had a death in the family an went to the funeral saturday an went up close to pay my respects and it effected me mentally did not sleep well the night before an been thinking about it from time to time what are some good ways of dealing with this
dont wanna take stuff to sleep i take magnesium though which helps with anxiety and sleep to also zinc for general health
sertraline keeping me up tonight and i have a midterm in morning
damn what about a sleep pill?
damn what about a sleep pill?
idk think im just gonna need to start taking it earlier in the day
im exhausted man i really am
being stressed, depressed, and anxious is so debilitating
hope you are doing well b we're gonna make be good one day
we been in this too long not to end up on top ☝🏽
Bro why when i get one little bit of stress my mental health deteriorates immediately? Im not built for stress
Bro why when i get one little bit of stress my mental health deteriorates immediately? Im not built for stress
what's helped me, although it doesn't entirely get rid of stress is cardio because all that energy that is built up from stressing is used up so when it's over it's like my body ain't got the energy to be as stressed if that makes sense