how quickly progress can vanish
sike just a little bump in the road
reminding myself of 6.11
When jarred, unavoidably, by circumstances, revert at once to yourself, and don't lose the rhythm more than you can help. You'll have a better grasp of the harmony if you keep on going back to it.
i am a failure
no you are not. we are all trying the best we can. you are not a failure
I’m at an emotional rock bottom right now with a million thoughts running through my head.
It’s crazy that even after making so many recent personal strides and moving myself in the right direction, life just knocked me off my feet. My longtime girlfriend dumped me and less than 24 hours later my mom went into emergency surgery and gonna be in the hospital for a while, and now I’m being forced to move for the 4th time in 6 months. My life just flipped into a nightmare.
Maybe a girlfriend isn't what you need. Maybe you don't even like having a girlfriend.
I mean I feel happy in my current relationship and I feel like this time I’m ready to do the things it take to keep myself in check. But even she agrees that I still have issues that would be better suited for a therapist instead. I say to myself every time is different but I genuinely do feel that way this time
@CurlyZ i'm really sorry to hear that bro, i hope your mother is doing good.. with two major things happening in such a short period of time it must be tough to deal with.
All I can say is try to be as positive as you can, despite the circumstances try focusing on what you can change from here going forward.
@DonAndyLaurent is there any clubs you could join near you like a sports team or something to try and connect with others. I'm in a similar spot rn and dealing with lonliness is rough.
This could be a long-shot, but how about learning the language in your spare time?
I’ve been in so many clubs with people that I consider to be my friends, and always felt the most alone and isolated at those times.
It really doesn’t matter if you’re with people or not— don’t try to force the creation of a circle, you can take steps that will help you (go out, work on yourself and how comfortable you are with yourself, etc) but do not force the creation of a circle when it’s not there. Forcing will create a circle of 0 added value.
Keep your head up, your efforts will be rewarded.
yeah man i can emphasize, it comes in waves.
hope you enjoy your birthday to the fullest. more life to you.