Just got to the part where Harry reveals his symbiote powers at Coney Island and realizes Peter is Spider-Man. I really like that they both found out each other’s secret that quickly and that easily, the Spidey-Having-To-Keep-His-Identity-Secret-Or-Else trope gets tired sometimes
just got to where you play as venom
Just finished while doing alot of side missions, a bit too short in my liking
Boss fights underwhelming I did complain first game was too long but still pretty solid! Also the most crashes I had for a Sony first party ever Jesus
First game too long?
Just finished while doing alot of side missions, a bit too short in my liking
Boss fights underwhelming I did complain first game was too long but still pretty solid! Also the most crashes I had for a Sony first party ever Jesus
yeah the crashes are kinda ridiculous, I can almost guarantee a crash coming back in from suspend mode and using the wind tunnels
catch up slow b*tch
I’m starting to see why people are criticizing the third act for feeling rushed, like they were only at around 20 hours for the main story they could’ve gone longer and fleshed it out a little more. It feels like so much happens in 4-5 missions back to back
feel like everytime I play this game it got me smiling and s***. true joy from this one
finished the game! good s\*\*\*! peaks when pete gets the suit. could’ve cut missions 26-30 easily. venom doesn’t work as a main antagonist to me, he should’ve been the climax. maaaaaaybe a mission in between, but we didn’t need the symbiote take over the world stuff. kind of tanks the game imo. also i don’t like the one of one suit at all, and peter giving up spider-man should’ve had waaaaayyyyy more buildup. i mean they shouldn’t have done it flat out but yeah i don’t know. lot of potential didn’t necessarily live up to all of it.
finished the game! good s\*\*\*! peaks when pete gets the suit. could’ve cut missions 26-30 easily. venom doesn’t work as a main antagonist to me, he should’ve been the climax. maaaaaaybe a mission in between, but we didn’t need the symbiote take over the world stuff. kind of tanks the game imo. also i don’t like the one of one suit at all, and peter giving up spider-man should’ve had waaaaayyyyy more buildup. i mean they shouldn’t have done it flat out but yeah i don’t know. lot of potential didn’t necessarily live up to all of it.
I don’t think he’s giving it up permanently. But they did allude to Peter slowing down and getting older a lot throughout the game. It makes sense he needs a break. I also love how they have built miles up over the course of the last 3 games.
Peter has a whole other game coming so his story is far from over
The game doesn’t truly become hard until you start fighting in the symbiote ridden city, cause spectacular wasn’t even a challenge till then
I don’t think he’s giving it up permanently. But they did allude to Peter slowing down and getting older a lot throughout the game. It makes sense he needs a break. I also love how they have built miles up over the course of the last 3 games.
Peter has a whole other game coming so his story is far from over
true i hope they give miles a full length soon
I’m starting to see why people are criticizing the third act for feeling rushed, like they were only at around 20 hours for the main story they could’ve gone longer and fleshed it out a little more. It feels like so much happens in 4-5 missions back to back
It’s totally valid.
From Harry becoming Venom to the end of the game is like 2.5 hours at most. They NEEDED to explore his descent into being evil more. He just got the suit and went full murder
It’s totally valid.
From Harry becoming Venom to the end of the game is like 2.5 hours at most. They NEEDED to explore his descent into being evil more. He just got the suit and went full murder
Yeah, in one play session for me Peter loses the symbiote, Harry becomes Venom, Kraven dies, there’s a Carnage tease, MJ becomes Scream and then becomes normal again in one fight, Miles reconciles with Li and Peter becomes anti-venom it just feels like they were trying to cram so much into such a little amount of time so they can have a decent setup for a sequel. I would’ve been perfectly fine if the game was a extra 10 or so hours long to space some of it out and give it more room to breathe.
I’m 22 hours in and only about 70% done with like 4 main missions left, I have no idea how everyone’s speeding through it so quickly
I got up to 35 hours to 100%. A lot of time just spent exploring and taking in the game. Can’t imagine rushing through it
Someone explain to me why some are complaining about the boss fights?
They’re difficult on ultimate, settings are fantastic, each one has quite a bit of emotional weight behind it. The Lizard and Venom fights are f\*\*\*ing wild. Kraven vs Venom is a bit bland gameplay wise but it’s pretty beautiful
I found the game to be a step up in difficulty from the first, it was pretty refreshing. Now just need new game plus to really master the game and hit those 99x combos like I did the first game
Gotta say I really enjoyed Miles arc in this game more than Peter’s.
His mental battle and eventual partnership with Li is way more compelling than Peter overcoming the suit. His love for Peter in this game>>>
a game with 2 spider men and they still have me playing as MJ
Multiple times too they doubled down