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  • Dec 29, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    There are a lot of things I'll say that are ruining/destroying the Black community before I say street rap. However, the culture of street rap, the violence, crime, gangster lifestyle it celebrates and promotes, most definitely play a factor in it.


    I know a 7 year old Black girl who curses like a sailor and always gets in trouble in school with students and teachers. Her mother tried to blame Youtube but then the girl herself exposed that her mother curses all the time and she learned it from her.

    And her Dad's in jail for a petty crime.

    Now cursing is just minor in the grand scheme of things but it goes to show how much dysfunctional households can impact children at a young age.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    I also think black kids need to be shown attention and even sometimes,affection in the education system cause a lot of these kids do not get that at home. I really do think black kids should get some typ of special attention,these teachers need to understand these kids.

    All kids that are in poverty should get special attention, idk if your white but all black kids don’t need some kind of special attention. We are the same as white people, thinking all black kids need special attention is kinda weird

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Lots of good points being made.

    But I think one point that someone already made that gets overlooked is social media accelerating the problems of not only violence but also mental health of the youth.

    Kids who grow up in poverty tend to crave attention that they don't get at home. Social media is super accessible and gives these kids an outlet to get the attention they desperately want.

    You'd be amazed how many kids will make death threats or rob/kill people solely for clout. Drill might play somewhat of a role but, at the end of the day, the lack of adequate resources in many Black communities combined with the cutting of funds for things like performing arts and afterschool for kids and dysfunctional families plays a bigger role than drill.

    Negative rap could be considered an "enhancer" so to speak for these kids but, ultimately, it's a combination of economics, family upbringing, and mental health. If we address these problems first, these issues will be greatly diminished regardless of drill's popularity.

    Social Media does play a huge factor in this but who are usually the people becoming famous for beefing online or acting street?

    Street/drill rappers

    And kids are copying these rappers because these rappers are getting clout of dissing and flexing their guns, not knowing that they could crash out in the long run

  • Dec 29, 2021
    3 replies

    Minimum wage laws and welfare

    tl;dw Minimum Wage laws hurt black employment and welfare state hurt black marriage/ black nuclear family

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Over the last 5 years or so I've been feeling weird listening to street rap knowing how it celebrates death, crime and violence and how so much of that has been going on in my city. Not only am I tired of seeing and hearing about it on the news, I'm just getting tired of hearing it glorified in rap music.

    These days I just feel nothing when I hear drill s***, trap, gangster rap. Doesn't help that a lot of the s*** just be sounding the same lyrically and production wise. S*** just getting old and played out.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    All kids that are in poverty should get special attention, idk if your white but all black kids don’t need some kind of special attention. We are the same as white people, thinking all black kids need special attention is kinda weird

    If they need it,they should be given patience and understanding my man. You know how many lil kids,white or black but let’s be real,especially black,get thrown away in school systems for doing something wrong and they never even attempt to properly talk to them and show them something different? They rather throw them in a alternative school which is basically education prison.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    I could see how drill has caused destruction towards the community but I don’t see how street rap as a whole has could someone explain how it has?

    by default, you should know this sis

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    tl;dw Minimum Wage laws hurt black employment and welfare state hurt black marriage/ black nuclear family

    An unhinged libertarian that was a frequent Rush Limbaugh guest ight bro

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Depends on the era tbh.

    If we're talking about the past 10 years yeah, but that has more to do with outside factors than just the music. I feel social media has played a huge part in that as well.

    If were talking about the 2000's then no, early 2000's was very glamorized rap and I don't think played that much a role. Maybe the mid-2000's coke/re-up era of rap but even then ehhh. I guess you could say that was the start as rap became more commercialized and more disconnected from the black community but the subject matter I don't think fully affected the black community in an extremely negative way yet

    90's rap I don't fully agree. Yes street rap was a thing but it always was coming from the point of view of what rappers went through and not glamorizing or glorifying what was being done. Also this was the era of Supreme Knowledge/Nation of Islam where everyone was hood but with a purpose type s***. A lot of the s*** going on in the street at that time came from the 80's/not rap but as a community black people were pretty together.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    math fifty

    @op Youre not wrong but this forum is not the right place to have this convo

    99% of this forum is white and more then half of them are trolls / joke posters

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Why you having this convo on a 99% white forum? Close this

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Social Media does play a huge factor in this but who are usually the people becoming famous for beefing online or acting street?

    Street/drill rappers

    And kids are copying these rappers because these rappers are getting clout of dissing and flexing their guns, not knowing that they could crash out in the long run

    Like I said, they can be considered an "enhancer" but not the primary cause for it.

    The biggest consumers of street/drill rap, White or Black, don't do what you just described.

    What you essentially have is the most vulnerable subgroup who comes from broken homes, poverty, or have unresolved mental health issues emulating the negativity for clout and "respect" from their peers with similar mentalities.

    It's a complicated issue because it's not really the norm for people in the hood to even take things to that level unless they're already in a gang. I live in Paterson and crime here rose in 2020 when the pandemic hit and criminals got desperate because of inflation and things shutting down earlier.

    If drill rap or social media promoting it got banned ala North Korea style, you'd still have a similar element of negativity prevalent in the street due to other contributing factors.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    theres no story telling anymore
    all this s*** fake

  • Casual reminder that the Black nuclear family has always been a myth in the US. The idea of the nuclear family in general was not made with Black people in mind.

    That being said, it isn't necessarily a bad thing. It takes a village after all.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    An unhinged libertarian that was a frequent Rush Limbaugh guest ight bro


  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Currently doing a write up about this but overall, it's whitewashing that's ruined the so called black community.

    When you overhydrate a plant, it begins to lose its color and most importantly, it loses its connection to its roots.

    When you overhydrate a human, you may experience water poisoning, intoxication, or a disruption of brain function. This happens when there's too much water in the cells (including brain cells), causing them to swell. When the cells in the brain swell they cause pressure in the brain. You may start experiencing things like confusion, drowsiness, and headaches.

    We see that within nature and our biology, that overhydration leads to death in various ways. To the plant, its natural roots become dead and loses its vigor, liveliness and health. Its growth is then stunted, doesn't reach its fullest potential. Eventually, the leaf begins to yellow over time. Yellowing is a reflection that the pH levels of the plant are acidic. The plant is imbalanced due to overwatering and it loses its color, chemical makeup.

    For the man and woman, in this case, a young mind seeking education, it becomes confused (mistaught history), drowsy, and experiences a series of headaches (communication of expression their issues from teacher to student).

    All of this leads to hypertension or anger issues, something that's scientifically proven to begin in Black Americans develops at a younger age than any other group in the US.

    Here's a brief overview of Hypertension.
    Hypertension is called a "silent killer". Most people with hypertension (white washed education) are unaware of the problem because it may have no warning signs or symptoms. For this reason, it is essential that blood pressure is measured regularly.

    Due to whitewashing, we develop hypertension and express it in various ways. Our music is whitewashed. Gangculture, businesses, education etc.

    Dude the white dollar circulates 7-8 times around in its community before it leaves their infrastructure.

    The black dollar circulates 3x max and this subconsciously branches from one's lack of trust, which overall is a function of being whitewashed.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    tl;dw Minimum Wage laws hurt black employment and welfare state hurt black marriage/ black nuclear family

    a drill fan posting right wing propaganda lmao

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    tl;dw Minimum Wage laws hurt black employment and welfare state hurt black marriage/ black nuclear family

    can u provide a source from someone else besides a black conservative,libertarian who hosted the rush limbaugh show

    • Williams praised the views of Thomas DiLorenzo,35 and wrote a foreword to DiLorenzo's anti-Abraham Lincoln book, The Real Lincoln.36 Williams maintained that the American states are entitled to secede from the union if they wish, as the Confederate states attempted to do during the Civil War,35 and asserted that the Union's victory in the Civil War allowed the federal government "to run amok over states' rights, so much so that the protections of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments mean little or nothing today

    • Williams believed that racism and the legacy of slavery in the United States are overemphasized as problems faced by the black community today. He pointed to the crippling effects of a welfare state and the disintegration of the black family as more pressing concerns. "The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, and that is to destroy the black family."14 Although in favor of equal access to government institutions such as court houses, city halls, and libraries, Williams opposed anti-discrimination laws directed at the private sector on the grounds that such laws infringe upon the people's right of freedom of association

    • Williams also made the argument that the true proof of whether or not an individual owns something is whether or not they have the right to sell it. Taking this argument to its conclusion, he supported legalization of selling one's own bodily organs.32 He argued that government prohibiting the selling of one's bodily organs is an infringement upon one's property rights.

    • In his autobiography, Williams cited Frederick Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman as influences that led him to become a libertarian.40 Williams praised Ayn Rand's Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal as "one of the best defenses and explanations of capitalism one is likely to read

    • Aside from authoring his weekly columns, Williams was a frequent guest host for Rush Limbaugh's radio program when Limbaugh was away traveling. In 2009, Greg Ransom, a writer for the Ludwig von Mises Institute, ranked Williams as the third-most important "Hayekian" Public Intellectual in America, behind only Thomas Sowell and John Stossel.42 Reason called Williams "one of the country's leading libertarian voices."

  • Dec 29, 2021

    theres no story telling anymore
    all this s*** fake

    More storytelling than ever actually. That’s why all these rappers getting RICOs

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Thanks for raising awareness @op

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Street rap is not the problem underlying societal issues are

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    can u provide a source from someone else besides a black conservative,libertarian who hosted the rush limbaugh show

    • Williams praised the views of Thomas DiLorenzo,35 and wrote a foreword to DiLorenzo's anti-Abraham Lincoln book, The Real Lincoln.36 Williams maintained that the American states are entitled to secede from the union if they wish, as the Confederate states attempted to do during the Civil War,35 and asserted that the Union's victory in the Civil War allowed the federal government "to run amok over states' rights, so much so that the protections of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments mean little or nothing today

    • Williams believed that racism and the legacy of slavery in the United States are overemphasized as problems faced by the black community today. He pointed to the crippling effects of a welfare state and the disintegration of the black family as more pressing concerns. "The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, and that is to destroy the black family."14 Although in favor of equal access to government institutions such as court houses, city halls, and libraries, Williams opposed anti-discrimination laws directed at the private sector on the grounds that such laws infringe upon the people's right of freedom of association

    • Williams also made the argument that the true proof of whether or not an individual owns something is whether or not they have the right to sell it. Taking this argument to its conclusion, he supported legalization of selling one's own bodily organs.32 He argued that government prohibiting the selling of one's bodily organs is an infringement upon one's property rights.

    • In his autobiography, Williams cited Frederick Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman as influences that led him to become a libertarian.40 Williams praised Ayn Rand's Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal as "one of the best defenses and explanations of capitalism one is likely to read

    • Aside from authoring his weekly columns, Williams was a frequent guest host for Rush Limbaugh's radio program when Limbaugh was away traveling. In 2009, Greg Ransom, a writer for the Ludwig von Mises Institute, ranked Williams as the third-most important "Hayekian" Public Intellectual in America, behind only Thomas Sowell and John Stossel.42 Reason called Williams "one of the country's leading libertarian voices."

    Nope. I don't know dude like that. He's just a video explaining what I was talking about, the side effects of the welfare state and minimum wage laws on the black community. I lean pretty far left myself, but I know (as everyone should) that neither the right nor the left have black peoples interested in mind. So I don't really care that people focus on the messenger over the message here.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    First page

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Like I said, they can be considered an "enhancer" but not the primary cause for it.

    The biggest consumers of street/drill rap, White or Black, don't do what you just described.

    What you essentially have is the most vulnerable subgroup who comes from broken homes, poverty, or have unresolved mental health issues emulating the negativity for clout and "respect" from their peers with similar mentalities.

    It's a complicated issue because it's not really the norm for people in the hood to even take things to that level unless they're already in a gang. I live in Paterson and crime here rose in 2020 when the pandemic hit and criminals got desperate because of inflation and things shutting down earlier.

    If drill rap or social media promoting it got banned ala North Korea style, you'd still have a similar element of negativity prevalent in the street due to other contributing factors.

    Guaranteed their are people out there that consume this music that don’t do the s*** the rapper says they do in their music.

    But when it’s so prevalent to the point you even have white kids pretending to be in the streets, you just have the question if it’s just the cycle or the influence to continue that cycle?

  • Dec 29, 2021
    Not Like Josuke

    Nope. I don't know dude like that. He's just a video explaining what I was talking about, the side effects of the welfare state and minimum wage laws on the black community. I lean pretty far left myself, but I know (as everyone should) that neither the right nor the left have black peoples interested in mind. So I don't really care that people focus on the messenger over the message here.

    his message is most likely right wing propaganda tho just like his entire career

    Im asking for a different source (unbiased ones, studies to support those claims perhaps)

    like how are we supposed to know this really happened like that outside of trusting this guy saying so?

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