  • Oct 27, 2023

    Game is great, possibly the greatest superhero game ever made.


    This is hands down the whitest game I’ve played in awhile. The waves of bleached ass whiteness permeating from this game at times is almost overwhelming.

    This version of New York at times feels like Rapture for white liberals.

    i got second hand embarrassment everytime i had to go back to brooklyn visions

  • Oct 27, 2023
    6 replies

    Game is great, possibly the greatest superhero game ever made.


    This is hands down the whitest game I’ve played in awhile. The waves of bleached ass whiteness permeating from this game at times is almost overwhelming.

    This version of New York at times feels like Rapture for white liberals.

    I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.

    I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.

  • Oct 27, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.

    I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.

    even ATSV went kinda crazy with the diversity throughout the film (though not nearly as beating you over the head with it and i agree miles is better)

    but it feels like they desperately wanna use Miles to show every form of diversity and acceptance under the sun which wouldn’t be too bad but when you do it twice in the same year with the same character you pick up on it

  • Oct 27, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.

    I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.

  • Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply

  • Oct 27, 2023

    they’re 90% gonna reference this in the third game

  • Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply

    The change to needing a full focus bar to heal is probably my least favourite in the game

    makes some fights in spectacular much less enjoyable, especially starting with one bar

  • Oct 27, 2023

  • Oct 27, 2023
    so much pain

    The change to needing a full focus bar to heal is probably my least favourite in the game

    makes some fights in spectacular much less enjoyable, especially starting with one bar

    its a dumb dumb change

  • Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Very very on rails to a point to annoying point especially with no HUD on . I have to turn on the hud to see the button prompt they want me to press on freeze frames

    Having no HUD on didn't allow me to progress after a mission was completed 3 (THREE) times...

  • Oct 27, 2023

    Beat the game last night, Kraven was still the best part of the game

    Some of the story cutscenes were also surprisingly good/not as corny as most of the game

  • Oct 27, 2023
    dear april

    the most annoying thing about this game is you have to be in an exact spot to press triangle

    how many times ive had to move around or wonder if im even doing the right thing, so annoying

    how did they f*** it up so bad LOL

  • Oct 27, 2023

    This done turned into a horror game all of a sudden. "MJ, run"

    so ill

  • Oct 27, 2023

    That corny ass suit Miles

    laughed out loud when he brought it out

  • Oct 27, 2023

    Game is great, possibly the greatest superhero game ever made.


    This is hands down the whitest game I’ve played in awhile. The waves of bleached ass whiteness permeating from this game at times is almost overwhelming.

    This version of New York at times feels like Rapture for white liberals.

    im replaying the first game and idk how the writing got so much worse

  • Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply

    yeah i feel that again they need more niggas in house and Puerto Ricans. Let a Jamaican in the studio .

  • Oct 27, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.

    I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.

    that's my biggest issue with the fashion in the game too, like how did they not design 1 fashionable NPC or anyone in baggy jeans

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply

    The moment I heard the term “BIPOC artists”, I was like, oh, oh boy.

    I’m shocked they didn’t drop a “latinx” at some point tbh.

    in the spanish dub of the game insomniac created their own language to get rid of gendered terms in the spanish language so EVERYTHING is gender neutral even though thats not how their language works

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Oct 27, 2023

    example: bibliotecha turned into biblioteche

  • Oct 27, 2023

    in the spanish dub of the game insomniac created their own language to get rid of gendered terms in the spanish language so EVERYTHING is gender neutral even though thats not how their language works

    this in conjunction with the cuban flag is wild

    dcs only w over marvel this im year is blue beetle having better representation

  • Oct 27, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.

    I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.

    the way they've tried to shoe horn in every type of diversity is so jarring some times

    need to just let miles be what he is instead of forcing all this s***

  • Oct 27, 2023

    harry a b\*\*\*\* but playing as venom f\*\*\*ing people up at oscorp was so fun

  • I didn't know how sexy it would be when he got the symbiote but YO

    that s*** was hot

  • Oct 27, 2023

    Am I wrong?

  • Oct 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Having no HUD on didn't allow me to progress after a mission was completed 3 (THREE) times...