2’s characters getting sidelined (or replaced if they died) was a punch in the gut. I just want a game that decisions you make actually make differences in your story. Yes I know there’s plenty of games that do that, but there really isn’t a whole lot that did it like Mass Effect did. Something that’s not just “variations” I guess.
taking or destroying the collector base didn't change much smh.
plus Cerberus was way more grey in morality and complex before going full half-zombie indoctrinated like in 3
taking or destroying the collector base didn't change much smh.
plus Cerberus was way more grey in morality and complex before going full half-zombie indoctrinated like in 3
Cerberus could’ve been so dope in 3
Still need to play these games
Heard they masterpieces except the 4th
Copped the trilogy remaster for $20. Came in the mail earlier today
They’re free on PlayStation now
Downloaded today. I never finished the third one and can’t wait to replay the first 2
I f***ed up and out auto level up myself and it spent all my level ups on everything but charm. F***ed me over on some side missions on Citadel
Might just skip citadel side missions tbh they’re kinda boring and I spent too much time on them already. It’s just go to this spot now go here and I keep getting lost
Feels good being in this universe again
Haven’t played since high school I’m actually surprised by how much I remember
Gonna attempt to do Tali side mission. I can’t remember but I don’t think I did it when I first played the game. Read about how long and tedious it os but f*** it
In Andromeda, there is a planet that is heavily inspired by Pandora in Avatar during eclipse that you get to explore and no it's not coincidence. I think the devs made it a very intentional homage to the movie and it's obvious when you walk around and scan in the plants and creatures.
There's also an underground world on another planet that I really loved. I just don't get the hate this got but I bought the game after it got fully patched and it's just fine lol. I think if you're an ME fan you should give it a try.
In Andromeda, there is a planet that is heavily inspired by Pandora in Avatar during eclipse that you get to explore and no it's not coincidence. I think the devs made it a very intentional homage to the movie and it's obvious when you walk around and scan in the plants and creatures.
There's also an underground world on another planet that I really loved. I just don't get the hate this got but I bought the game after it got fully patched and it's just fine lol. I think if you're an ME fan you should give it a try.
I didn’t think the game was bad to the point that they had canceled the Quarian arc DLC, it’s a step down narrative wise to the original trilogy. A lot of rehashed tropes, with less likable characters.
Then BioWare was/is in that weird PC/all inclusive phase, damn near every human character in this is f***ing hideous. Man and woman. But especially the women. Damn near every woman of note in this game has an androgynous look about them. Combine that with a CC they somehow managed to make worse and less accessible than the previous trilogy. Then pretty bad graphical bugs. Hard to become immersed in the world.
Dialogue is also pretty f***ing bad. All the options you’ll have, they’ll virtually be all the same thing or completely off the rails stupid. No inbetween. There was no nuance.
The saving grace of this game is the combat mechanics. It is easily the best in the series. The verticality they added with the jumping n keypad was phenomenal. Skills and weapons feel great and are varied enough to make fun builds.
The community/world building part was actually pretty nice. I liked seeing the settlements develop as you progressed various quest lines. Could’ve done a little more though. Ultimately some decisions were pointless like deciding whether you’re primarily making military settlements as opposed to civilian/scientific.
Almost finished with ME1. I forgot about the option to save Captain Kirahhe and sent Kaiden with him
Was doing all the side things to make sure he survived then read whoever I didn’t send with him would die and I’m not killing Ashley
Any other media to check out that gives Mass Effect vibes? I love the characters, atmosphere, lore
Of there are any movies, shows, or other games to check out lmk
Any other media to check out that gives Mass Effect vibes? I love the characters, atmosphere, lore
Of there are any movies, shows, or other games to check out lmk
Dragon Age is basically the fantasy equivalent of this
Any other media to check out that gives Mass Effect vibes? I love the characters, atmosphere, lore
Of there are any movies, shows, or other games to check out lmk
They dont make em like this anymore
Dragon Age is basically the fantasy equivalent of this
I will check those games out next
Thank you
Do y’all think when Shepard wears the Collector armor that he’s actually wearing it in universe, or we just see him wearing it while in reality he’s just wearing his regular N7 armor?
Because real-talk, WHERE the f*** would he get it, and WHO the f*** would make it?
Any other media to check out that gives Mass Effect vibes? I love the characters, atmosphere, lore
Of there are any movies, shows, or other games to check out lmk
KOTOR and Cyberpunk
Finished this finally. Such a great game
which ending yall pick? I picked the control one coz my Shepard was a good man and I trust him with controling of the reapers, plus he doesn't die and becomes immortal for life, plus its the most interesting one of all the options. Imo
Finished this finally. Such a great game
which ending yall pick? I picked the control one coz my Shepard was a good man and I trust him with controling of the reapers, plus he doesn't die and becomes immortal for life, plus its the most interesting one of all the options. Imo
control always looked to me as a false beacon of hope and gives me strong illusive man vibes. it's even more creepy if you believe that shepard may be a victim of indoctrionation himself
control always looked to me as a false beacon of hope and gives me strong illusive man vibes. it's even more creepy if you believe that shepard may be a victim of indoctrionation himself
Destruction means you gotta kill EDI, and I can't do that fam. Plus like the Catalyst said, Organics will inevitably create new AI that will evolve beyond their power and so you do not destory the cycle but extend it.
Destruction means you gotta kill EDI, and I can't do that fam. Plus like the Catalyst said, Organics will inevitably create new AI that will evolve beyond their power and so you do not destory the cycle but extend it.
Eh I know but other finales always looked too happy to be true