guy that said have no actual info he was just guessing (on a podcast) btw
but yea this not coming anytime soon. they still gotta finish dragon age and mass effect still very early. i would say 2027 more or less
Just re-started a game on pc, with all the mods
halfway thru ME2
pragmatic shep, i love it, game is still pretty fun to this day
the narration
the crew
romancing tali
quickie with jack
a lil affair with kaiden
nah bioware is goated forever
Just re-started a game on pc, with all the mods
halfway thru ME2
pragmatic shep, i love it, game is still pretty fun to this day
the narration
the crew
romancing tali
quickie with jack
a lil affair with kaiden
nah bioware is goated forever
How did you bang Aria ahahaha
romance mods
they have a romance for every crew member + side charac
romance mods
they have a romance for every crew member + side charac
It's not a romance mod lol it's at the end of one of the ME3 DLCs if you side with her during the mission.
It's not a romance mod lol it's at the end of one of the ME3 DLCs if you side with her during the mission.
my bad always thought it was a mod lmao
i actually cant tell what's in the og game and what's not
final thoughts?
Feel like it’s impossible to rank them, they’re all good in their own ways.
ME1: felt the most like a space exploration game. Almost a prototype to what Starfield did. ME1 had the best story & non-squad related side quests writing imo. Best Citadel (although confusing) Something about this one is charming after going through it the 2nd time. Saw some renegade scenes on YouTube of this game and they were hilarious. They could easily remake this game one day with better planet exploring & combat.
ME2: had the best squad, ship, and worlds. I let Kelly Chambers die. I don’t like how the main story kinda pauses until you do all your squad missions, but I guess that IS the main story, but it works. But those squad missions were great especially Samara’s & Kasumi’s. Hated the gameplay in Overload DLC, but the graphic story twist at the end
ME3: Might like main story better than 2, but they’re interchangeable. ME3 easily had the best gameplay. Really wish this game had actual side missions and not just going to a planet to scan it and collect an item for someone. Hated that Aria DLC, my god. Loved the detective stuff in Leviathan DLC. Citadel DLC was goated, the comedy, plot and squad hangouts were 10/10. Ended up with Miranda even though Jack >. Got the destruction ending in ME3, glad I had a lot of war asset. Saw some of the other endings after finishing and I understand why the endings are hated.
Thane, Kelly, Mordin, Legion, Anderson, EDI
Illusive Man was something else. Also Kai Leng
Great series that’s worth the hype. I love finishing games that I wonder why people hype up so much and get proven why. It was the same for Skyrim & AC Ezio Collection recently. Not playing Andromeda yet, but I need a next gen Mass Effect done as well as this trilogy. Really hope Dragon Age does good.
Nice to hear. This is the franchise I actually care about
Feel like it’s impossible to rank them, they’re all good in their own ways.
ME1: felt the most like a space exploration game. Almost a prototype to what Starfield did. ME1 had the best story & non-squad related side quests writing imo. Best Citadel (although confusing) Something about this one is charming after going through it the 2nd time. Saw some renegade scenes on YouTube of this game and they were hilarious. They could easily remake this game one day with better planet exploring & combat.
ME2: had the best squad, ship, and worlds. I let Kelly Chambers die. I don’t like how the main story kinda pauses until you do all your squad missions, but I guess that IS the main story, but it works. But those squad missions were great especially Samara’s & Kasumi’s. Hated the gameplay in Overload DLC, but the graphic story twist at the end
ME3: Might like main story better than 2, but they’re interchangeable. ME3 easily had the best gameplay. Really wish this game had actual side missions and not just going to a planet to scan it and collect an item for someone. Hated that Aria DLC, my god. Loved the detective stuff in Leviathan DLC. Citadel DLC was goated, the comedy, plot and squad hangouts were 10/10. Ended up with Miranda even though Jack >. Got the destruction ending in ME3, glad I had a lot of war asset. Saw some of the other endings after finishing and I understand why the endings are hated.
Thane, Kelly, Mordin, Legion, Anderson, EDI
Illusive Man was something else. Also Kai Leng
Great series that’s worth the hype. I love finishing games that I wonder why people hype up so much and get proven why. It was the same for Skyrim & AC Ezio Collection recently. Not playing Andromeda yet, but I need a next gen Mass Effect done as well as this trilogy. Really hope Dragon Age does good.
Confession Mass Effect 2 is in my top 10 but I've never actually played the third
This post makes me want to start over from the beginning
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
Jack & Ciri disrespect all within 48 hours, somebody nuke that site
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
Nah she was a s***symbol
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
i didnt really like her but i didnt hate her either