dont all black kids get the belt as a kid
i knew i got the belt hard af anyone thats black can attest to this no cap
Selah's point is that this is not necessarily a good thing and it shouldn't continue to be normalised, especially when the degree of punishment is disproportionate to the offense
This thread is why I'm pro background/mental health checks for having kids. The world would be made a lot healthier
Imagine not getting beat as a child, the bible says spear the rod spoil the child
you literally asked why i used science to back up my stance then said i wasn't being objective and then stopped replying when i asked what the f*** your point even was
deadass a bad faith troll
I said you bring up science only when it’s convenient for you. And if you think I’m trolling what’s the point in trying to explain to you? You’ll disregard whatever I say
I said you bring up science only when it’s convenient for you. And if you think I’m trolling what’s the point in trying to explain to you? You’ll disregard whatever I say
I think you're trolling because you don't explain your point. Why would I not bring up science when it supports my point? If you're saying I'm being disingenuous and ignoring any studies then say that and please show me contradicting evidence. This isn't hard and if you're genuine then please prove me wrong! :)
Selah's point is that this is not necessarily a good thing and it shouldn't continue to be normalised, especially when the degree of punishment is disproportionate to the offense
maybe that was how boomers behaved. that was the normal...
i dont know how Millennial are raising their kids but hopefully it has changed due to progress. I know for a fact I wont be beating my kids. That s*** is terrible and creates bad memories for the child...
we good bro?
can't block bmo
but I definitely don't agree with what you and other people were saying in here
I'm really baffled at some of these responses. Pls take your time and talk to your kids, we don't need to resort to our parent's rudimentary forms of punishment. Kids don't know any better, they can be disciplined without it being physical & potentially emotionally scarring them or becoming even more malicious out of spite.
I think you're trolling because you don't explain your point. Why would I not bring up science when it supports my point? If you're saying I'm being disingenuous and ignoring any studies then say that and please show me contradicting evidence. This isn't hard and if you're genuine then please prove me wrong! :)
Because there’s there’s factors always missed when using science to discuss things like this right?
And This might not be what you’re looking for but here read this if you want
Imagine not getting beat as a child, the bible says spear the rod spoil the child
Not what it means tho
dont all black kids get the belt as a kid
i knew i got the belt hard af anyone thats black can attest to this no cap
All Black kids experience racism too
Doesn’t make it ok
All Black kids experience racism too
Doesn’t make it ok
what does racism have to do with belt discipline in an african american family household?
im confused on the correlation here. seems forced....
what does racism have to do with belt discipline in an african american family household?
im confused on the correlation here. seems forced....
I’m saying that we as Black people collectively experience many bad things
We shouldn’t let the whole “everybody experiences it” thing be a criteria for whether or not things are acceptable
I’m saying that we as Black people collectively experience many bad things
We shouldn’t let the whole “everybody experiences it” thing be a criteria for whether or not things are acceptable
you're right. wording everybody experiences it makes it seem like im denouncing it. which i am because belt whipping is a form of discipline in the black family household. does it make it right? no because it sucks and I would never do that to my kids.
been known Lauryn is batshit. that's some f***ed up s***. bumping To Zion as loud as possible rn tho
its long . different generations see this differently
different generations saw slavery differently too
Several animals kill their youngins because they're too weak or stop feeding them and s*** but I see what you're doing trying to say...
I mean yeah that's just survival of the fittest. But it's not like you see an animal beat an animal for no reason and carry on. It's some weird concept we made as humans
only black ppl deserve to get whipped huh? strange thing to say sis
The first thing I see ITT lmfao