It was all Martin bashir, he purposely did that to make MJ look sick
He even told MJ & Gavin hold hands then edited it out of the video to make it look like Michael was being perverted
He also falsified documents for the production of the documentary. MJ was devastated when LWMJ aired but was clever enough to have his own cameras also film towards the end.
Take Two was denied by so many networks because they weren’t interested in the truth. It’s a good watch.
What exactly is it proof of?
Not even the prosecution claimed what you are.
The children admitted to rummaging through Jackson’s property when he wasn’t there. This is in court record. It’s a fact.
The claim is that Jackson used this p***ography to molest Gavin, is it not?
How come in the Arvizo tale of events they do not corroborate with this?
Gavin told us on the stand Jackson took the material off them and told them it was Frank Cascio’s. But I thought Jackson was showing them this p***ography to lower their sexual inhibitions to molest them. That does not add up.
Why would Jackson distance himself from the material if he was using it to molest these children? Why did the Arvizo’s never claim abuse following this?
This was the prosecution’s “smoking gun” in the 2005 trial but because of the way those children behave and the fact they admitted to sleeping in and going through Jackson’s room when he wasn’t even there speaks volumes.
This is how that family behaved. They did it at dentists offices. They did it elsewhere. Jay Leno and Chris Tucker were other celebrities the Arvizo’s tried to scam.
So I guess it wasn't locked up as you said.. just p*** scattered around a place built for children
I'm not surprised his millionaire lawyers defeated 14 year olds in court
I see you’re in here talking all high and mighty as if you care for s***abuse victims
Which is funny because you stan Nicki Minaj wholeheartedly, a woman that currently has a child and is married to a convicted rapist
Not only that but her brother is a whole pedophile & correct me if I’m mistaken but didn’t she financial support him on trial ???
You don’t care about pedophilia, rape, or injustice because if you did you wouldn’t be supporting Nicki with no shame the way you do
You’re just here to cause problems & troll for attention which isn’t funny & is extremely disrespectful to real victims of sexual abuse
So just cut the act it’s embarrassing
MJ sharing room with children sounds strange until you realize his bedroom is 2 stories & the size of an entire apartment
All of it was taken out of context
But I guess offering your bed to children automatically means you have sexually intentions
He said they slept in the same bed
I see you’re in here talking all high and mighty as if you care for s***abuse victims
Which is funny because you stan Nicki Minaj wholeheartedly, a woman that currently has a child and is married to a convicted rapist
Not only that but her brother is a whole pedophile & correct me if I’m mistaken but didn’t she financial support him on trial ???
You don’t care about pedophilia, rape, or injustice because if you did you wouldn’t be supporting Nicki with no shame the way you do
You’re just here to cause problems & troll for attention which isn’t funny & is extremely disrespectful to real victims of sexual abuse
So just cut the act it’s embarrassing
Deflect more
Nicki isn't a p-do
So I guess it wasn't locked up as you said.. just p*** scattered around a place built for children
I'm not surprised his millionaire lawyers defeated 14 year olds in court
Do you know anything about the case or are you just talking just to talk ?
Are you aware that Janet & the Arvizo family have a history of fraud, failed scams & lawsuit scandals ?
Are you even aware that Gavin Arvizo & his mother were laughed at in court because of the contradicting stories & the fact the fact that they were caught lying on numerous occasions?
I’m very open to have civil rational discussions but you and your anti MJ squad haven’t made a valid, factual statement so far
Just potential pedophilia fan fiction
Deflect more
Nicki isn't a p-do
Yet she’s married to a rapist & supported her pedophile brother in court financially lol
Do you know anything about the case or are you just talking just to talk ?
Are you aware that Janet & the Arvizo family have a history of fraud, failed scams & lawsuit scandals ?
Are you even aware that Gavin Arvizo & his mother were laughed at in court because of the contradicting stories & the fact the fact that they were caught lying on numerous occasions?
I’m very open to have civil rational discussions but you and your anti MJ squad haven’t made a valid, factual statement so far
Just potential pedophilia fan fiction
So the kids are guilty because of bad parents
MJ is innocent because of his bad parents
So the kids are guilty because of bad parents
MJ is innocent because of his bad parents
No the kids are guilty because they lied in court & were manipulated by their parents for financial gain
It’s funny because you aren’t even aware of the 1993 case, the case where evan chandler manipulated and d***ged his son to extort MJ out of 20 million dollars
Then proceeded to abandon the case after he was paid
The same Evan Chandler who had a restraining order filed by his whole son
The same Evan chandler who’s own ex wife privately recorded him bragging about his plan to extort MJ for 20 million dollars
But keeo being an ignorant pedophile & rapist apologist support troll it suits you 🥰
So the kids are guilty because of bad parents
MJ is innocent because of his bad parents
You’re ignoring every fact presented to you because it doesn’t fit your narrative. You have absolutely no understanding of context or fact about these accusations and try to simplify it to fit your narrative.
The Arvizo children rummaging through Jackson’s possessions when he wasn’t there as well as stealing from Jackson does not suddenly mean Jackson is a pedophile.
Might actually use the ignore feature for the first time gah damn
Absolute WOAT poster
I’m pushing nothing.
I’m only trying to post the facts in a presentable way so people can understand the truth about the case.
the mental gymnastic people do to cape for MJ
i wonder if you give your neighbourhood s***offender this much leeway
i'm trying to rationalize this in my head
it's new info n the past many pages indicate that some still aren't convinced
tf man, op isn't the one pushing
the mental gymnastic people do to cape for MJ
i wonder if you give your neighbourhood s***offender this much leeway
i'm trying to rationalize this in my head
There’s countless evidence that suggests he was innocent
It’s weird how y’all say his guilty but have no physical proof
They only thing you all bring up is the fact that he slept with children which isn’t over exaggerated and confirmed to be false
it's new info n the past many pages indicate that some still aren't convinced
tf man, op isn't the one pushing
op definitely is pushing it
There’s countless evidence that suggests he was innocent
It’s weird how y’all say his guilty but have no physical proof
They only thing you all bring up is the fact that he slept with children which isn’t over exaggerated and confirmed to be false
idk man i am not the most intelligent person but looking at evidence on both sides it is obvious mj did that s***
similar to OJ even tho he won his case
if I ever catch a case op will be my lawyer
dead at jumping through the ringer to defend kids sleeping in bed with an adult
there's nothing there to defend unless it outright didn't happen
These threads always weed out who should and shouldn't be allowed to be around children
sick f***s
op definitely is pushing it
by takin a stance n defending it when necessary?
if so, isn't this whole topic just "pushing it"? how are you supposed to discuss otherwise
idk man i am not the most intelligent person but looking at evidence on both sides it is obvious mj did that s***
similar to OJ even tho he won his case
What evidence suggests he was guilty ?
dead at jumping through the ringer to defend kids sleeping in bed with an adult
there's nothing there to defend unless it outright didn't happen
These threads always weed out who should and shouldn't be allowed to be around children
sick f***s
He never slept in the bed with them
Him and his bodyguard slept on the floor