  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    It just feels all over the place...the horror elements that are there I really enjoy but like with a lot of Flanagans more recent stuff he seems more interested in relationships and addiction and I guess I just prefer my horror a little more direct and simple idk...I was raised Catholic so I get the appeal from that perspective but like in ep 4 when Riley and the teacher have that damn near 10 min long conversation about what happens when you just felt forced in for the religion element

    What episode are you on? That convo is pretty significant but I don’t wanna spoil if you haven’t gotten there yet.

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    this is the hill house dude?

    hows it hold up to hill house? obviously a very different vibe but quality wise are we in the ballpark here

    Yup it’s the same dude. Honestly Hill House was my fave, but this is prob tied with it now. Def not as scary as we all been talking about itt, but I fw it. Really fresh take on some of the mythos’ that have been beaten to death by now lol

  • Sep 27, 2021

    What episode are you on? That convo is pretty significant but I don’t wanna spoil if you haven’t gotten there yet.

    On 5 currently lol I will say it's getting better as more is revealed

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Hamish Linklater hive stand up, our boy is finally getting his moment

  • Sep 27, 2021
    2 replies
    Mr Milchick

    Hamish Linklater hive stand up, our boy is finally getting his moment

    Best thing about the show tbh. Im surprised i haven't seen him anything before.... For some reason his face looked familiar

  • Sep 27, 2021

    Best thing about the show tbh. Im surprised i haven't seen him anything before.... For some reason his face looked familiar

    he was in FX’s Legion & had a minor role in Fargo S3

  • Sep 27, 2021
    3 replies

    Yup it’s the same dude. Honestly Hill House was my fave, but this is prob tied with it now. Def not as scary as we all been talking about itt, but I fw it. Really fresh take on some of the mythos’ that have been beaten to death by now lol

    I finished it last night and definitely liked the 2nd half more...I guess Flanagans style just seems a bit self indulgent with the lengthy dialogue/monologue scenes...I can't say they aren't written well but just feels unnecessary at the sheriff diving in to his entire "how I got here" speech when the doctor goes to talk to just keeps awkwardly cutting back to the doctor making the same sad face...same with the "what happens when you die" speech...I get the significance of both but just felt a bit clunky

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    Finished it last night, great series all throughout. Tbh I'm not really a fan of Vampires, think they're pretty overdone much like Zombies but I loved how it was executed.

    I actually didn't mind the monologues, thought they were great except for Sheriff Hassan's monologue about why he was there. Isolated from the context of the scene it's great but it seemed like they were trying to cram backstory 'cause they realized they only had 1 episode left.

    Hill House is still top dog but this is second in my listing for Flanagan TV horror

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    I finished it last night and definitely liked the 2nd half more...I guess Flanagans style just seems a bit self indulgent with the lengthy dialogue/monologue scenes...I can't say they aren't written well but just feels unnecessary at the sheriff diving in to his entire "how I got here" speech when the doctor goes to talk to just keeps awkwardly cutting back to the doctor making the same sad face...same with the "what happens when you die" speech...I get the significance of both but just felt a bit clunky

    Lmao yes that's what I just mentioned in my post, didn't read yours until just now just felt so out of place. I was expecting her to react like "uhhhh ok?"

  • Sep 27, 2021
    Sgt Leaf

    Lmao yes that's what I just mentioned in my post, didn't read yours until just now just felt so out of place. I was expecting her to react like "uhhhh ok?"

    Sometimes the lengthy dialogue works (loved the meeting scenes between Riley, the pastor, and the drunk dude) but yeah other times it's so awkwardly thrown in there lol plus the lady playing the doctors mom kept distracting distracting bc it was obvious she was just covered in makeup and she did a pretty iffy job of portraying an elderly person to where it felt like a parody almost

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    I finished it last night and definitely liked the 2nd half more...I guess Flanagans style just seems a bit self indulgent with the lengthy dialogue/monologue scenes...I can't say they aren't written well but just feels unnecessary at the sheriff diving in to his entire "how I got here" speech when the doctor goes to talk to just keeps awkwardly cutting back to the doctor making the same sad face...same with the "what happens when you die" speech...I get the significance of both but just felt a bit clunky

    funniest s*** was the sherrif letting it all out all the racism and the lady was like ok ill just go

  • Sep 27, 2021

    I finished it last night and definitely liked the 2nd half more...I guess Flanagans style just seems a bit self indulgent with the lengthy dialogue/monologue scenes...I can't say they aren't written well but just feels unnecessary at the sheriff diving in to his entire "how I got here" speech when the doctor goes to talk to just keeps awkwardly cutting back to the doctor making the same sad face...same with the "what happens when you die" speech...I get the significance of both but just felt a bit clunky

    Nah I get it 100% lol. In retrospect it was very much info-dump-y, but I guess it spoke to me so I was willing to ignore it

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply
    Sgt Leaf

    Finished it last night, great series all throughout. Tbh I'm not really a fan of Vampires, think they're pretty overdone much like Zombies but I loved how it was executed.

    I actually didn't mind the monologues, thought they were great except for Sheriff Hassan's monologue about why he was there. Isolated from the context of the scene it's great but it seemed like they were trying to cram backstory 'cause they realized they only had 1 episode left.

    Hill House is still top dog but this is second in my listing for Flanagan TV horror

    I would agree, because I think zombies and vampires have been done to death, but idk something about this felt fresh. Not like the premise was anything super super different, but maybe it was just me going into this blind and now expecting anything even remotely close to what we got.

  • Sep 27, 2021

    funniest s*** was the sherrif letting it all out all the racism and the lady was like ok ill just go

    LMAO exactly it just kept cutting back to her face "that sucks but I really need to get going" face...thought it was going to end with him saying "and now you want me to investigate St. Patricks...FUCK YEAH I WILL" but instead he's still refusing and only gets convinced when his son refuses to stay home and not attend the Easter Mass lol there's just so many of those long winded conversations that on paper are not poorly written just felt weirdly inserted into this story...which happens a lot with Flanagan...his style is basically very talky horror lol I can see why Tarantino digs him

    furthermore if he left his previous NYPD gig because of racism...why the f*** would you take a sheriff gig on a island of 100-200 mostly white, ultra religious people it's like Danny Torrance taking a gig as a hotel caretaker after the events of The Shining lol

  • Sep 27, 2021

    I would agree, because I think zombies and vampires have been done to death, but idk something about this felt fresh. Not like the premise was anything super super different, but maybe it was just me going into this blind and now expecting anything even remotely close to what we got.

    it definitely throws a bunch of unique aspects of storytelling all into one (the guy returning home after a prison stint, the island cut off from society as a whole full of dreary/close minded people, religion vs science, ADDICTION which seems to be a big part of most of Flanagan's stuff, etc.)...also I respect that Flanagan puts his wife in everything he does but I often feel like her performances are too much of the same every her performance in this just felt like Hill House and Bly Manor all over again as far as her acting goes...loved her in Hush but aside from playing a deaf character that performance also felt the same as her others lol

  • Sep 27, 2021
    1 reply

    it'd also be great if horror movies/shows could stop with the violence against animals smh being a cat lover such as myself the ending of that first episode made me not want to watch the rest of the series lol then the dog gets poisoned and you gotta see its last moments n s\*\*\*...fucked up and didn't really feel like horror just animal gore for the sake of it...I probably sound like a wuss but that stuff always puts me off to whatever I'm watching (hated when Stranger Things killed Dustin's cat too)

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    Is this essential viewing?

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    it'd also be great if horror movies/shows could stop with the violence against animals smh being a cat lover such as myself the ending of that first episode made me not want to watch the rest of the series lol then the dog gets poisoned and you gotta see its last moments n s\*\*\*...fucked up and didn't really feel like horror just animal gore for the sake of it...I probably sound like a wuss but that stuff always puts me off to whatever I'm watching (hated when Stranger Things killed Dustin's cat too)

    i mean we literally see a group suicide of humans aswell so i disagree with this

  • Sep 28, 2021
    1 reply

    i mean we literally see a group suicide of humans aswell so i disagree with this

    Fair point but they were some nutcases lol just feel like animals especially cats and dogs are used too often for just shock gore imagery rather than their being an actual purpose behind you see the one cat in the woods get picked off and suddenly they're all being put on display on the beach???...the dogs death was tough to stomach too like they didn't have to get that graphic with it IMO..most of the humans got pretty quick deaths by comparison even the especially awful ones.

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply
    lil sunny

    Is this essential viewing?

    what the f*** kind of question is this

  • Sep 29, 2021

    The sheriff actor is channeling TLOU Joel vibes

    When he was like ‘you don’t know what she I went through…I bear that for BOTH of us…’

    Plus the jacket, the beard and look

    It was straight Joel


    Idk if this is true but I know the actor is a big gamer so it could be tbh

  • mentalcase420

    Fair point but they were some nutcases lol just feel like animals especially cats and dogs are used too often for just shock gore imagery rather than their being an actual purpose behind you see the one cat in the woods get picked off and suddenly they're all being put on display on the beach???...the dogs death was tough to stomach too like they didn't have to get that graphic with it IMO..most of the humans got pretty quick deaths by comparison even the especially awful ones.

    yeah i think the cat beach thing had no great reason but the dog was done very well and had a purpose, we also see parente force their kids to take the poison that shir was def the most f\*\*\*ed up part imo

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply

    what the f*** kind of question is this

    Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? Simple question: is it a must watch show or would I not be missing out if I didn’t watch it?

  • Sep 29, 2021
    1 reply
    lil sunny

    Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? Simple question: is it a must watch show or would I not be missing out if I didn’t watch it?

    lmfao how is anyone supposed to tell you what is a “must watch” for you?? and imagine asking some bullshit like that instead of watching a bit and finding out for yourself whether it’s worth watching.

    oh, and my reading comprehension has probably been better than yours since i was 5 years old btw

  • Sep 29, 2021

    this s*** is legitimately 3x better than Bly Manor lmfao
