Crazy how f***ing stupid some of you are
ight bro keep beating your nieces
I’m just saying, the whole “only parents can talk about how to raise children” thing makes 0 sense
That’s like saying only musicians can criticize music
WHOLE different story bruh
Crazy how different opinions are in this thread
Because all of our opinions are informed by how we were raised, crazy how it works
I'm with you, I don't see how you can read the Bible front to back and think this is appropriate guidance. But many are literalists
Im not gonna criticize Lauryn though thats just the tradition and how she was brought up
With some kids it works out, with some it traumatizes them and f***s up their future mental health. Dont beat ur kids guys.
How is it proven to be a bad idea lmao
There are multiple scientific studies that show it doesn’t work and could be traumatic
lol how things run in the household as a child directly guides how u see relationships as an adult. If you getting s*** taken out on you physically as a child for something that isn’t your fault, that will warp your mind. you forever have a skewed view on how the world works
she struggles with relationships today because her brain takes what she saw in her household as a child and tries to mold how her relationships should take place today to fit that image. that’s why childhood trauma is so damaging, it has long reach and affects u your whole life
and you don’t get to be the judge of whether or not someone was really affected by their adolescence, only they know that
Wow, what a great f***ing post. Even as an adult I’m still quiet whenever I get up in the middle of the night even though I live on my own out of fear over what would happen when I was caught as a kid.
They clearly did though, it built character and taught them to be the beautiful, healthy people they are today. Or is getting beat a kid a righteous struggle that’s still somehow morally defensible to perpetrate?
Bruh, I definitely did not love getting beat lmfao it is only through hindsight that I can look back and I’m able to appreciate it for what it was because to this day there are a lot of knuckle headed s*** that I’ve managed to avoid that is a direct result of me getting physically disciplined as a child. Not that I’m a saint or something and Nobody here is saying this s*** is full proof but I’m not going to criminalize the behavior simply because privileged kids wanna start throwing the word trauma around
ight bro keep beating your nieces
U see how quick he is to jump to insults too lmao. Been calling people dumbasses all thread long; boy quick to resort to violence
I'd say bring it up if it's weighing on your mind still, that sounds traumatic
Yeah we don't all have the privilege of attending family counselling with compliant parents
Try to use their wording. Politely ask them to justify it, what exactly did they suppose it would lead to, then counteract that with how you feel (the reality)
It's hard, so hard with parents, but it's not fair to carry this alone. It doesn't need to be an aggressive conversation. You just want answers, I'm empathetic
Are you receiving counselling?
I was because I had a really bad bout of depression last winter and after talking with my now gf about it I built up the courage to actually seek some help. I was on antidepressants and anxiety medication for a bit and was doing counseling but ultimately stopped both cause of COVID. The intent is to resume that since it’s through my university but I honestly have no clue how available it’ll be. I’m sure the demand for it is also going to be higher as well.
Idk I have a lot of issues that I think contributes to a lot of my mental health, and the childhood trauma stuff is part of it. I never got physically abused to a high degree but it was more like mental abuse and s*** and a bunch of other things that have ultimately destroyed a lot of my self confidence. I’ve taken some steps like going to the gym and s*** but it isn’t fully solved.
I agree though with a lot of your post and I know I should resolve it but it’s a really complex issue due to the dynamics of it all. I don’t wanna like derail the thread a ton though
Fellas itt potentially ruining job opportunities and got the nerve to call me out on my horniness
And that's why I don't say s*** online with my face present that would jeopardize job's almost like I know how to properly conduct myself
You sound like the old head in the barbershop mad that people are willing to try new ideas instead of following what our parents did to us
nobody on this side of the fence is mad tho, its you guys getting mad at us for disciplining our children different to how you see fit.
ight bro keep beating your nieces
I don’t touch my nieces, but I’ve seen the way they get even after different methods were tried multiple times and I don’t tell my sister “no they don’t need a whooping that’s just not okay”
And that's why I don't say s*** online with my face present that would jeopardize job's almost like I know how to properly conduct myself
what niggas are getting cancelled on ktt now lmao
Did your parents teach you to act like a h**** damn near sexual predator online for a woman from an AT&T commercial?
U see how quick he is to jump to insults too lmao. Been calling people dumbasses all thread long; boy quick to resort to violence
Y’all done sucking each other off?
nobody on this side of the fence is mad tho, its you guys getting mad at us for disciplining our children different to how you see fit.
lotta people seem to be getting mad at the sheer thought that the disciplinary choice could be bad when there is research backing up that thought
my family is jamaican.. so ofcourse im gonna have some ways etched into me. my grandma hit me with the belt couple times i was acting up, im pretty sure i put the church Glass through at one point. Still got all the Love for her in the world.
what niggas are getting cancelled on ktt now lmao
just banter bro lol he brought up some s*** off topic so did i
Ok fine whatever but your personal experience doesn't invalidate or disprove others. Also what does that have to do with the subject when laurens daughter said she was beaten solely out of her mother's frustration which is common for parents that do it.
Speaking for myslef I wasn't a bad or a frequently misbehaving child at all and my mother still frequently beat me. She would slap me for getting a homework question wrong. And that definitely negatively effected how I view relationships and people with power later in life. Theirs no logical reason to assault an undeveloped child who is still learning how to behave in this world
Not once have I invalidated or disproved other people's experiences...yet I've had that done to me all throughout this thread for stating that there are very clear differences between physical child rearing and child abuse.
Y’all done sucking each other off?
My first time quoting him. Still exposing urself btw