this is my fav use of a score in any movie and my favorite romance movie
Certainly in my top 5 of 2022
Grossest part of the movie wasn’t any of the blood or cannibalism. It was that huge snot bubble coming out of Taylor’s nose 🤢
Grossest part of the movie wasn’t any of the blood or cannibalism. It was that huge snot bubble coming out of Taylor’s nose 🤢
one of my favorite shots
the book has a quote about this but from a different scene which i think is cool. about how her snot comforts her or something
the book has a quote about this but from a different scene which i think is cool. about how her snot comforts her or something
I thought you were on some h**** s*** lol
I didn’t know the snot was intentional
I thought you were on some h**** s*** lol
I didn’t know the snot was intentional
Nahh being h**** for SNOT is crazy
Someone said this a road trip movie about a couple that enjoys a medium rare steak once in a while. I don't see what's so controversial about that...sounds interesting
this is my fav use of a score in any movie and my favorite romance movie
It’s a unique choice, I respect that!
It’s a unique choice, I respect that!
i just think the music builds/fits the visual landscape of the movie soooo well