why do people hate this album
people dislike this album? this is my 2nd favorite album from them or my #1 depending on my mood…it captures that mid-2000s indie scene vibe so perfectly
Damn I forgot about this album never actually peeped it. I think this year I’ll finally go through a deep dive into their discography I like more than a few joints from Modest Mousen
people dislike this album? this is my 2nd favorite album from them or my #1 depending on my mood…it captures that mid-2000s indie scene vibe so perfectly
was talking to some ppl recently and they said it was the greatest drop off of all time
they are kinda re t a r***ed but i've seen people underrate it a lot over the years and i don't really understand because i just know they were basing that off of the hits which are some of the greatest tracks of that era
people dislike this album? this is my 2nd favorite album from them or my #1 depending on my mood…it captures that mid-2000s indie scene vibe so perfectly
can see how mid section slips a lot but the bookends are so crazy
was talking to some ppl recently and they said it was the greatest drop off of all time
they are kinda re t a r***ed but i've seen people underrate it a lot over the years and i don't really understand because i just know they were basing that off of the hits which are some of the greatest tracks of that era
no album is “the greatest drop off all time” if it has ocean breathes salty or bury me with it…that album proved that they didn’t need to compromise their sound to be successful
no album is “the greatest drop off all time” if it has ocean breathes salty or bury me with it…that album proved that they didn’t need to compromise their sound to be successful
yea exactly, even more offensive when these people are really REALLY going into bat for the worst indie of the early 2010s
i don't think there was ever a compromise on this one one we're talking about and it just seemed like logical continuation of their last
good times are killing me might be their saddest track!
@the_ghost_of_b_a i’d love to hear those people’s opinions on Rilo Kiley’s final album…i enjoyed it myself but that’s most definitely a huge change in sound compared to their prior albums
@the_ghost_of_b_a i’d love to hear those people’s opinions on Rilo Kiley’s final album…i enjoyed it myself but that’s most definitely a huge change in sound compared to their prior albums
i kinda remember listening to to them when i was younger but not familiar with the band really
i was dinosaur jr > modest mouse type fan
their initial run of albums is so goated, incredible things were happening when isaac was just a dude writing emo tunes about being a working class shlub instead of whatever this band does now