  • pneu
    Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    I hope one day you are pointed to the wealth of intelligent thoughtful sisters that’s reaching out to this young girl via social media and discussing her trauma in a public setting, The idea that only white ppl can discuss trauma is disgusting, but you only here for quotes and likes from other white people so f*** it

    I haven’t even seen the video, I’m just referring to parents disciplining their kids.

    Plus when did I say only white people can discuss trauma

  • Aug 14, 2020



  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    I haven’t even seen the video, I’m just referring to parents disciplining their kids.

    Plus when did I say only white people can discuss trauma

    what else is implied with “I only see whites complaining bout this”?

  • pneu
    Aug 14, 2020
    2 replies
    Oj Or

    what else is implied with “I only see whites complaining bout this”?

    Complaining about discipling their child through the method of beating. Why you acting dense?

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Complaining about discipling their child through the method of beating. Why you acting dense?

    I just feel like now is not the time to turn thread into “no ur white, no UR white” s***show

    it’s better convos to be had since yall all white anyway

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Unexpected, feel sorry for the kid

  • pneu
    Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    I just feel like now is not the time to turn thread into “no ur white, no UR white” s***show

    it’s better convos to be had since yall all white anyway

    Well I don't know much about this situation but It looks like a parent putting her daughter in check. Will watch the video soon I guess.

  • Aug 14, 2020

    lol how things run in the household as a child directly guides how u see relationships as an adult. If you getting s*** taken out on you physically as a child for something that isn’t your fault, that will warp your mind. you forever have a skewed view on how the world works

    she struggles with relationships today because her brain takes what she saw in her household as a child and tries to mold how her relationships should take place today to fit that image. that’s why childhood trauma is so damaging, it has long reach and affects u your whole life

    and you don’t get to be the judge of whether or not someone was really affected by their adolescence, only they know that

    As a child the world revolves around you, if something bad happens to you you’re positive it’s your fault and that is the source of a lot of childhood trauma

  • Aug 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Well I don't know much about this situation but It looks like a parent putting her daughter in check. Will watch the video soon I guess.

    it would be, except the daughter said she beat her for not doing anything, which is obviously wrong. thats where her moral high ground left

  • pneu
    Aug 14, 2020

    it would be, except the daughter said she beat her for not doing anything, which is obviously wrong. thats where her moral high ground left

    Ah right I didn't know that, that's quite upsetting.

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    it would be, except the daughter said she beat her for not doing anything, which is obviously wrong. thats where her moral high ground left

    Oh you were there?

    Lets us know what she did that got her beat please

    You was the nanny?

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    Oh you were there?

    Lets us know what she did that got her beat please

    You was the nanny?

    errr i think you should go read my posts ITT again, and see which side i aligned with
    i literally just gone off what someone else ITT said

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    errr i think you should go read my posts ITT again, and see which side i aligned with
    i literally just gone off what someone else ITT said

    I misread lol I’m sorry

    it sounded like you said she was wrong in saying she got beat for no reason

  • Aug 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Anyone ever notice how people who say “nothing wrong with a whooping” or “damn straight my mom whooped me and taught me respect” are usually the most underdeveloped juvenile people on the planet? Those are usually the people that are 40 and remind you of how kids are in high school as far as emotional maturity and s***

  • Aug 14, 2020
    Oj Or

    I misread lol I’m sorry

    it sounded like you said she was wrong in saying she got beat for no reason

    yeh yeh mans getting crucified in here coming like them shade room comments. but its the internet, i understand how this all works and how unless i word it perfectly they gone come for my neck.

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    Anyone ever notice how people who say “nothing wrong with a whooping” or “damn straight my mom whooped me and taught me respect” are usually the most underdeveloped juvenile people on the planet? Those are usually the people that are 40 and remind you of how kids are in high school as far as emotional maturity and s***

    nah but push your agenda

  • Aug 14, 2020

    all love.

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Would need to hear other part of the story given that this generation is b****made to the bone I can’t trust nothing coming out their mouths

  • Aug 14, 2020

    I disagree, you should never discipline your child by beating it

    There's levels to this s***

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    My dad used to whup me and my bro's ass all the time when we were younger.

    We feared him more than we loved him

    So there's levels to disciplining your child.

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Who wasn’t beat? Y’all new kids charmin soft

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply
    sigmund fraud

    My dad used to whup me and my bro's ass all the time when we were younger.

    We feared him more than we loved him

    So there's levels to disciplining your child.

    Sorry to hear. That sounds f***ed up. How is your relationship today?

  • Aug 14, 2020

    fuk child abusers

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Yeah in this case it's obviously wrong

    But if you're applying harmless force to a child to discipline them I see nothing wrong

    The point of the force IS harm...