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  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply


    Niggas can relate to punk

    They can’t relate to everything in hip hop

  • SeattleZ12

    CLB a 7/10 at worst?

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Critics been useless since you can listen to music for free

  • Sep 7, 2021

    Critics been useless since you can listen to music for free

    u get it

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    i like how drake stans are now arguing two absolute stupid points

    1) you gotta be cool to like drakes music - as if drake wasn’t the most uncool nerdy person when he dropped

    2) if you’re white you obviously won’t like drakes music - as if drake doesn’t have a huge white fan base bro his biggest fans are white teenagers they think he’s god

    y'all just don't get it

    a nigga like fantano never in his life been in love with a woman from Louisiana. don't f***ing lie to me either

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    nah I think its cause we don't have the colonizer mentality to step into spaecs we don't belong in and start saying what's right and what's wrong...

    this is just straight up racist lmfao

  • Sep 7, 2021
    6 replies

    it’s crazy that rap has been so dominant both creatively and commercially during the 2010s and they there isn’t a Black critic who has anywhere near the platform of someone like Fantano

  • Sep 7, 2021
    6 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    Drake half a c***anyway so I really don't understand what that "You're white" s*** gotta do with anything

    hes jewish

    white blood is not jewish blood

  • Jody


    yup. England

  • Sep 7, 2021

    What power do they have? They contribute like 5% percent of the online discourse of these albums. No one in irl goes “damn was gonna listen to that new moneybag but it only got a 3 from fantano. “

    Just be real you upset that your favorite artist got panned. Aint no hood niggas reading pitchfork. Barely any black people at all if they showed their metrics.

    These reviews not doing s*** but getting white people who read them to stay away from the music. Since you want white people out of hip hop you should rejoice at the reviews if anything. Y’all niggas take internet too seriously if y’all think these publications have any power lol.

  • Sep 7, 2021
    2 replies

    hes jewish

    white blood is not jewish blood

  • CrimsonArk

    This is some pure, unfiltered cope right here.

    Like, if you’re resorting to calling people virgins because they don’t like something you don’t like, then I don’t know what to tell you.

    Maybe some people want to listen to the music they want to listen to because they like it, and not because they have an ulterior motive like getting p****.

    Or better yet, what if someone’s gay or asexual and they still don’t like Drake and think his music’s boring? What’s your response then?

    I didn’t call nobody a virgin bro I said they’re a tryhard who don’t know how to have fun with music

  • Sep 7, 2021

    it’s crazy that rap has been so dominant both creatively and commercially during the 2010s and they there isn’t a Black critic who has anywhere near the platform of someone like Fantano

    joe budden and ak arguably fill that role

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    "Hood friends"

    yeah the ones i grew up with in government projects, the ones i still sit with weekly because theyre the most real people around

  • Sep 7, 2021
    hot pancakes

    i like how drake stans are now arguing two absolute stupid points

    1) you gotta be cool to like drakes music - as if drake wasn’t the most uncool nerdy person when he dropped

    2) if you’re white you obviously won’t like drakes music - as if drake doesn’t have a huge white fan base bro his biggest fans are white teenagers they think he’s god

    frat boys loooove drake

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    it’s crazy that rap has been so dominant both creatively and commercially during the 2010s and they there isn’t a Black critic who has anywhere near the platform of someone like Fantano

    White people identify with white people

    "Rap Twitter" is 90% white

    Rap subreddits are 90% white

    Black peoples don't really discuss music on the internet like that

  • Smacked Voodoo

  • Sep 7, 2021

    I agree sorta but also its just their opinions especially when its just like one dude doing a review

    Everybody is entitled to an opinion

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply
    Bernie X

    Niggas can relate to punk

    They can’t relate to everything in hip hop


  • Sep 7, 2021
    Crack Palm Stepper

    I want some to reiterate these same sentiments but don’t use drake and ye as examples because at one point Kanye was a critical darling and drake albums been getting panned since views because there’s an obv decline in quality

    J cole

  • Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply

    nah I think its cause we don't have the colonizer mentality to step into spaecs we don't belong in and start saying what's right and what's wrong...

    So the non black kids who go to kanye and drake shows are in a space they dont belong? See idk if i agree with that. It only becomes a space they dont belong in when they have a negative or ignorant critique of the music

  • I wanna have this discussion but ion wanna get banned

  • Imagining saying white peoples opinion on music shouldnt matter then say ‘everyone listens to this’ to validate the quality? You know for an album to be largely popular, white people have to f*** with it right? It negates your own point

    I do agree that some critics are corny with how they write and try and get cheap spots in but it isnt like it affects these global superstars pockets. Ye and Drake are doing fine, dont worry

  • Sep 7, 2021
    6 replies

    Only weird niggas relate to punk outcasts loners

  • goretex 💁🏽‍♂️
    Sep 7, 2021
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    We don't belong in the indie/pop/rock space?

    I never said we don't, but im not finna go tell a bunch of dudes that love metal what's the best and what's not. I don't have the context I didn't grow up on this music I don't know the history of the genre etc. mad white people had to look up the Nice for what sample then reviewed the album do u see what im saying

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