  • Makaveli

    MGS V Ground Zeroes + Phantom Pain is definitely the best one in my opinion as well

    10 years later the games could come out today and not look aged at all

    Venom snake is chill af, big boss is an a******. I love Big Boss because he’s not a good guy tho

    Big Boss is a great character but I had that connect with Venom Snake (and Quiet )

    when I reached the revelation at the end that I was just some f***ing brainwashed medic that was used I was like "You know what f*** you dude, #TeamVenom "

  • Jun 13
    1 reply

    It’s all coming together

  • ILoveCheeseCake

    It’s all coming together

  • Jun 28

    Some new footage and info, in particular about the cure system and camo. In Japanese but English subs

    Plus original title screen confirmed for the ones that care that much about that

  • bruh where is master collection vol 2. Just give me guns of the patriots so I can die in peace

  • Aug 26
    6 replies

    So, it's the same game but with updated graphics, they even kept the loading screens

  • SpaceYY

    So, it's the same game but with updated graphics, they even kept the loading screens

    Ugh y'all niggas always on it. I wanted to post it

    But yeah can't wait for this

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Aug 26

    So, it's the same game but with updated graphics, they even kept the loading screens

    They not f***ing with what’s already perfect best case scenario

  • Aug 26
    1 reply

    So, it's the same game but with updated graphics, they even kept the loading screens

    Uhhhh that’s a good thing

  • Aug 26
    2 replies
  • Aug 26
    1 reply

    Uhhhh that’s a good thing

    We already have a HD remaster. I'm not gonna give 70$ for a game that already exists, but that's me.
    Some stuff in MSG3 exist because of hardware limitations, going for a 1:1 remake is just a lazy move

  • SpaceYY

    We already have a HD remaster. I'm not gonna give 70$ for a game that already exists, but that's me.
    Some stuff in MSG3 exist because of hardware limitations, going for a 1:1 remake is just a lazy move

    Fair enough. I don’t think this thing would be worth $70 anyways. Remakes should be $50 max

  • They're going to release this in 2024 right? What's up with the no release date.

  • Aug 26

    So, it's the same game but with updated graphics, they even kept the loading screens

    So in a nutshell, it's a lazy remake just as I feared/predicted

  • SpaceYY

    So, it's the same game but with updated graphics, they even kept the loading screens

    Don’t need to change perfection. Being able to crouch walk in a console version of the game is enough for me

  • Don't hate the decision, don't love it either. Still getting it

  • Aug 26


    Quality Mode it is.

  • 4k 30fps

    that's like calling another man daddy

  • November 17th is the 20th anniversary so I’m guessing sometime around then. Can’t wait to replay this masterpiece

  • Aug 26

    Can’t wait to buy this for the like 4th time

  • Bruh these graphic options is bs
    Otherwise the previews seem like they did what was needed
    This will get a lot of people into mgs cause 3 goes crazy

  • Aug 27
    1 reply

    ppl hating the "too faithful" critique is stupid they had every opportunity to make a living breathing jungle and they ruined it

    hearing the loading screens are a decent wait and are all in the same exact locations is dissapointing.

    some parts of the game should 100% have been more connected, i think they could have done it without breaking the pace of the game

  • also "higher fps"....

    sounds like its poorly optimized. its UE5 and there was little creative liberties taken and no guidance from kojima. it seems like a decent modernization at best but idk if this is the end all be all remake the game deserves

  • Legacy

    "higher fps"

  • amory

    ppl hating the "too faithful" critique is stupid they had every opportunity to make a living breathing jungle and they ruined it

    hearing the loading screens are a decent wait and are all in the same exact locations is dissapointing.

    some parts of the game should 100% have been more connected, i think they could have done it without breaking the pace of the game

    Loading screens

    We're in mf 2024.
    There should be 2 max.

    One at the beginning to load the game. And maybe one more if you're going to a gigantic area. That's it.