  • Oct 30, 2021

    What do we think KTT2? Did the school go to far? Are you allowed to make OnlyFans content without facing personal repercussions? What do we make of this?

    f*** school and f*** the mom to literally

  • Oct 30, 2021

    What do we think KTT2? Did the school go to far? Are you allowed to make OnlyFans content without facing personal repercussions? What do we make of this?

    whats her ig

  • Oct 30, 2021

    This is such a 2021 headline we are doomed

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    no but kids get into convos with their adult volunteers and ask a lot of questions bc they're kids

    kids chirp like birds to each other, when i was young i knew weird dramatic s*** about ppls parents that i had no reason to know, like who was getting divorced who cheated who drinks every night. giving gossipy information to a child is basically a surefire way of making sure the other kids he knows who "won't tell anyone" learn about it

    This doesn't fit for her. She'd already been volunteering while doing only fans for 2 years.

    If the adult doesn't say anything to the school this is 100 percent a non issue

  • Oct 30, 2021
    2 replies

    This doesn't fit for her. She'd already been volunteering while doing only fans for 2 years.

    If the adult doesn't say anything to the school this is 100 percent a non issue

    it aint only about her relationship to misc. students, yeah she could avoid it pretty well with them, but she presumably has a child attending that school, and her child's friends (who she's prolly met), and those relationships complicate everything

    it's just risk reduction. i highly doubt the decision was made to be personal and condemn s***work via sacrificing this woman's ability to volunteer. it's so they don't get constant emails and calls from other parents who are upset about their own child being exposed to s***(even if that woman were to hypothetically conduct herself with enough restraint to never mention her work, the other parents don't care. they see the same risk and want it gone bc it concerns their child)

    and if it did lead to something bad, like bullying or children being exposed to something their parents didnt want them to know (come on bro it's onlyfans lol. this ain't how most parents gonna go about teaching birds and bees), school's gonna be f***ed

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Like 50% of the people on school boards across America have Facebook posts about murdering protesters

  • Oct 30, 2021

    I mean why u blaming the pilot then bro he just follow orders and I’m sure that ain’t what the chief tell him but u got this from a leaked source correct?

  • Oct 30, 2021

    if someone tells me to kill a kid i dont care who it is im not doing it!

  • Oct 30, 2021

    I wouldn’t hire her either

  • Oct 30, 2021

    It’s a school
    She makes oorn
    Not an ideal brand association

  • I feel like the only way it would be normalized is if onlyfans contributes there money to education

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    The same happened to Hiroshima right They hid they men in civilian places so they did what they had to do

    they purposely bombed hiroshima instead of an actual military target for the purposes of testing the nuclear bomb and to put scare the soviet union by show of force

    otherwise with that logic you could just bomb anywhere in a country youre at war with and assume that theres military significance

  • Oct 30, 2021

    I mean if they let guys who fly drones and kill kids all day volunteer whats wrong with someone who pops their p**** on the timeline to consenting adults?

  • Oct 30, 2021

    her son is gonna be the real victim tbh

    “I beat to your moms last night bro”

  • Oct 30, 2021

    I mean if they let guys who fly drones and kill kids all day volunteer whats wrong with someone who pops their p**** on the timeline to consenting adults?

    We should cancel both, keeping people promoting toxic brain waste thet is p***ography the f*** outta there is a GOOD thing you twisted kids

  • Oct 30, 2021

    if you told me the person on the left was some insta thot and the person on the right was a meth addict, i'd believe you

  • Oct 30, 2021

    Whats her onlyfans so i can add it to my block list

  • Oct 30, 2021

    it aint only about her relationship to misc. students, yeah she could avoid it pretty well with them, but she presumably has a child attending that school, and her child's friends (who she's prolly met), and those relationships complicate everything

    it's just risk reduction. i highly doubt the decision was made to be personal and condemn s***work via sacrificing this woman's ability to volunteer. it's so they don't get constant emails and calls from other parents who are upset about their own child being exposed to s***(even if that woman were to hypothetically conduct herself with enough restraint to never mention her work, the other parents don't care. they see the same risk and want it gone bc it concerns their child)

    and if it did lead to something bad, like bullying or children being exposed to something their parents didnt want them to know (come on bro it's onlyfans lol. this ain't how most parents gonna go about teaching birds and bees), school's gonna be f***ed

    I mean OK but why would anyone find her only fans to begin with? Who's gonna be researching her like the school did

  • theboy

    I mean if they let guys who fly drones and kill kids all day volunteer whats wrong with someone who pops their p**** on the timeline to consenting adults?

  • Kengi 💭
    Oct 30, 2021

    None of their business I say!

  • Oct 30, 2021

    lucky i am not a father of a child at her school! i would have been caught viewing her content by my wife and that wouldnt ended well!

  • Oct 30, 2021

    Potential legal precedent?
