  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    But if i get her im never looking at another girl ever again

    How old are you?

  • Dec 27, 2020

    You need to actually be in a serious relationship before you make threads like this the niggas I know hoeing are always significantly worse off than my niggas in committed relationships bruh s***s only cool to immature ppl


  • plants 🌻
    Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Wack post bro. I’m a good person.

    Like I said it’s an every now and then type thing. This whole year I haven’t copped a single w**** cus I’m not gonna risk bringing Covid home to her like that.

    I been faithful all 2020. It’s not a difficult thing to do but I’m not tryna be like this for the rest of my life.

    Cope. You're not a good person, you're a cheater.

  • Dec 27, 2020

    i'm a good person

    this whole year i haven't copped a single w****

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Dec 27, 2020

    They both can work it just depends on the people involved, maturity, and sharing the same mentality on that

    I've known a couple people in open relationships and they s*** ain't seem to have no issues. Most of them was like 40+ tho think it's really more of a maturity thing

    On the same way tho I've known more people in unhappy marriages or that have cheated in their marriage than people that have been happily married for years, but I wouldn't say it's impossible for that to work for people

  • Dec 27, 2020

    this is a young boy mentality

    you ain’t gonna feel like this forever

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    humans are too selfish and emotional for monogamy to ever be phased out


  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    You into that cuckolding s***?

    She lets him smash other females too bruh

  • Your friendship is a fraud!

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    how can you commit to having s***with ONE PERSON for the rest of your life? looool.

    you must be a beta loser or have low s***drive to accept that

    monogamy is for beta losers

  • CEO

    lol, did your parents got divorced?


  • GrandBlue

    15 year old mentality

  • Dec 27, 2020

    monogamy is for beta losers

    Is that a picture of OP

  • Dec 27, 2020

    Y’all like in your early 20s (and most of y’all lost your virginities after turning 20)

    But wanna be talking about how marriages don’t work, wtf y’all know

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    She lets him smash other females too bruh

    If you get turned on seeing your significant other getting f***ed by another man you’re sick in the head bruv

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    If you get turned on seeing your significant other getting f***ed by another man you’re sick in the head bruv

    Not at all. The idea of a girl being so sexual she's willing to f*** people in front of her own husband is kind of hot and I feel the woman's liberation movement of the 20's would be proud of the progress.

  • Dec 27, 2020

    Forget whoever hurt you bruh you’ll find someone better I promise

  • Dec 27, 2020

    This Carti situation really got y'all f'd up and feeling some kind of way...

  • Dec 27, 2020
    Prosecco Papi

    I think non-monogamy and monogamy are both fine. Long term pleasure/adventure or long term commitment/partnership. To each their own.

  • the garden

    Hi I’m “CEO” with my super sweet Bradley-Cooper-From-the-Poster-of-an-Obscure-2011-Action-Film profile picture here to tell you BOYS what us real MEN think!

    LOVE IS A SCAM! That’s right folks - ANYONE who has been together more than 10 years is MISERABLE! And after you date someone for a year, you’ll be BEGGING OTHERS to f*** you!

    im wheezing

  • DaeHan

    How old are you?

    I’m in my 20s

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    how can you commit to having s***with ONE PERSON for the rest of your life? looool.

    you must be a beta loser or have low s***drive to accept that

    plenty of people dont mind it youre just a weirdo dude. humans and women in particular are hormonally wired to mate for life anything else is cultural conditioning

  • Dec 27, 2020

    Are your parents still together?

  • Dec 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Not at all. The idea of a girl being so sexual she's willing to f*** people in front of her own husband is kind of hot and I feel the woman's liberation movement of the 20's would be proud of the progress.

    Lmfao stop trolling man
