Crucify me, buff Sheldon actor = better Reed than Krasinski
I will personally make sure the movie never gets released then
Crucify me, buff Sheldon actor = better Reed than Krasinski
Crucify me, buff Sheldon actor = better Reed than Krasinski
Parsons is a good actor. Hidden Figures and Hollywood come to mind.
That being said..I still don't see it tbh. He might be able to sell the hyperintelligent, merciless-in-the-name-of-logic Reed a little more than Krasinski. But I can't imagine Parsons playing the leader of the F4 and 'head of the family' figure.
Its hard for me to criticize Krasinski too hard for MoM. His part was so poorly written, he could only have acted it so well. Kinda cliche to mention at this point but A Quiet Place is really the shining example of Krasinski playing that witty leader. A little more big brain energy and he's a good Reed.
Thatd be absolute s***
She did the best Star Wars movie since revenge of the sith aka boba fett episode 5
Moon Knight producers on board for this one,also Slater(dude who wrote on MK talks about his FF script)
"Slater was asked if he'd lobbied Marvel for the coveted writing gig due to his previous attachment to the property. He had written the first draft to Josh Trank's Fantastic Four movie. Only one of his lines made it into the final theatrical release.
"I don't think the original Fantastic Four was my fault per se, because I have one line of dialogue in that movie when Reed is about to do his science experiment as a kid, and he's like, 'Don't blow up,' I think that's the one line that held over from my script and everything else was changed," the writer adds. "So I don't take a lot of ownership over it, but I also know the optics of if they announce, 'Hey, we're doing a Fantastic Four movie,' All of Twitter goes 'Yay,' and they're like, 'And the guy that wrote the last one's doing it again,' and all of Twitter goes, 'You idiots!'"
Why has Breaking Bad become the source for so many memes lately
It’s like gen z is just discovering it
Okay why is this almost lowkey perfect though