Yep, I don't think they thought the no HUD through before implementing it lol, seems like progression is tied to stuff appearing on screen
Game is great, possibly the greatest superhero game ever made.
This is hands down the whitest game I’ve played in awhile. The waves of bleached ass whiteness permeating from this game at times is almost overwhelming.
This version of New York at times feels like Rapture for white liberals.
peter & Mj got that gen z white christian couple aura
miles the black friend every tech industry guy dream of
I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.
I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.
About halfway through the game it hit me that this guy Miles has zero semblance of a New York accent whatsoever
kinda pissed they got rid of the quicktime to stop the cars ur chasing now u just press one button and that's the whole thing
You don’t like that change? I always hated that part in the first game
I was thinking about this last night after watching AfroSenju’s play through. He got to a part where Miles was dj’ing a party and the music was some generic trance s***. I really prefer the Spiderverse Miles & his family depiction and portrayal better than this. This feels like a diversity quota was met, and only visually at that. Demeanor, how he talks, etc are all seem filtered through a white persons perspective tbh. I’m sure they’re Black people who can probably identity with this version of Miles, n it’s accurate to their life, so sure I guess. But a young black kid who is from Harlem in 2023 I do not expect them to act like Miles tbfh.
I’m not talking about portraying him as some wannabe street nigga either, he just feels so out of place. Maybe because I prefer his movie version that the difference seems so stark to me. Like the depiction of Miles mom in the game vs the movie irritates me In the game shes your regular white-Latina. There are complexities even within that family dynamic that are just blatantly ignored. This isn’t a nitpick I have with the game itself though, more so Hollywood/entertainment industry in general atm.
He’s best friends with GANKE. Of course he’s nerdy and weird.
He’s best friends with GANKE. Of course he’s nerdy and weird.
you can be a black nerd and still have more soul than Miles does
you can be a black nerd and still have more soul than Miles does
I feel like a lot of this is stemming from the hair
People weren’t complaining as much in the Miles Morales game. I think he’s great. I like him and the ATSV Miles for different reasons.
My favorite part of the game is when Miles is asking Hailey on a date while Peter battles 100 symbiotes alone underground
You don’t like that change? I always hated that part in the first game
tbh i didn't mind spamming the button
just feels too easy now
“maybe you should call yourself the great electric spiderrrrrr🤭”
cmon man peter don’t gotta deal with this
My favorite part of the game is when Miles is asking Hailey on a date while Peter battles 100 symbiotes alone underground
Literally communicating in the slowest way possible while his bro is facing death
Game is so damn good. Just every now and again I shudder at a cringey decision. There’s definitely someone with purple hair in the writing room.
I wish they went more full horror towards the end, it’s like they were edging towards it but never fully committed
so is the awesome spiderverse side mission that ends with the portal a direct tie to the movie?
or is it setting up an insomniac version of a spiderverse plotline for a future game or dlc?
so is the awesome spiderverse side mission that ends with the portal a direct tie to the movie?
or is it setting up an insomniac version of a spiderverse plotline for a future game or dlc?
the bartender was supposed to be in ATSV but was cut. She was a bartender at a bar for villains called “Bar With No Name” and The Spot was going to go there. And considering we see Insomniac Spider-Man in ATSV, I think it’s safe to assume that after the events of this game and maybe the 3rd game.. Insomniac Peter gets an invite to the Spider Society
Anyone else think crimes disappear absolutely too fast?
I’ve literally seen them disappear right in front of me
I shouldn’t be seeing a hunter aircraft disappear right in front of me as soon as i accidentally look away or have them vanish when i’m literally en route to it
O s*** confirms DLC
Lets go
Basically confirms DLC
Lets go
I could imagine a DLC where Fisk breaks out of prison and Daredevil links up with Spider-Man to track him down
I do think it would’ve been cool though if this game had a post credits scene where it shows a close up of a tv screen showing news footage of Spider-Man fighting, and the shot slowly zooms out showing that the tv is in a bar.
And you realize it’s the same bar that Wolverine is sitting at in that teaser we got, and he’s at the bar watching the footage. Would’ve been a neat way to confirm they were in the same universe