Would casting Adam Driver as Doom feel too similar to Kylo Ren?
Nope Doom’s better in every way.
But even with the lesser character that’s Kylo, he carried the trilogy, imagine what he does with Doom
Nope Doom’s better in every way.
But even with the lesser character that’s Kylo, he carried the trilogy, imagine what he does with Doom
It would be ironic too. Darth Vader is based on Doom, Kylo Ren is wannabe Vader, then Kylo Ren ends up playing Doom
Some the worst fan casting I’ve ever seen. They really said Jon Berthnal or Jack Black for the Thing
You need a skinny 10/10 snowbunny to play sue or this movies is a flop
You need a skinny 10/10 snowbunny to play sue or this movies is a flop
Bryce don’t fit the body type but I’ll allow it
You need a skinny 10/10 snowbunny to play sue or this movies is a flop
Goddamn I wish that hack Ayer never cast Margot as Harley smh
You need a skinny 10/10 snowbunny to play sue or this movies is a flop
again Riley Keough
I’ve thought about this a lot, and people would make the comparison…but f*** it
Adam Driver would kill it as Doom. Krasinski opposite Driver would be gold too
not a fan of the age difference tbh, doom needs to be like the same age as reed so they can get the jealousy dynamics right
Some the worst fan casting I’ve ever seen. They really said Jon Berthnal or Jack Black for the Thing
Tbh wouldn’t mind someone like John Hamm for me fantastic
But if you want to go different get Lakeith Stanfield for Reed Richards
not a fan of the age difference tbh, doom needs to be like the same age as reed so they can get the jealousy dynamics right
Damn I didn’t even realize there was an age gap
not a fan of the age difference tbh, doom needs to be like the same age as reed so they can get the jealousy dynamics right
Damn…. Time to get rid of Krasinski then
You need a skinny 10/10 snowbunny to play sue or this movies is a flop
Sydney Sweeney would have been perfect but they got her in madame web. Her or Thomasin Mackenzie
still feel this way
not a fan of the age difference tbh, doom needs to be like the same age as reed so they can get the jealousy dynamics right
If they go John for Reed then get alexander skarsgård for Doom
Jonathan Groff needs to be Reed Richards. I’m not accepting anyone else
This is a good pick tbh
A fan went up to Bryce Dallas Howard to sign an Invisible Woman Funko. This is how she responded:
"Oh my God! Laughs I don’t think it’s happening...I mean, I know this doesn’t involve me or anything. I swear to God, I swear to God," Howard exclaimed. "Yeah, yeah, for real. Total rumors. Total rumors, but you know, yeah...Thank you, but I'll sign the Funko just for fun..."