Kpop stop characterizing the man who bought the ATV catalog as the same man who is naively sleeping in rooms with children. There was nothing naive about Michael Jackson everything he did was cold calculated and motivated by intelligence and business acumen. From The Simpsons episode to the Sega Genesis video game everything he did had a motivation regarding grooming children and making parents believe that he was some kind of Peter Pan that could be around in intimate ways with children
F***in a man.
I bring a source you character assassinate immediately.
So wade Jimmy and the mothers don't count to u?
They all attest to mj sharing bedrooms with boys on tour.
You ignore evidence of grooming. The rings.
Safechuck said that mike talked to him on the phone for 7 hrs.
Not normal for a boy to adult male relationship.
K-pop for some reason you refuse to believe that a man who contributed great things to musical culture could be capable of doing what he did which was molesting and raping little boys and grooming them for months and years and doing it again and again and again
It’s entirely possible. Only problem is it didn’t happen. And I keep proving why over and over again. No answer for the Grammys lie?
Discman, every time you start bringing s*** up OP responds in great detail, putting far more effort in than someone acting in as bad of faith as you deserve. You don’t even ask questions, you just shout baseless platitudes and then when confronted with evidence, bring up something completely out of left field instead of replying to the points OP made, and continue moving the goal posts all while you lie and pretend OP hasn’t responded to every single piece of bullshit you bring up.
You are pathetic.
Can’t beat a Sinewave ether
Kpop stop characterizing the man who bought the ATV catalog as the same man who is naively sleeping in rooms with children. There was nothing naive about Michael Jackson everything he did was cold calculated and motivated by intelligence and business acumen. From The Simpsons episode to the Sega Genesis video game everything he did had a motivation regarding grooming children and making parents believe that he was some kind of Peter Pan that could be around in intimate ways with children
This is so laughable. Everything he ever did was to groom children. What a waste of energy it was for you to post that garbage.
Regarding the sleepovers; I don't condone it. I think it made him a very easy target for the ambulance chasers who did use it to accuse him. However, there is context to it and Jackson explained he would usually sleep on the floor & never ask them to join him in bed. The Arvizo's in LWMJ back up his claim, as do many others, including Mac Culkin's father. He did not see any sexual connotations to it. Most will automatically jump the conclusion it must mean sex. It was naive on Jackson's behalf.
There were more than 2 'art books' however most guilters try and claim the main 2 - Boys will be Boys as well as 'The Boy: A photographic essay'
3 were found in 1993, others found in 2003-2005's investigation.
1: 'The Boy: A photographic essay' - it was a gift from a fan.
2: 'Boys will be Boys' has an inscription from MJ which reads 'Look at the true spirit of happiness and joy in these boys’ faces. This is the spirit of boyhood, a life I never had and will always dream of. This is the life I want for my children, MJ.' - How sinister!
Containing photographs from the making of the movie, The Lord of the Flies.
3: 'Young Beauty' - never mentioned by the prosecution and they never told where it was found.
So let's go to the books found in 2003, shall we?
So far, we've had a gift from a fan, the making of Lord of the Flies and a book so insignificant the prosecution never once tried to use it (nor admit where they found it).
1: Rod McRae – Camp Cove, Photos of Sydney Men (2001) - Art book with artistic photographs of adult men.
2: Alexandre Dupouy – Scenes d’Interieur (2000) - Art book with nude grown women in sexually suggestive poses.
3: Starr OcKenga – Dressup: Playacts and Fantasies of Childhood (1978) - An art book from renowned photographer containing photo's of children playing dressup.
4: Dave Nestler – The Art of Dave Nestler: Wicked Intentions (2002) - nude book with animations of grown women
5: Kelly Klein – Underworld (1995) - photographs depicting the underwear of Kelly Klein, ex wife of Calvin Klein, among them are the Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
6: Jake Chapman , Dinos Chapman, Gillian Wearing, Tracey Emin – The Fourth Sex, Adolescent Extremes (2003) - a book depicting youth counter culture.
7: Pere Formiguera – Cronos (2000) - A book depicting subjects with photographs taken once a month for 10 years.
8: John Patrick Salisbury – Drew and Jimmy (1995) - two teenage boys in Rural Louisiana, shot by the lady who shot Alanis Morisette's first album cover. Confiscated because it showed them 'in swimwear'.
9: Rineke Dijkstra – Beach Portraits (2003) - people in swimwear.
10: Mayumi Lake – POO-chi (2002) - Art book depicting human armpits photographed to look suggestive.
So that's 13 books so far, none of which contain 'child p***ography' (which is a crime to possess), were gifts by fans, making of movies, had fully grown women in them etc. etc.
Nearly all of which were found in cardboard boxes in Jackson's storage. A real grasp at straws where Sneddon lied multiple times about where they were found and how these vague art books 'prove' Jackson was gay - ignoring his actual p*** collection.
Do you want me to go through the rest? Or is that enough for you?
"context" he stated himself he slept with many boys in the same bed
So he did have more than 2 books filled with naked children
"context" he stated himself he slept with many boys in the same bed
So he did have more than 2 books filled with naked children
Did you even read the summary of each book?
F***in a man.
I bring a source you character assassinate immediately.
So wade Jimmy and the mothers don't count to u?
They all attest to mj sharing bedrooms with boys on tour.
You ignore evidence of grooming. The rings.
Safechuck said that mike talked to him on the phone for 7 hrs.
Not normal for a boy to adult male relationship.
K-pop for some reason you refuse to believe that a man who contributed great things to musical culture could be capable of doing what he did which was molesting and raping little boys and grooming them for months and years and doing it again and again and again
Imagine thinking that MJ or anybody would spend 7 hours on the motherfucking phone.
Always thought there was a racial element to the persecution of MJ. Cacs who run the industry didn’t want to see a black man on top.
Did you even read the summary of each book?
I stopped at #1 because you purposely didn't paste the full description
"1: 'The Boy: A photographic essay' - it was a gift from a fan."
Book: ‘The Boy, a Photographic Essay,’ containing images of boys, some nude.
You bias is embarrassing try reporting actual facts
I stopped at #1 because you purposely didn't paste the full description
"1: 'The Boy: A photographic essay' - it was a gift from a fan."
Book: ‘The Boy, a Photographic Essay,’ containing images of boys, some nude.
You bias is embarrassing try reporting actual facts
Yes, which is true. It is also true that it was a gift from a fan and was taken on the set of the lord of the flies movie both of which are in my post.
The prosecution tried to spin the same bullshit you are in 2005 and failed then. They couldn’t do it and neither can you.
Yes, which is true. It is also true that it was a gift from a fan and was taken on the set of the lord of the flies movie both of which are in my post.
The prosecution tried to spin the same bullshit you are in 2005 and failed then. They couldn’t do it and neither can you.
The prosecution said the correct description of the books and that upsets you?
You're delusional half those books have naked kids in them yet your descriptions don't include that
Kpop u are the quintessence of garbage.
Would a normal man make a video game about saving a little kid by grabbing her on each level? Would a normal man make a Simpsons episode about gaining the trust of young Bart?-- Which by the way was a deleted episode because the makers of The Simpsons realized that Jackson was using it as a grooming tool
This motherfuker on National Television holding on to a 13 year old boy like his f** prom date and you f** dipshitz have the nerve to say you f** ethered me when I could f** put you in the f** vacuum cleaner with the rest of the MJ dirt.
But I can't clapback because I know too much and you dumb motherfukers Will Never See the Light
The prosecution said the correct description of the books and that upsets you?
You're delusional half those books have naked kids in them yet your descriptions don't include that
The prosecution tried to spin the same narrative as you. That was my point, of which you have obviously failed to see. It didn’t hold up then and it doesn’t now.
They are non sexual art books of all forms from all ages, most of which are in the National Library of Congress. There’s really not much more to it. Most of them are of nude adult women from memory.
Jackson was also known to buy hundreds of books at a time, so there is also a chance he never saw some of these. Of course that can never be proven but it’s an interesting possibility.
This motherfuker on National Television holding on to a 13 year old boy like his f** prom date and you f** dipshitz have the nerve to say you f** ethered me when I could f** put you in the f** vacuum cleaner with the rest of the MJ dirt.
But I can't clapback because I know too much and you dumb motherfukers Will Never See the Light
If you know so much explain why Safechuck keeps exposing his lies with impossible timelines.
Kpop u are the quintessence of garbage.
Would a normal man make a video game about saving a little kid by grabbing her on each level? Would a normal man make a Simpsons episode about gaining the trust of young Bart?-- Which by the way was a deleted episode because the makers of The Simpsons realized that Jackson was using it as a grooming tool
Sorry to have upset you with the facts. Still no response for the whole Grammys abuse lie or the train station lie either.
If you know so much explain why Safechuck keeps exposing his lies with impossible timelines.
So you can recall your memories from when you are an 8 year old boy perfectly in the total logical and sequential narrative order. Didn't think so
So you can recall your memories from when you are an 8 year old boy perfectly in the total logical and sequential narrative order. Didn't think so
Ok so your admitted logic is let’s believe everything this grown man says happened to him because he’s pretending to be a victim?
The prosecution tried to spin the same narrative as you. That was my point, of which you have obviously failed to see. It didn’t hold up then and it doesn’t now.
They are non sexual art books of all forms from all ages, most of which are in the National Library of Congress. There’s really not much more to it. Most of them are of nude adult women from memory.
Jackson was also known to buy hundreds of books at a time, so there is also a chance he never saw some of these. Of course that can never be proven but it’s an interesting possibility.
Multi-millionaire avoids p-do charges due to legalities
Victim blaming little kids
Ok so your admitted logic is let’s believe everything this grown man says happened to him because he’s pretending to be a victim?
Ok so your admitted logic is let’s believe everything this grown man says happened to him because he’s pretending to be a victim?
u fighting the good fight bro dont give up!
It gets hard but take it easy