  • Feb 19


  • Feb 19

    dont want OP to get clowned. Yall mfs having unhygienic s***are f***ing disgusting. I once ate p**** that was smelly, and almost barfed, cant even imagine how women must feel sucking stinky willy

    Dudes wanna be ‘nonchalant’ or believe people love sucking their dirty d***s. F***ing weirdos, just keep your s*** cleannnnn

  • Feb 20
    1 reply

    When you get that p**** cream on your shirt and pants

    lmaooo this was not the right answer

  • why u clowning op for having hygiene

  • Feb 20
    M To the Ozu

    You’re not really outside like that, that’s why

    i think you outside a lil too much

  • My p**** onlly stinks after s***i typically forget to showerr the night of or just dont feel like it and when i wake up my penile regine is not an ok place.

  • Feb 20
    1 reply

    everyone insisting they can't possibly smell because they took a shower is lowkey crazy

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    Feb 20
    2 replies

    u moisturize your balls and cock?

    CeraVe on the balls
    Cetaphil on the shaft
    Some conditioner on the pubic hair
    & some Carmex on the mushroom

  • RASIE 🦦
    Feb 20
    2 replies
    1996 BRL

    CeraVe on the balls
    Cetaphil on the shaft
    Some conditioner on the pubic hair
    & some Carmex on the mushroom

    Damn i bet your d*** hole cut like its smirkin lookin like "sup ma?"

  • Feb 20
    2 replies
    M To the Ozu

    I’m very active and uncircumcised

    Wym w very active?

    Cause that smell isnt normal, also when uncircumsized

    Take a shower bro

  • wash then use this then cream

  • dirty d*** niggas itt

  • WRU

    day two of motherfuckers in this section not taking care of their f***ing hygiene and telling the whole wide world about it

    for my poorly adjusted brethren i'll be tallying up the advice so far:

    1) clean your f***ing earphones
    2) clean your f***ing ears
    3) wash your f***ing d***

    Is this supposed to be a jab at me for the thread I made yesterday

  • We have NOT all been there

  • 1996 BRL

    CeraVe on the balls
    Cetaphil on the shaft
    Some conditioner on the pubic hair
    & some Carmex on the mushroom

    im wheezing

  • Feb 20
    1 reply

    just shower man like what are you doing

  • Never washed it in the sink my guy, shower only. I don’t want to smell any funk from me or her

  • Disgusting thread

  • i be f***ing after a sweat sesh at the gym i do not care

  • Everyone acts so sophisticated like theyre above washing theyre p**** in the sink. Grow up

  • If you’re not circumcised, you have to take extra care to wash yourself

    Sounds like you’re not getting in between the folds and whatever


    lmaooo this was not the right answer

    read that post wrong

  • Feb 20

  • Feb 20

    just shower man like what are you doing

  • Feb 20
    2 replies

    We’ve all been there. S***time with a fine s*** or a huzz.