anybody else themselves read psychology books/content to see wtf is wrong with them?
Although I do take therapy but I find reading that stuff to be really peaceful in a way.
I used to a lot when I knew some things were wrong with me.
Used to have a lot of pent up frustration and was causing me to have heart palpitations.
Really self studied myself and starting finding the causes of my anger and other things. Really helped me turn a new leaf in my life.
Euthanasia should be available to everybody. This is bullshit.
I agree tbh.
We sign our lives away to fight and die in wars but cant be granted the same rights to terminate our lives earlier through painless means
Matter of fact I just need to try period
Just effort alone is a big deal. Not every battle you fight needs to be an absolute victory. Gotta build up the foundation
I feel like there's nithing that can help this feeling
I had all this long s*** typed out again, but it’s like what’s really the point now? What haven’t I said? Nothing I can say will change it. Nothing I could’ve said would change the outcome, I think this was ultimately going to be it.
I became too attached and thought something was there when it wasn’t. I’m sure resentment grew on your part as a result. Truth be told as much as I wanted a reason for why we couldn’t work from your end, simply not liking me in the same way is a perfectly fine excuse.
I knew as soon as I pushed too hard that one time even bringing my own ptsd into it, we were done. But do you get why I pushed that hard? Do you get where that was coming from? Here’s the upside, these small rants will become less frequent as I learn to adjust to life without you again. You should not feel any sadness though because this one was completely your move. Truth be told we cant exist as friends, there’s not a situation where we remain in contact that I won’t try to pursue you.
I guess it is kinder to keep me fully out rather than just partially in. I hope you do well into the future. I will try to do less of this. This is an outlet for me now as you were for me previously :/
Oh whale
Even with all that said, I hope you know you leave dramatic imprints on people’s lives. Or atleast you did for mine. I wish I could explain the full extent of it via voice lol, it’s tough to just type out. I already pretty much measure most women I meet up to you for one. That’s probably unhealthy and unfair but it’s the truth. I’m going to work on it though. Okay I’m going to sleep and gonna work really hard not to let my emotions get the best of me at night going forward
i need to off myself fr. i hate it here i don't belong here i have no place here i don't feel love i have no family i love my friends so f***ing much i would hate to hurt them but i can't stand it here dawg. i really wish i had the courage to go thru w it cause f*** all of this
i need to off myself fr. i hate it here i don't belong here i have no place here i don't feel love i have no family i love my friends so f***ing much i would hate to hurt them but i can't stand it here dawg. i really wish i had the courage to go thru w it cause f*** all of this
Take a deep breath and relax.
You deserve happiness.
Things WILL get better.