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  • Gojira 🦖
    Oct 25, 2020

    I am what I create

  • Oct 25, 2020
    Soo Diff

    F***ing crazy, at that point I would just buy a street bike and drive without a license. That sucks man I'm sorry you gotta deal with that bullshit.

    yeah they say weed can affect ur driving 2 weeks after smoking it. so if u get caught many times or admit doing it atleast twice a month it'll be d*** tests or lose ur drivers license.

    I sold my car years ago, just been using public transportation instead. might get a bike tho

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    my bro, long time ago
    how u holdin up

    I'm doing good.

    with a few ups and downs but beyond that life is good hurts but its also a blessing

    corona f***ed up my cash flow and plugs and I developed a stomach ulcer which keeps me up all night plus my teeth hurt like f*** and I got some joint pains so I've been taking know how that goes, yikes....I'm still living on welfare checks but minus the coke and H so I got alot more economical freedom than before.....I've been spending alot of time reading and I'm trying to re-wire my brain to function sober. Me relapsing is just a joke at this point.

    anyways bro, my family good, I'm good....I couldnt ask for more

    so, what about you?? how's life for my brother dundis??

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    I gotta get on my s***. I feel like a loser being unemployed at 18 but the least I can do is build up some discipline for myself for f*** sake

  • Oct 25, 2020

    how long my heartbreak is going to last?

    another day feeling like dying inside

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Don’t ever give up fam. No pain can last forever, we gonna overcome.

    even if pain doesnt last forever, is it really worth it to keep going?

    Overall, how much happiness/good moments whatever are we (at least me) going to feel compared to pain?

    i dont have much motivation when it comes to fighting

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    I'm doing good.

    with a few ups and downs but beyond that life is good hurts but its also a blessing

    corona f***ed up my cash flow and plugs and I developed a stomach ulcer which keeps me up all night plus my teeth hurt like f*** and I got some joint pains so I've been taking know how that goes, yikes....I'm still living on welfare checks but minus the coke and H so I got alot more economical freedom than before.....I've been spending alot of time reading and I'm trying to re-wire my brain to function sober. Me relapsing is just a joke at this point.

    anyways bro, my family good, I'm good....I couldnt ask for more

    so, what about you?? how's life for my brother dundis??

    damn i'm really sorry about your physical health problems man

    how'd this s*** with the ulcer happen? was it caused by medication?

    im glad u got off heroin and coco, stay strong bro

    life up n down for me as well. back at uni (my 2nd semester) and i feel burnt out already. i really don't wanna do this. i'm so f***ing miserable. super hard for me to focus with online classes too.

    i don't really like social interactions with ppl i'm not super tight with but campus classes are way easier

    tryna taper off benzos. i've gone down from 6 mg klonopin + 2 mg xan to 2 mg kpin and I feel f***ing dead. hard tryna make my body adjust to 2 mg.

    u know how benzo withdrawals feel. sweats, shakes, joint pain and that indescribable feeling like there's a hole in your chest that feels like a damn vacuum.

    i do some lines of amphetamine here n there to keep up with coursework. also take gabapentin to get f***ed up now n then (am on gaba rn,)

    honestly thinkin about ending s*** but for some reason even that feels pointless. f*** this carousel of misery. only outlet i got is watching films. s***'s therapeutic for me

    sorry for the long ass text im lowkey f***ed up rn

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    damn i'm really sorry about your physical health problems man

    how'd this s*** with the ulcer happen? was it caused by medication?

    im glad u got off heroin and coco, stay strong bro

    life up n down for me as well. back at uni (my 2nd semester) and i feel burnt out already. i really don't wanna do this. i'm so f***ing miserable. super hard for me to focus with online classes too.

    i don't really like social interactions with ppl i'm not super tight with but campus classes are way easier

    tryna taper off benzos. i've gone down from 6 mg klonopin + 2 mg xan to 2 mg kpin and I feel f***ing dead. hard tryna make my body adjust to 2 mg.

    u know how benzo withdrawals feel. sweats, shakes, joint pain and that indescribable feeling like there's a hole in your chest that feels like a damn vacuum.

    i do some lines of amphetamine here n there to keep up with coursework. also take gabapentin to get f***ed up now n then (am on gaba rn,)

    honestly thinkin about ending s*** but for some reason even that feels pointless. f*** this carousel of misery. only outlet i got is watching films. s***'s therapeutic for me

    sorry for the long ass text im lowkey f***ed up rn

    do your best AT YOUR OWN PACE

    see, everytime I forced myself to do something.... I ended up doing what I hated the most

    but I eventualy grew out of the things I hated just cause all that struggle made me feel like s*** to the point where I was left without a choice.

    I'm not gonna lie, there were times where I thought ''it's easier to have an addiction in moderation instead of suffering from withdrawals''........but that's toxic as f***....that s*** aint weed dun, you know it, I know it

    now as far as uni goes.....stress is poison to your performance and will only f*** you up....take it one day at a time and get some rest. Life goes by too fast for us to worry bout everything. We dont have that luxury lol

  • Oct 25, 2020

    even if pain doesnt last forever, is it really worth it to keep going?

    Overall, how much happiness/good moments whatever are we (at least me) going to feel compared to pain?

    i dont have much motivation when it comes to fighting

    You just need to find something that you really love and chase after it man. We all have something we love.

    No life is all good moments with no bad man, some of us feel like we get more bad then good.

    You just gotta look at yourself and really look at the good and the bad.

    Me I don’t have the greatest life, greatest skin, hair, teeth, or even the best family. I’m still riddled with insecurities inside and out. But I wake up everyday and do whatever I gotta do, to the best of my abilities. I wanna be great at investing so I work hard at it in my free time, it’s really become a love of mine. I failed early on, lost a large chunk of money, but I got right back to work and kept pushing forward. Stayed up a few nights hating myself but I knew I just needed to keep pushing forward and I’d get back to meeting my goals.

    Just find yourself man, find what you like, find what you love and go chase after it.

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    I gotta get on my s***. I feel like a loser being unemployed at 18 but the least I can do is build up some discipline for myself for f*** sake

    Bro don’t be so hard on yourself. 18 is extremely young and no shame in it.

    • millions are unemployed right now cut yourself some slack.
  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Everything hurts

  • Oct 25, 2020

    Also guys hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

    Looking for ideas for what I can put in OP.

    I was thinking about making a list of users that would feel comfortable talking about issues they faced.

    For example:
    DotM - self esteem / social anxiety / depression.

    Never would I try to glorify, but I would like a way for new users - posters ITT find someone that could help talk with certain issues. If someone has a a lot of problems dealing with depression and would like to talk to someone specifically that faced the same challenges it could really make a difference.

    I wouldn’t want to put anyone on blast, but maybe if you overcame certain issues in the past maybe you can help someone else.

    Just thinking here recovering from surgery. Any ideas to improve OP please @ me or message me.

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    Everything hurts

    Everything good fam? You wanna talk about it?

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Everything good fam? You wanna talk about it?

    working out helped me with my mental health it kept me active but i got an injury a month ago and since then my mental health spiraled downwards

    went to the doctor turns out i might have more issues, had to do a blood test, might have some diseases that will change my life. Will get results in about 10 hours

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    working out helped me with my mental health it kept me active but i got an injury a month ago and since then my mental health spiraled downwards

    went to the doctor turns out i might have more issues, had to do a blood test, might have some diseases that will change my life. Will get results in about 10 hours

    Did he give you any names of what it might be?

    My boy back in like 2017 was going so hard in the gym he developed something that landed him in the hospital for like a week+.

    Sucks man. Can you still go for a walk or anything active or are you being forced to take it easy?

  • Oct 25, 2020
    1 reply

    Did he give you any names of what it might be?

    My boy back in like 2017 was going so hard in the gym he developed something that landed him in the hospital for like a week+.

    Sucks man. Can you still go for a walk or anything active or are you being forced to take it easy?

    yeah he did but for privacy reasons i am not saying them atm bc i dont feel comfortable sharing it

    yeah it turns out the pain wasnt actually related to working out, it just so happens that something else near a muscle isnt working correctly at the end of the day i always try to tell myself i cant change the past so whatever i got, i got yk. if i have it ill just live with it like i always do

  • Oct 26, 2020
    1 reply
    rwina sawayama

    yeah he did but for privacy reasons i am not saying them atm bc i dont feel comfortable sharing it

    yeah it turns out the pain wasnt actually related to working out, it just so happens that something else near a muscle isnt working correctly at the end of the day i always try to tell myself i cant change the past so whatever i got, i got yk. if i have it ill just live with it like i always do

    Sucks man.

    Yeah it hurts when we can’t do what we like to do, especially if it brings up peace.

    But you got a great attitude about it man, we can’t change it we just gotta adapt.

    Keep your head up man, I’m pulling for you to get some good news man. Keep us updated man we all here for you

  • dotM

    Sucks man.

    Yeah it hurts when we can’t do what we like to do, especially if it brings up peace.

    But you got a great attitude about it man, we can’t change it we just gotta adapt.

    Keep your head up man, I’m pulling for you to get some good news man. Keep us updated man we all here for you


  • Oct 26, 2020
    1 reply

    Bro don’t be so hard on yourself. 18 is extremely young and no shame in it.

    • millions are unemployed right now cut yourself some slack.

    I suppose, my parents always on my ass for not working. I get jobs and quit after a couple months

  • Oct 26, 2020
    1 reply

    I suppose, my parents always on my ass for not working. I get jobs and quit after a couple months

    That’s what parents do can’t really blame them tbh. What kinda jobs were you quiting from tho? Like warehouse jobs or something?

  • Oct 26, 2020

    Lonely as always but I will get there one day!

  • Oct 26, 2020
    1 reply

    That’s what parents do can’t really blame them tbh. What kinda jobs were you quiting from tho? Like warehouse jobs or something?

    Most recent was bus boy, I quit cus I was getting paid s***. Working 2 10 hour shifts in a row getting paid 70-80 90 ok good days. And 2 6 hour shifts getting 30-40

  • Oct 26, 2020

    Most recent was bus boy, I quit cus I was getting paid s***. Working 2 10 hour shifts in a row getting paid 70-80 90 ok good days. And 2 6 hour shifts getting 30-40

    You been looking recently for anything?

  • Oct 26, 2020
    1 reply

    do your best AT YOUR OWN PACE

    see, everytime I forced myself to do something.... I ended up doing what I hated the most

    but I eventualy grew out of the things I hated just cause all that struggle made me feel like s*** to the point where I was left without a choice.

    I'm not gonna lie, there were times where I thought ''it's easier to have an addiction in moderation instead of suffering from withdrawals''........but that's toxic as f***....that s*** aint weed dun, you know it, I know it

    now as far as uni goes.....stress is poison to your performance and will only f*** you up....take it one day at a time and get some rest. Life goes by too fast for us to worry bout everything. We dont have that luxury lol

    thanks for the advice bro
    yeah i'll try to. 2 mg klonopin is still a lot honestly and i'll stay here for a while before going any lower.

    one thing for sure is that i'm not gonna stop tryna get off these benzos. i haven't told my dr about it yet and i'm doing it on my own.

  • Oct 26, 2020


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