we're the construct of our genetics at the beginning and then we are shaped by our environment and experience along the way. It doesn't mean you can't have no heart though, but who really knows I could be dead wrong.
i get that and all of our experiences are wholly unique, but within households with similar upbringings you still do get a range of personalities, interests, passions, desires. my brother and i are vastly different individuals and i think that boils down to our souls and who we are as humans existing in the most similar space possible.
we are absolutely shaped by our upbringing but i still feel like no two people perceive a situation similarly nor are they impacted positively or negatively by the same triggers
im rambling but i hope you get what i mean
i'm definitely becoming more a night owl as of late idk being tired helps me deal with the mental side of the game
My version of cope is called oxycodone lmao
oxy one hell of a d*** man idk how mfers can afford that sh*t when it's like 8 bucks a pill or w/e
i need to get help but it feels too hard
If you paying for college right now definitely get help because college well depressed is expensive as it gets
For what purpose?
I cant focus, I cant remember what im learning, Im a huge procrastinator, no motivation. Feels like I have short term memory or something.
Been talking with my doctor about these problems hoping to get on adderall. Doctor prescribe me Strattera but I am not down to go through months of taking it just for it not to work. I also dont want those side effects correlated with it.I need something now. Graduating in may, havent passed an exam because I cannot study.
I cant focus, I cant remember what im learning, Im a huge procrastinator, no motivation. Feels like I have short term memory or something.
Been talking with my doctor about these problems hoping to get on adderall. Doctor prescribe me Strattera but I am not down to go through months of taking it just for it not to work. I also dont want those side effects correlated with it.I need something now. Graduating in may, havent passed an exam because I cannot study.
That’s real
I disappoint everyone I meet, how i escape this cycle
it's not your responsibility to fit into the shoes others project onto you
it's not your responsibility to fit into the shoes others project onto you
I get that when it comes to people i rly don’t know but not when it’s the ppl closest to me
I get that when it comes to people i rly don’t know but not when it’s the ppl closest to me
im sorry you feel this way. everyone you know is struggling in their own ways whether its apparent to you or not. just try your best in this life and learn from your mistakes, nobody has the answer keys ¯_(ツ)_/¯
oxy one hell of a d*** man idk how mfers can afford that sh*t when it's like 8 bucks a pill or w/e
It was like a month’s worth of rent for a full bottle this time, definitely not cheap.