Confession Mass Effect 2 is in my top 10 but I've never actually played the third
This post makes me want to start over from the beginning
With all dlc included;
ME3 > ME2 ≥ ME1
Confession Mass Effect 2 is in my top 10 but I've never actually played the third
This post makes me want to start over from the beginning
I bought the legendary collection when it came out and played them back to back and got burned out by the third and didn't finish it
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
I hate these people sigh
I bought the legendary collection when it came out and played them back to back and got burned out by the third and didn't finish it
Same thing happened to me
I bought the legendary collection when it came out and played them back to back and got burned out by the third and didn't finish it
Games short after how you get burned out
Games short after how you get burned out
The trilogy is like 100 hours back to back gonna redownload 3 when 4 gets a release date
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
Jacob and Ashley were received the worst
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
she is an acquired taste of mine, loved what they did to her in 3 even if she appears less.
At the beginning I always went with Miranda but now she's a bit too basic for my taste while Jack ecletic vibe is truly unique
Jacob and Ashley were received the worst
they definitely are lmao, kaidan can suffer from being a bit too generic too
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
i get why ppl can dislike her but shes amazing. there are way worse characters on the trilogy lol
how you gon say jack is worse than jacob. f*** outta here !!
Jack & Ciri disrespect all within 48 hours, somebody nuke that site
Did ppl really not like her at the time? That's who I picked in my playthrough idk she was unpopular
Jack is actually great, wish we saw her more in 3 tho
The trilogy is like 100 hours back to back gonna redownload 3 when 4 gets a release date
Probably right. I’ve ran through the games so many times now that I can get through the first 2 games in 30 hours altogether and that’s without me trying to go through it fast.
With all dlc included;
ME3 > ME2 ≥ ME1
ME 2 > ME1 > ME3
Ending of me3 and what they did to cerberus was wack
This on sale too on PSN. 4.79. However you may feel about the franchise, that is an incredibly great deal for 1 of this games let alone 3, considering the quality and amount of content they offer. Bruh 5 bucks for the whole trilogy
I should just make a psn sale thread I'm always on here trying to tell y'all what games are on sale lmao
I bought the legendary collection when it came out and played them back to back and got burned out by the third and didn't finish it
Same, never finished ME3, felt like I had seen enough, amazing trilogy though
This on sale too on PSN. 4.79. However you may feel about the franchise, that is an incredibly great deal for 1 of this games let alone 3, considering the quality and amount of content they offer. Bruh 5 bucks for the whole trilogy
I should just make a psn sale thread I'm always on here trying to tell y'all what games are on sale lmao
Played the entire trilogy on Xbox 360 but bought the collection on PSN recently because it was stupid cheap. Probably won't ever play it, but the price was just too good to say no to
ME 2 > ME1 > ME3
Ending of me3 and what they did to cerberus was wack
ME2 overrated due to the suicide mission. The game is essentially filler to the overall plot.
ME2 overrated due to the suicide mission. The game is essentially filler to the overall plot.
It is and just getting ur squad back but its still good. You dont like the suicide mission at all?
ME2 overrated due to the suicide mission. The game is essentially filler to the overall plot.
Me1 will always be the perfect game to me, 10/10.
Me1 will always be the perfect game to me, 10/10.
I like it, but after my 3rd play through I was over it. It’s a great mission. Gameplay wise ME2 for me always felt a bit janky. It was really refined in ME3, which is largely why I put it over ME2
ME2 overrated due to the suicide mission. The game is essentially filler to the overall plot.
No, ME2 is one of the greatest games of that generation of consoles