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  • Dec 29, 2021

    "The black community will crush the positivity outta anyone choosing that path and if you rise above while also staying true to yourself,your a sellout."

    can u explain wtf u mean by this???

    When I say this,I mean the lowest common denominator and a lot of black folks come from the lowest common denominator. Being a black kid or man from the hood is almost a character trait in a lot of places and if you rise above that stereotype and better yourself while still being in that environment,it’s hard for a black kid. It’s your default setting to like rap,basketball,football and be a lil thuggish or else it’s just hard.

    It’s a mix of environmental norms and peer pressure,krabs in a bucket type mentality. You don’t have to fall into it but most of the time the people who don’t,just don’t have too many fond memories of living in the ghetto.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    a LOT of our perceptions of the world around us come from the media we consume

    no, rap music is not the main issue. Getting rid of rap won't fix the underlying causes of violence. That's systemic s***. Enforced poverty, mass incarceration, etc.

    But u cannot possibly tell me that growing up and learning abt the world thru songs that glorify violence won't make violence more normalized.

    The songs are only showing how the world is. The world is a violent f***ing place right now and it's a normal aspect of life for people who listen to rap or not. Taking rap away or changing it to only be positive will do nothing in the real world. We need to address the real problems THEN rap will reflect that

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    a LOT of our perceptions of the world around us come from the media we consume

    no, rap music is not the main issue. Getting rid of rap won't fix the underlying causes of violence. That's systemic s***. Enforced poverty, mass incarceration, etc.

    But u cannot possibly tell me that growing up and learning abt the world thru songs that glorify violence won't make violence more normalized.

    id say more of our perceptions comes from those around us; our families, communities and schools. What white kids have that a lot of black kids dont are successful family members and family friends, parents with degrees or even a stable situation to look up and aspire to.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    The Darkest Angel

    The songs are only showing how the world is. The world is a violent f***ing place right now and it's a normal aspect of life for people who listen to rap or not. Taking rap away or changing it to only be positive will do nothing in the real world. We need to address the real problems THEN rap will reflect that

    massive cap lmao

    saying I got a heater for anyone who test me is not showing how the world is cmon lol

  • Ruined? Lol.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies
    Not Like Josuke

    It’s not helping anything, but there’s bigger contributors.

    Street rap didn’t do the damage that minimum wage laws, war on d**** and welfare did

    Minimum wage laws and welfare

  • Dec 29, 2021
    So Illegal

    Niggas in the 70s and 80s were 13-17 years old making millions dealing d**** and slaughtering each other before street rap was ever a thing

    The music reflects the material conditions you gotta start there

    Especially in new york in the early 70s, kids were robbing shooting and dealing before hip hop lmao if we blaming anything it’s definitely the mafia and movies…and the broken ass system

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    id say more of our perceptions comes from those around us; our families, communities and schools. What white kids have that a lot of black kids dont are successful family members and family friends, parents with degrees or even a stable situation to look up and aspire to.

    thats true too

    but still violence being normalized within a culture means violence will be more common.

    when sliding on the opps is expected if they disrespect ur crew somehow how can u be surprised when ppl actually do slide on their opps.

    like I said earlier tho rap music is so far from the source of the issue that dedicating like any energy to try and "deal with it" is stupid. No, normalizing violence doesnt help, but even if every single even slightly violent rap song was purged from the world the underlying problems would still exist.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    fashion killa

    massive cap lmao

    saying I got a heater for anyone who test me is not showing how the world is cmon lol

    But you really do need to have one on you depending on what city you live in. It's a essential tool to protect yourself especially in America we have a whole big gun culture over here that's another problem for another time

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Minimum wage laws and welfare

    bro thought he could sneak that in there

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Nope. It’s a product of a community that was already ruined by higher powers

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    math fifty

    @op Youre not wrong but this forum is not the right place to have this convo

    99% of this forum is white and more then half of them are trolls / joke posters

    I doubt 99% is white

    But maybe like 80% - 85%

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Yep things were going just fine for the black community before King Von came around

  • Dec 29, 2021
    fashion killa

    thats true too

    but still violence being normalized within a culture means violence will be more common.

    when sliding on the opps is expected if they disrespect ur crew somehow how can u be surprised when ppl actually do slide on their opps.

    like I said earlier tho rap music is so far from the source of the issue that dedicating like any energy to try and "deal with it" is stupid. No, normalizing violence doesnt help, but even if every single even slightly violent rap song was purged from the world the underlying problems would still exist.

    I do agree with this as well. Black communities get the most basic of everything which includes education and benefits. I think the first thing we need to focus on actually is thoroughly educating our communities with care instead of having a teacher half ass a by the book lesson. Edu is really where the change starts imo.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    But you really do need to have one on you depending on what city you live in. It's a essential tool to protect yourself especially in America we have a whole big gun culture over here that's another problem for another time

    bro this the way I used 2 get 2 work

    every dot is a shooting. the red ones were fatal.

    trust me I understand that sometimes u need one 2 stay safe.

    but needing a gun to stay safe is different from bragging about ur willingness to kill people.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    I doubt 99% is white

    But maybe like 80% - 85%

    its actually only like 30% white lol

    30% black too

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    trying to fix the issues plaguing black America by censoring rap music is like trying to fix a bullet wound with a band aid

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I also think black kids need to be shown attention and even sometimes,affection in the education system cause a lot of these kids do not get that at home. I really do think black kids should get some typ of special attention,these teachers need to understand these kids.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Lots of good points being made.

    But I think one point that someone already made that gets overlooked is social media accelerating the problems of not only violence but also mental health of the youth.

    Kids who grow up in poverty tend to crave attention that they don't get at home. Social media is super accessible and gives these kids an outlet to get the attention they desperately want.

    You'd be amazed how many kids will make death threats or rob/kill people solely for clout. Drill might play somewhat of a role but, at the end of the day, the lack of adequate resources in many Black communities combined with the cutting of funds for things like performing arts and afterschool for kids and dysfunctional families plays a bigger role than drill.

    Negative rap could be considered an "enhancer" so to speak for these kids but, ultimately, it's a combination of economics, family upbringing, and mental health. If we address these problems first, these issues will be greatly diminished regardless of drill's popularity.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Lots of good points being made.

    But I think one point that someone already made that gets overlooked is social media accelerating the problems of not only violence but also mental health of the youth.

    Kids who grow up in poverty tend to crave attention that they don't get at home. Social media is super accessible and gives these kids an outlet to get the attention they desperately want.

    You'd be amazed how many kids will make death threats or rob/kill people solely for clout. Drill might play somewhat of a role but, at the end of the day, the lack of adequate resources in many Black communities combined with the cutting of funds for things like performing arts and afterschool for kids and dysfunctional families plays a bigger role than drill.

    Negative rap could be considered an "enhancer" so to speak for these kids but, ultimately, it's a combination of economics, family upbringing, and mental health. If we address these problems first, these issues will be greatly diminished regardless of drill's popularity.

    this is super true lol

    nobody talks abt it on ktt ur right

    but its definitely not overlooked irl. ask anybody from "the streets" op's referring to, the first thing they'll blame for the spike in violence is social media/clout-chasing

  • It's literally a psyop

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    There are a lot of things I'll say that are ruining/destroying the Black community before I say street rap. However, the culture of street rap, the violence, crime, gangster lifestyle it celebrates and promotes, most definitely play a factor in it.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    fashion killa

    trying to fix the issues plaguing black America by censoring rap music is like trying to fix a bullet wound with a band aid

    I’m not saying rap music as WHOLE needs be done away with.

    I’m saying we need to stop glorifying it in the music, black man are getting themselves killed cuz they think street clout is the way to be successful. Only few made out through street fame by leaving the streets completely and going legit.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    And one of the ways I know a lot of new age black activists these days are phony is cause they never have the balls to sometimes ask the black community to look at themselves sometimes. We aren’t perfect as human beings but black people do and will s*** on positivity but I think that’s a byproduct of our culture profiting off so much negativity.

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