Hope yall “climate” niggas is happy about this windy cold weather cause good gawd I am miserable lol
me rn af
i wish i can do it all over again
i feel so alone
Hold on and let it ride out.
Better days will come.
November darkness is creeping but the souls spark will burn again.
trauma just never stops bro
i will go down on my knees and beg that one day there will be a medical solution where they can identify trauma and eradicate it.
Mood swinged quite a bit. Saw people. Had a good time. Still able to be charming and talkative although I need two days in bed afterward. But I still want to be dead. I got rid of a lot of anxiety last year with a good therapist, which was very helpful! The lack of anxiety only seems to have revealed the pit of trauma from that provides the existential tiredness, lol. But at least I can drive and s***.
Mood swinged quite a bit. Saw people. Had a good time. Still able to be charming and talkative although I need two days in bed afterward. But I still want to be dead. I got rid of a lot of anxiety last year with a good therapist, which was very helpful! The lack of anxiety only seems to have revealed the pit of trauma from that provides the existential tiredness, lol. But at least I can drive and s***.
Does social situations exhaust you?
I can only do it about once a week, and afterwards I need to cool down, contemplate, and compose myself.
I do think hanging out with others is essential, otherwise one might drive themselves insane. It has to be with the right company. I think one might find themselves alone more with people they dislike, or feel uncomfortable around isn't healthy.
I wish you the best 💯
Does social situations exhaust you?
I can only do it about once a week, and afterwards I need to cool down, contemplate, and compose myself.
I do think hanging out with others is essential, otherwise one might drive themselves insane. It has to be with the right company. I think one might find themselves alone more with people they dislike, or feel uncomfortable around isn't healthy.
I wish you the best 💯
It doesn’t feel exhausting in the moment, it gives me energy, and feels good. But then I do notice exhaustion. And I got way more comfortable, getting rid of the anxiety, but it hasn’t changed this part of things. It’s quite frustrating to « suffer » from something that is good.
It doesn’t feel exhausting in the moment, it gives me energy, and feels good. But then I do notice exhaustion. And I got way more comfortable, getting rid of the anxiety, but it hasn’t changed this part of things. It’s quite frustrating to « suffer » from something that is good.
bro you sound like me fr. I love socialising in the moment, and then once that moment has passed it feels like i've run a marathon from a mental point of view.
I personally feel for me that too much time alone, and too much time with people isn't healthy. One has to find that happy medium between both.. but hey that's just me.
I just think everyone is built differently, and they have to find what suits them best.
I've had anxiety for twelve years now, and it hasn't disappeared, sadly. On the bright side over the years I've accepted it, and found skills and tools to cope.
You'll find ways to maneuver through life. I find the more occupied I am, even with trivial tasks as in cleaning the house I find my focus is less on anxiety, and more on the task at hand.
getting admitted into a facility tomorrow. anyone got advice I’m happy that I’m going but I’m still a lil stressed about it idk
getting admitted into a facility tomorrow. anyone got advice I’m happy that I’m going but I’m still a lil stressed about it idk
good luck i hope u find and receive the help u need/want u got this.
getting admitted into a facility tomorrow. anyone got advice I’m happy that I’m going but I’m still a lil stressed about it idk
try to socialise if you get this message b4 you go. I made some connections inside.