Why are there tanks in the streets
It’s just the National Guard. They’re here to help people they’re not here to fight.
Feel like American society is just gonna return to being just as s***, if not s***tier than it was before.
Not sure what people actually mean when they say things won't return back to "normal." People are going to go back to being social after this lets up. They can barely stay in doors as it is, even while shelter in place orders are being issued.
I just think people will take hygiene more seriously, which is something I hope to see.
e.g. maybe fast food restaurants will continue to serve food through the drive thru on a platter rather than using their hands.
Honestly I don’t think I’ll make it that far
Nah bruh you will. Stay up my g 🙏🏾
it’s gonna take up to 2 years but society is gonna go back to normal
once everyone is vaccinated for 6+ months people will start forgetting this ever happened
All I can hope is my company (and others) who have an archaic view of “nobody is really working unless they’re physically at their desk” is dead. I’d love to be able to work from home once or twice a week. Companies who have people who are 100% capable to work remote shouldn’t have any excuse after this.
i hope they implement this, would help cut down so much on traffic in the major cities
People who base their entire self worth on oversocializing to run from the void in their soul lost
one thing for certain I can't wait when im back in the office. working from home is trash
I didn't read all this but imo we will come out of this as a better version of our society
I mean... Everyone will try to be clean. No more sharing drinks
No more cheek kisses
No more sneezing and coughing in public and expecting people to be okay with that
Social distancing is something that should be considered normal
I don't want to stand in a line with some dude breathing on my neck
I don't want to cheek kiss with all the people I don't know at the parties
I don't want people asking if they can drink from the same can I'm drinking. That's disgusting.
And maybe the world leaders will care more about things like this in the future. It looks like the only country that was prepared for s*** like this was Germany.
With US (allegedly best country in the world) struggling worse then China bc yalls president is a dumbo.
We will be good guyz
We will be better
What If it never goes back to normal? What if this is really "it" now ? I talk to people n ma mum on fone cos ain't seen her for like 3 weeks n she is like all optimistic that if we just follow procedures and wash our hands n s*** , it will die off and we can get back to normal life again. Ma girlfriend freaking out and cant talk about it anymore n understandably anxious about it with her been a key worker too but working from home on laptop . Just dont know what to tell people anymore cos iv always been known as the conspiracy idiot most of the time so its harder for me to tell people " it's going to be alright " when I have this weird gut feeling like , This is ''It" now
Life is gonna go back to how it always was. Just maybe more people being hygiene conscience
People will probably be a lot more conscious about hygiene/germs for a long time after this is over