@RollerBlade don't give up b it's easy to throw in the towel sometimes, but having that inner voice can be a blessin because some folks never question their actions and that tends to be a recipe for disaster. We can overthink, but the trick is to use your tendency to over-analyse in a positive way if you get me?
Negative thoughts blow, however that's just what they are only thoughts they aren't a true reflection of reality.
Yessir everytime i get low i just gotta get those self affirmations up and power through
Im just having doubts about this clothing brand im getting together.
I know its not enough to worry but damn its like, doubt isnt strong like other emotions but its like a hundred tiny cuts over and over so at first it doesnt hurt but over time it adds up
@RollerBlade i sense you feel the weight of emotions quite heavily which isn't a bad thing. Doubt is a natural emotion everyone has experience with it and it stings and it can cast a shadow over our judgements. I think with time and experience the more familiar we get with our thought patterns and how we think about things like you said it comes in an episodic fashion and once we've past it we experience positive affirmations and confidence is restored in our abilities and we can begin to a***yse without judgement why we had doubts in the first place.
Meditation and Mindfulness has helped me personally with dealing with negative emotions maybe it's something you can experiment with to see if it helps you managing negative emotions, although it isn't essential just a recommendation 😊
i really dont see a future for myself in life
i always thought when i got older i would get over my anxiety and be normal, but im 22 now and i know this is just how i'll be forever
Your future is whatever you want it to be, if your willing to sacrifice and compromise for it fam.
What you feel @ 22 might be completely different in 3 years. Your future is never locked in stone
man i was tidying up in the living room and i had to run out and run to my bedroom
literally just started crying out of nowhere and had a panic attack, nothing like this ever happened before
luckily my fam didnt notice
just got kinda close to telling my mum how i've been feeling
she asked if i've seen any jobs advertised recenty (I finished my degree last May and have just been working my part time cinema job while im looking for a "real job")
i straight up told her that I dont feel like doing anything in life right now
She really tried to support me and said she's notcied i've been quiet again recently - but she kinda missed my point, she was just told me i need to look for jobs in different cites.
felt good to tell her though i guess
Love to you my brother.. I hope you get through whatever you are going through. All I know is you just gotta keep fighting, there's always brighter days ahead and the passage of time alone is healing.
A tough pill to swallow but women see men who open up in that way as weak and lose sexual attraction to you when you do (from my own experience), they see you more as a friend EVEN IF SHE LOVES YOU, I'm not saying stay closed but open to your boys, your therapist or your close family instead. As a man we are in the unfortunate of being providers/leaders/dominant/strong we have to be strong for the people in our life even if we aren't.
Like I said try and find the balance but don't expect your girlfriend to play that your role for you as you do for her unless you want her to see you in a more platonic way. Sad but true.
I'm here to talk btw.. I went through suicidal depression for years so I've been through it all. It's tough.
Appreciate it bro. I kinda given up with trying to get her to get to know me. She doesn’t want to know me? Fine. Communication is a two way street and I’ve spoken to her about it multiple times and we been together for a year. It’s a lost cause
All I got is the homies to talk to about my s*** and that’s ok
Nothing can beat a mother's love it is the closest thing to being unconditional. I'm sorry for your loss I don't know what I would do if I lost my mother.
Stay strong, king. You've come very far and have a long journey ahead of you
Thanks my g. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Been a LOOONG journey but the work ain’t done yet!
f***kkkk man gotta do this after work event. s***s giving me mad anxiety. been working from home for like 1.5 years and haven’t really met these people in person before.
been stressing about it all day. even had to take a klonopin for this s*** and it’s not working
I wish I could be completely alone with no attachments I’m way too conscious of other people to be able what I want to do freely
Moved 5 hours away from home. Crying rn cause I miss my mom
you feeling any better today?
you feeling any better today?
Yea bro just got off the phone with her and I didn’t feel the waterworks.
Yea bro just got off the phone with her and I didn’t feel the waterworks.
Good the hear fam. It was tough for me at first as well. Time heals all ❤️
Drink tea, eat healthy, drink water, get enough sleep, work out, have an air of self awareness, push forward always.