  • Aug 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Complaining about discipling their child through the method of beating. Why you acting dense?

    Imagine thinking single parent households are gonna always have 100% justified beatings

    With all common evils we see time and time again existing in a single parent households, you niggas still live in la la land thinking every parent is stable enough not to abuse their children and just "discipline" them. The fact that anybody who speaks out about it is told "tHaTs jUsT dIsCIpLiNe, don't be soft!!!" Is real damaging but hey... it's just a white people thing to wanna address damaging traumas that may run rampant throughout their whole life causing generational pain...

    totally not playing into the yakubians hand like psychological well being isnt a core issue across western black families and not given the attention it truly requires... f*** all of that! Just don't be soft xD

  • Aug 14, 2020

    That's her prerogative

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Yeah in this case it's obviously wrong

    But if you're applying harmless force to a child to discipline them I see nothing wrong

    "harmless" force

  • pneu
    Aug 14, 2020

    Imagine thinking single parent households are gonna always have 100% justified beatings

    With all common evils we see time and time again existing in a single parent households, you niggas still live in la la land thinking every parent is stable enough not to abuse their children and just "discipline" them. The fact that anybody who speaks out about it is told "tHaTs jUsT dIsCIpLiNe, don't be soft!!!" Is real damaging but hey... it's just a white people thing to wanna address damaging traumas that may run rampant throughout their whole life causing generational pain...

    totally not playing into the yakubians hand like psychological well being isnt a core issue across western black families and not given the attention it truly requires... f*** all of that! Just don't be soft xD

    I only agree with beating if it's warranted, obviously don't agree with senseless beating. It's seen to be very effective in black families, especially those from African countries. Parent's should be able to disciple their child however they seem fit if warranted.

    Imagine your kid disrespecting the people who gave birth to you, there needs to be some form of discipline or you'll end up down the wrong path.

  • Aug 14, 2020

    My pops used to beat me. F*** that guy I wasn’t even disobedient. Just a cycle of how he was raised

    That’s that old school s***. The only time I may beat my child is if they’re like a demon jit or if they’re doing something cruel that they know better not to do.

    My mom probably put her hands on me like twice throughout my life. I knew what it meant to respect her even as a child and it didn’t feel good to not listen to her. If she told me to do something it was an honor to follow her rules.

    My pops beat me senseless for the littlest s***

  • Shayarahlah

    Imagine thinking single parent households are gonna always have 100% justified beatings

    With all common evils we see time and time again existing in a single parent households, you niggas still live in la la land thinking every parent is stable enough not to abuse their children and just "discipline" them. The fact that anybody who speaks out about it is told "tHaTs jUsT dIsCIpLiNe, don't be soft!!!" Is real damaging but hey... it's just a white people thing to wanna address damaging traumas that may run rampant throughout their whole life causing generational pain...

    totally not playing into the yakubians hand like psychological well being isnt a core issue across western black families and not given the attention it truly requires... f*** all of that! Just don't be soft xD


    Say it again.

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    I disagree, you should never discipline your child by beating it

    Shut the f*** up

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Shut the f*** up

    compelling argument

  • Aug 14, 2020
    aaron xx

    surprised this isnt a @Singh_is_King thread


  • Aug 14, 2020

    I disagree, you should never discipline your child by beating it

    Use your right brain

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Beating your child is either a pathetic show of power or a lazy way of teaching your child consequences for their actions. I used to think that it was a necessary step in childhood development but now it’s just depressing looking back

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    if you care about anyone you probably shouldn't hit them

  • Aug 14, 2020
    2 replies

    Even Lauryn’s response is sus

    Not discrediting the s*** she’s went through but it seems very deflective. Your life experiences are reasons for your actions but they’re not excuses.

    I hope they can/have reconcile(d) their relationship

  • Aug 14, 2020

    depends how much she got beat.
    little discipline never hurt no body.

  • Aug 14, 2020

    if you care about anyone you probably shouldn't hit them

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Even Lauryn’s response is sus

    Not discrediting the s*** she’s went through but it seems very deflective. Your life experiences are reasons for your actions but they’re not excuses.

    I hope they can/have reconcile(d) their relationship

    I mean from the clip I saw it seems they’re on good terms now.

    She said the beatings were from when she was 10 & below but when she started middle school her mom stopped and calmed down

  • Aug 14, 2020

    Nithing wrong with that

  • Aug 14, 2020

    we got some smooth brains ready to perpetuate their own abuse itt

  • Aug 14, 2020





  • Aug 14, 2020
    aaron xx

    surprised this isnt a @Singh_is_King thread

  • Aug 14, 2020

    mfs defending hitting kids because they like Lauryn lmao weirdos

  • Aug 14, 2020

  • Aug 14, 2020
    1 reply

    depends how much she got beat.
    little discipline never hurt no body.

    This. biiig difference between being spanked/hit a few times and being abused

  • Gojira 🦖
    Aug 14, 2020

    Hitting your child is abuse