So Far Gone didn’t exist before Ye
R/B existed before Kanye
Replacement Girl & Brand New were song that existed before 808s
All the children from just one album, 1 out of 9. My goat
Brand new came before 808's
why does Kanye keep d*** riding drake
Drake will never change music like he did with 808s,yeezus, or kids see ghost! Ye did three times over two decades decade bro! And thats just the albums I liked there’s more if we going back to his other albums.
R/B existed before Kanye
Replacement Girl & Brand New were song that existed before 808s
Sure but SFG as a whole project launched Drake towards super stardom and Ye was a HUGE factor in that
I’m sure Drake has had a ton of influences throughout his career
Ye is one of em for sure though lmao
It really amazes me how there are so many people on here that aren’t both fans of Kanye and Drake tbh
“For his part, Drake said the Chicago lyricist had a huge impact on his music and even described 'Ye as "the most influential person" in shaping the young rapper's sound.“
Wait if Drake said it himself, what’s the argument
Like literally the man has said it himself and they arguing this
They can’t accept defeat
People don’t wanna talk about how Ye helped make it possible for the non-gangster rappers to thrive
“For his part, Drake said the Chicago lyricist had a huge impact on his music and even described 'Ye as "the most influential person" in shaping the young rapper's sound.“
People don’t wanna talk about how Ye helped make it possible for the non-gangster rappers to thrive
“For his part, Drake said the Chicago lyricist had a huge impact on his music and even described 'Ye as "the most influential person" in shaping the young rapper's sound.“
“ The other thing is, So Far Gone is a lot different; it's real R&B music, that's why I put Omarion and Lloyd and Trey Songz on there. I'm doing duets with these guys. These are real R&B singers, and that's what I was going for. Kanye was doing something different...I don't even know how to classify it, I guess he calls it pop art. “
You are wrong
Drake is definitely a direct branch of the Kanye influence tree along with Travis, Cudi, Sean, Tyler, etc
Don’t forget gambino
“ The other thing is, So Far Gone is a lot different; it's real R&B music, that's why I put Omarion and Lloyd and Trey Songz on there. I'm doing duets with these guys. These are real R&B singers, and that's what I was going for. Kanye was doing something different...I don't even know how to classify it, I guess he calls it pop art. “
You are wrong
Keep your foot on their necks
Wait if Drake said it himself, what’s the argument
“ The other thing is, So Far Gone is a lot different; it's real R&B music, that's why I put Omarion and Lloyd and Trey Songz on there. I'm doing duets with these guys. These are real R&B singers, and that's what I was going for. Kanye was doing something different...I don't even know how to classify it, I guess he calls it pop art. “
Sure but SFG as a whole project launched Drake towards super stardom and Ye was a HUGE factor in that
“ The other thing is, So Far Gone is a lot different; it's real R&B music, that's why I put Omarion and Lloyd and Trey Songz on there. I'm doing duets with these guys. These are real R&B singers, and that's what I was going for. Kanye was doing something different...I don't even know how to classify it, I guess he calls it pop art. “