation to a lot of the s*** my parents said and did and how it still affects my mental to this day.
I promise if I ever tried to say that to them they’d deny it for the exact reason you said
As soon as I saw the amount of replies I knew that niggas itt would be defending child abuse
Fellas in here gonna be beating their children because their parents beat them and "they turned out alright"
Make sure you add *This does not always apply to every child somewhere in your post.
Why would I do that when I was not talking about every child
Read the second sentence carefully, Im not talking about kids getting disciplined
I think about this in relation to a lot of the s*** my parents said and did and how it still affects my mental to this day.
I promise if I ever tried to say that to them they’d deny it for the exact reason you said
Yeah agreed. I unfortunately couldn't have this conversation, so for Selah to do it, privately or publicly, should be considered restorative and positive
You may as well try to have the conversation, you honestly never know how they'd react
But it's the worst thing that happened to her
He’s I’m the one that brought up scientific data not talking specifically about her
I must say tho,I don’t condone hitting children with objects like a belt or anything. A grown ass man/woman shouldn’t be swinging at their children with a weapon,that’s when it becomes abuse.
s*** my dad almost beat me when i was younger and likely would have if it werent for my mom. he already f***ed my childhood and mental state up which im still trying to recover from and if he beat me too? i would have wished him dead.
Fellas in here gonna be beating their children because their parents beat them and "they turned out alright"
While at the same time struggling with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues
Fellas in here gonna be beating their children because their parents beat them and "they turned out alright"
Here y'all go...
I'm not acting like this is the worst thing that can happen. Also, just because there are worse things that can happen doesn't mean you can't deal with things that are still potentially bad. The f*** kind of logic is that? lol
Because you’re not even looking at this objectively
Yeah agreed. I unfortunately couldn't have this conversation, so for Selah to do it, privately or publicly, should be considered restorative and positive
You may as well try to have the conversation, you honestly never know how they'd react
Yeah you right. I’ve tried to some degree but my parents are mad defensive. I’ve tried to explain how difficult it has been for me but they always deflect. It’s like they justify the ends with the means which is a s***ty mentality. Idk I try not to let it get to me but clearly it still weighs on my mind
While at the same time struggling with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues
He’s I’m the one that brought up scientific data not talking specifically about her
Your post had real "why are you depressed? Kids are dying over the world" energy
Sourced from:
"One of the first such studies linked slapping and spanking in childhood with psychiatric disorders in adulthood in a large Canadian sample, and its findings have since been supported by an ever-growing number of studies. Physical punishment is associated with a range of mental health problems in children, youth and adults, including depression, unhappiness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, use of d**** and alcohol, and general psychological maladjustment."
"One of the first large prospective studies (1997, n = 807) controlled for initial levels of child antisocial behaviour and sex, family socioeconomic status and levels of emotional support and cognitive stimulation in the home. Even with these controls, physical punishment between the ages of six and nine years predicted higher levels of antisocial behaviour two years later."
"Researchers are also finding that physical punishment is linked to slower cognitive development and adversely affects academic achievement."
"The evidence is clear and compelling — physical punishment of children and youth plays no useful role in their upbringing and poses only risks to their development. The conclusion is equally compelling — parents should be strongly encouraged to develop alternative and positive approaches to discipline."
No one deserves unreasonable beatings as a child but she deserves a grown adult ass whooping for putting her mama on blast like that for social media.
While at the same time struggling with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues
Straight up dude. That s*** isn’t the right way to raise a child. I don’t know what the right way is (which is a big reason why I’m choosing not to have kids) but I know the wrong way for sure