Too bad I leaked but going to delete
We got to get this one banned til after matrix drops
If you spoil matrix 4 you gonna wish you were on an island in the middle of nowhere with smoke monsters and polar bears
If you spoil matrix 4 you gonna wish you were on an island in the middle of nowhere with smoke monsters and polar bears
This guy ain't spoiling anything
This guy ain't spoiling anything
He will be like “
Why does it say my AirTag detected in my area “
He will be like “
Why does it say my AirTag detected in my area “
Nah that's a proper English sentence i can't see that happening
Oh and the leak of Electro using the arc reactor? Hehe
Oh and the leak of Electro using the arc reactor? Hehe
Oh and the leak of Electro using the arc reactor? Hehe
jamie fox begged for this redesign lmao
This was a clever cut to make it seem like both shots were from when Peter f***s the spell up, but they’re from two different scenes. Look at the suit in the second shot (pay attention to the light blue shirt)
It’s the same suit from the bridge setpiece
So it looks like the order of events goes:
Peter f***s the spell up and the Furious Five gets loose from the multiverse > Peter visits Strange (either right before or right after trial, hence the suit but I’m thinking after), Strange has already caught Lizard and this is when he tells Peter about the results of him f***ing up the spell
then the bridge setpiece happens, the Iron Spider suit is destroyed/absorbed into Doc Ock’s tentacles but Doc Ock (along with Green Goblin) is ultimately captured and put in Strange’s Oz Boxes
(He has the nanotech on his tentacles while he’s imprisoned)
asks for Strange’s help to capture the next two villains - Electro and Sandman - (pay attention to the light blue shirt, this is after the bridge setpiece) and that’s when they’ll have to Scooby Doo that crap in order to find them
Also the Iron Spider suit was cleverly added on for the Statue of Liberty scene in the trailer to not give away any hints about the final battle. We know Doc Ock dismantles the suit on the bridge and the arms absorb the nanotech which is earlier in the film
UPDATE: I was wrong that isn’t the Iron Spider suit in the Statue of Liberty shots, it’s his new NEW suit
Now I’m wondering why he’s wearing the black/red FFH suit in the three Spideys pic given him turning that suit inside out is a plot point in the film (unless they used the FFH suit during filming as a foundation for the new NEW suit cgi over it)
UPDATE #2: ??????
The green paint has to get cleaned off at some point because he’s definitely wearing the FFH suit later in the film/during the final act
But the FFH/new NEW suit definitely goes back and forth, which can only mean he still has some nanotech…aka Doc Ock helps Spidey during the final act by giving him back some nanotech and fighting alongside him (hence why Doc Ock isn’t beside the Callous Quartet/Electro attacks him)
So we still get redeemed Doc Ock who decides to help Peter from the end of Spider-Man 2. But he definitely has to overcome the control of the tentacles (which was already pointed out by the internet with the red light detail)
The green paint has to get cleaned off at some point because he’s definitely wearing the FFH suit later in the film/during the final act
But the FFH/new NEW suit definitely goes back and forth, which can only mean he still has some nanotech…aka Doc Ock helps Spidey during the final act by giving him back some nanotech and fighting alongside him (hence why Doc Ock isn’t beside the Callous Quartet/Electro attacks him)
So we still get redeemed Doc Ock who decides to help Peter from the end of Spider-Man 2. But he definitely has to overcome the control of the tentacles (which was already pointed out by the internet with the red light detail)
EDIT: nvm i just read ur whole post and u already said this
EDIT: nvm i just read ur whole post and u already said this
Good point. It also has me wondering if Aunt May’s death is after the Statue of Liberty battle rather than before
damn @Brave you SPITTIN
damn @Brave you SPITTIN
From one dope b&w Weeknd avi to another
Good point. It also has me wondering if Aunt May’s death is after the Statue of Liberty battle rather than before
We sure May is dying? Bc it looks like he's talking to May following the aftermath of the bomb going off.
We sure May is dying? Bc it looks like he's talking to May following the aftermath of the bomb going off.
The explosions in that scene were leaked along with her death, and there’s already some fire burning when he stops that bomb - most likely from another explosion before, the same explosion that happened before he’s talking to her there