The whole "I would estimate most Gen Zers are left leaning" menas nothing most of the boomers terrorizing this country were Hippies at one point.
In the end the white christian majority in this country always has and has always fallen in conservative line and even people in Minority communities aswell.
Just ignoring reality in the goes that this time people won't turn conservative at 30 isn't feasible for me.
Reading this thread I think most people here are over estimating the amount of genuinely right wing people in normal society.
Especially frat boys, I graduated last year, and even the frat boys at my school were pretty left leaning.
Also, I would hesitate to say that that article about trans people supposedly being mad at that song is right wing in and of itself. It seemed like it was just reporting on something they thought was true. Comments and reactions may have been right wing, but the headline looked unbiased.
It IS really insightful to me to see someone straight up say “I saw an article that made trans people look bad and I unfollowed the account immediately,” though. I’ve been curious about how everything has become so radicalized and “us vs them” to most people who are politically active and I feel like I understand why a little better now.
That being said, if the people who claimed to be offended at the song were not trans and simply just imitating them to make them look bad, as appears to be the case, then it is the responsibility of the publication to take the original article down and publish an update containing the new information.
Lastly, just to get ahead of possible misconceptions: I do not support transphobia, I do not support either what I consider to be the “popular” left or the “popular” right, and, furthermore, I wish more people could just be f***ing normal, politically speaking, and not do evil or degenerate s*** and then weaponize politics to defend themselves and their actions, as is common among both major and popular political “teams.”
Your definition of a right wing person must ve straight up nazi
The whole "I would estimate most Gen Zers are left leaning" menas nothing most of the boomers terrorizing this country were Hippies at one point.
In the end the white christian majority in this country always has and has always fallen in conservative line and even people in Minority communities aswell.
Just ignoring reality in the goes that this time people won't turn conservative at 30 isn't feasible for me.
BC politics is largely based on demographics not generations
Your definition of a right wing person must ve straight up nazi
It really isn’t, but I’m not arguing with y’all about this on a hip hop forum.
Also, every generation has progressed forward socially in recent American history.
Even the extremely conservative Regan era was more socially liberal than the liberal FDR era that came earlier.
In the “liberal” FDR era Japanese Americans were literally put in camps. In the “conservative” Regan era, you wouldn’t be able to even dream of doing something like that.
Before I continue, I’m not bigging Regan up. That era had a s*** ton of issues. Anyway…
Yes, many people become more conservative as they grow older, but what “conservative” even means gets more liberal as time goes by.
A “conservative” from the 30s would be hated by most “conservatives” in the modern era, and rightfully so.
It only makes sense that that trend continues.
It really isn’t, but I’m not arguing with y’all about this on a hip hop forum.
Also, every generation has progressed forward socially in recent American history.
Even the extremely conservative Regan era was more socially liberal than the liberal FDR era that came earlier.
In the “liberal” FDR era Japanese Americans were literally put in camps. In the “conservative” Regan era, you wouldn’t be able to even dream of doing something like that.
Before I continue, I’m not bigging Regan up. That era had a s*** ton of issues. Anyway…
Yes, many people become more conservative as they grow older, but what “conservative” even means gets more liberal as time goes by.
A “conservative” from the 30s would be hated by most “conservatives” in the modern era, and rightfully so.
It only makes sense that that trend continues.
‘a hiphop forum’
Shady in username
Mischaracterizing conservatism
Do you own Daily Loud by any chance?
‘a hiphop forum’
Shady in username
Mischaracterizing conservatism
Do you own Daily Loud by any chance?
You could have actually typed out your viewpoint and contributed to a healthy discussion, maybe even changed my mind, but I guess it’s more fun to nitpick, use ad hominem, and insult
from Adam 22 having Nick Fuentes on his show to…you know who there’s been a huge push of conservative ideals in hip-hop these last few years a traditionally liberal genre
if you follow the dollars it’s probably gonna lead to a rich conservative donor or investor that realizes how strongly influence of hip-hop is on youth.
I for real try to be as clear and respectful as I possibly can these days, because I realized that it’s more important to be kind and contribute something positive than to just say stupid s*** I think will get me likes, like I used to, but it’s really irritating when others clearly don’t put in the same respect and care into how they respond.
For real, if you don’t have an actual argument that you’re going to genuinely elaborate on, or at least something entertaining to add, can you just not be needlessly negative?
I for real try to be as clear and respectful as I possibly can these days, because I realized that it’s more important to be kind and contribute something positive than to just say stupid s*** I think will get me likes, like I used to, but it’s really irritating when others clearly don’t put in the same respect and care into how they respond.
For real, if you don’t have an actual argument that you’re going to genuinely elaborate on, or at least something entertaining to add, can you just not be needlessly negative?
Because you’re ignoring the reality laid out in this thread aka a huge right wing push in decentralized hiphop media
Why would i discuss s*** with you if we cant even agree on the premise?
from Adam 22 having Nick Fuentes on his show to…you know who there’s been a huge push of conservative ideals in hip-hop these last few years a traditionally liberal genre
if you follow the dollars it’s probably gonna lead to a rich conservative donor or investor that realizes how strongly influence of hip-hop is on youth.
Somebody should really follow the money on this one, i’d bet there’s something interesting there
it's because all these pages are rooted in exploiting people for views and ad revenue. they realized they get more engagement with their new content.
I am sick of white liberals that flunked out of college groosly exaggerating the "rap is conservative" s*** just because niggas like gold & f***ing hoes
Thats the real psyop
I am sick of white liberals that flunked out of college groosly exaggerating the "rap is conservative" s*** just because niggas like gold & f***ing hoes
Thats the real psyop
But who really is validating these outlets? it only matters if you care about them in the first place
Yeah definitely noticed this.
Say cheese basically posts straight up trump propaganda some days lol.
These pages are also really bad for presenting a tiny slice of a story for clicks and basically ignore all context in doing so. The gunna stuff lately was a good example - people can take different views on some of the stuff but these pages were full on ignoring or decontextualising parts of it to drive traffic.
As somebody else said, its a huge media literacy issue for these people too.
Remember when fb was popping years ago and you had all these pages for radio stations in the middle east and India popping cos they posted memes all the time lol. Feels like raptv being Indian is like the current version of this.
I had to re read OP but raptv being based in India is funny
There's a RapTV and a RapHouseTV.
It isn't funding their just genuine fans of both groups like their no different then the average white conservative rap fan.
Yall be so focused on pysops and just don't realize some people are awful all on they own.
Their audience wants to see Ben Shapiro and Metro Boomin because their audience is white frat boys
there is 100000% a large scale, well funded effort to push hip hop consumers to the right wing. Ive seen at least 5-10 incidents over the past 2-3 years of the blogs mentioned in this post all posting the same exact headlines almost word for word on the same 1-2 day period pushing far right talking points