depression vibes
best seinen rom I've read so has the ability to f*** with the reader's mind without being too edgy and over the top
the lingering sadness in this makes me feel like I'm part of that secluded ugly village life where everyone has their feelings up their ass
The latest chapters
Any of you guys keeping up with this
It's aight lil generic
I read it only for the art, the plot and characters boring af imo, might improve later on tho.
I read it only for the art, the plot and characters boring af imo, might improve later on tho.
depression vibes
best seinen rom I've read so has the ability to f*** with the reader's mind without being too edgy and over the top
the lingering sadness in this makes me feel like I'm part of that secluded ugly village life where everyone has their feelings up their ass
What’s this?
Trying to find a manga I read a few years ago and then forgot about until just now.
All I remember it's old af and the maincharacter is a catcreature in a post apocaliptic world, all I got, lmk if u know.
Trying to find a manga I read a few years ago and then forgot about until just now.
All I remember it's old af and the maincharacter is a catcreature in a post apocaliptic world, all I got, lmk if u know.
is this it?
is this it?
Nah, what I am looking for is from the 80s-90s iirc.
This looks pretty cool tho, might still peep.
lmfao is that the actual translation 😂
yes, the creator and the artist are both american
na they actually released a canon s2 in 2017 that follows the manga. i started it last night and it’s rly good. it picks up from right after s1 e17, and acts as if the s1 ending never happened.
Damn didn’t know that loved first 7 volumes of manga and s1 of anime
Is vagabond worth starting even though it’s on hiatus
Damn didn’t know that loved first 7 volumes of manga and s1 of anime
yeah the way they ended up doing it is confusing, and will likely be the reason we never get a s3 of anime
Is vagabond worth starting even though it’s on hiatus
I have first 6 volumes of vizbig stashed for a while now
You boutta feast