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  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies

    Black community isn’t ruined. Lock thread

  • Dec 29, 2021

    such a loaded thread

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Music reflects the the times man. Its jus ppl rappin bout their lives and upbringing. Street rap has a part of the play, but not a major one. Its the systemic issues that are doing the real damage.

    wise ol nina simone

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Black community isn’t ruined. Lock thread

    Our growth has been stunted. Can't deny that.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    3 replies

    you have it backwards. the music is a symptom. not a cause

  • Dec 29, 2021
    2 replies

    @op what's the solution? Would you like the government start a committee to review and approve song lyrics? If that's your buzz I know a few countries that do that s***, maybe you enjoy it there more bro.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    @op what's the solution? Would you like the government start a committee to review and approve song lyrics? If that's your buzz I know a few countries that do that s***, maybe you enjoy it there more bro.

    type beat

  • Dec 29, 2021

    you have it backwards. the music is a symptom. not a cause

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply
    Frankito Reynolds

    @op what's the solution? Would you like the government start a committee to review and approve song lyrics? If that's your buzz I know a few countries that do that s***, maybe you enjoy it there more bro.

    I know your joking but the black community really needs to promote more positive music, rather than music that encourages the cycle. It may not solve everything but it’s a start.

  • Dec 29, 2021
    mr get dough

    Yep things were going just fine for the black community before King Von came around

  • Dec 29, 2021

    type beat

    Damn, we've been fryin chicken all this time when the eagle... nvm

  • Dec 29, 2021

    OP go audit your local college’s black studies program have the discussion there

    Join a black club or smth

    Stop airing these nuanced, deep topics for whites and other races to see

  • Dec 29, 2021

    Black community isn’t ruined. Lock thread

  • Dec 29, 2021

    It's whitewashing. When you're taught incorrectly about life it leads to hypertension. Hypertension is the 'silent killer' We know that Satan disguises themselves as ministers of light, it immediately starts with all forms of education. When you're looking to INTEGRATE into a sick society, you're being taught by a toxic mfer.

    This then leads to gang violence. Murders, whitewashed college educated black folks who seek whiteys approval instead of being the proverbial "___ who sat by the door" and LIBERATING your own people. Because you've been white washed you don't even support your own black businesses.

    We don't know our own history, arithmetic, spiritual relationship w God etc. We're taught how to accept bs all day, and take our anger out on eachother.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    drill music is the only good rap

  • A lot of the s*** in our food gives us cancer. Its a devilish world we live in.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    facts @op. when a rapper has a positive message they wanna call him the teletubby of rap

  • Dec 29, 2021

    this thread (worded in some way or another) always comes up occasionally and i'd give the same answer, and i think this is mostly true

    culture reflects material conditions, and it comes out in everything, including music

    the failure of the black/brown community (as black people and latinos are the most afflicted with gang violence statistically IIRC), i think, is that people think there is even a "united community" at all, it differs a lot more on class lines, as those affect your material conditions IMO, and the refusal to accept this and settle for a tepid nationalism and to merge into the capitalist landscape has done absolutely nothing for 50+ years, and arguably has only worsened conditions for the poorest

    you help this by alleviating mass poverty and wealth inequality on a "universal" scale, taking away the majority incentive to engage in crime, as the motivation is mainly money and the commodities which come with it

  • yungcartier

    I know your joking but the black community really needs to promote more positive music, rather than music that encourages the cycle. It may not solve everything but it’s a start.

    It's not a joke at all. What do you think is the solution? Either a government committee to review and approve lyrics or else everything goes... right?

    The problem does not not just apply to the black community either, white people got the same problems, I heard em make metal songs about corpses and s***!

    Here is a question for you..
    Would you rather live in a country with a committee of "righteous" ppl guarding the gates of music or a country where there is no restrictions on music and everything goes?

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    @thankmelater hes about to go into his iran ranting again lmao

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    Im always going to blame the centuries of white supremacy, red lining, Jim Crow, burning down thriving black communities, gentrification, assassinations of our leaders, mass incarceration, the war on d****, school to prison pipeline, schools being funded by property taxes in dis-invested communities that have had their jobs and other resources cut off due to white flight, and plain ol racism before I blame music.

    Now I will acknowledge that some music is an act of expression and not actively aiming to break the cycle or offer alternatives, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that either.

    I do hope, for the love of God, we stop doing this thing where once somebody is successful and moves out of poverty, they become a target of jealousy.

  • Dec 29, 2021

    the amount of things that have damaged the black community, idk if street music is even a factor at this point

  • Dec 29, 2021
    1 reply

    @thankmelater hes about to go into his iran ranting again lmao

    You’re lowkey trying to bait dude into getting permabanned 😐

  • BlenderBluid

    Im always going to blame the centuries of white supremacy, red lining, Jim Crow, burning down thriving black communities, gentrification, assassinations of our leaders, mass incarceration, the war on d****, school to prison pipeline, schools being funded by property taxes in dis-invested communities that have had their jobs and other resources cut off due to white flight, and plain ol racism before I blame music.

    Now I will acknowledge that some music is an act of expression and not actively aiming to break the cycle or offer alternatives, but there's nothing inherently wrong with that either.

    I do hope, for the love of God, we stop doing this thing where once somebody is successful and moves out of poverty, they become a target of jealousy.

    Exactly this.

    Sometimes I feel like listening to Coming from Where I'm from and sometimes I'm in mood for some Gucci Mane. I personally rather live in a society where both is accepted.

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