  • Oct 30, 2021
    2 replies

    the US had already been in talks with Japan to force a surrender, Japan understood they had already lost, they just wanted a conditional surrender while the US leadership needed an unconditional surrender to justify the US' involvement in WWII domestically. The US' justification that they needed to end the war quickly was because they were afraid of the Soviets forcing a Japanese surrender and potentially having to split Japan with the Soviets.

    "There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn't bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders."
    -General Curtis Lemay

    and in the meeting for when they were choosing what targets to hit in the Target Committee of the Manhattan Project under General Leslie Groves:

    "Psychological Factors in Target Selection

    A. It was agreed that psychological factors in the target selection were of great importance. Two aspects of this are (1) ovtaining the greatest psychological effect against Japan and (2) making the initial use sufficiently spectacular for the importance of the weapon to be internationally recognized when publicity on it is released.

    B. In this respect Kyoto has the advantage of the people being more highly intelligent and hence better able to appreciate the significance of the weapon. Hiroshima has the advantage of being such a size and with possible focusing from nearby mountains that a large fraction of the city may be destroyed."

    One of the original targets being Kyoto is inarguable proof that they had simply wanted a public demonstration of the violent capacity of the nuclear bomb, given that Kyoto was not a military target or target of importance, rather being a dense urban city and intellectual center of Japan, where many people taking refugee from the destruction of the war had been headed.

    It is ahistorical to argue that geopolitics played zero part in the decision to drop the nuclear bomb on heavily populated civilian targets.

    Japan was not going to surrender, Unconditional surrender was so that Japan couldn’t make any demands with their surrender. Such as keeping land they took and their Emperor. They were able to keep their Emperor so the US could rebuild Japan with friendly relations to the civilian population.

    Anyway as for Japan saying they were gonna surrender, they weren’t. The Japanese were training civilians to train with bamboo spears to kill the allies if they invaded the Mainland. They hoped the USSR would help them or be the middle man so they could keep the war going on just a bit more. Until the Soviets invaded Manchuria(Land they wanted to keep) they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender.

    Either way, Hiroshima was still of military importance. Idk why you replied without telling me why you thought it wasn’t. Hiroshima has housing 40k Japanese soldiers, was the HQ for the Second Japanese Army. Which was defending Southern Japan. Theres more reasons why but this reply is too long already.

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Didnt expect the nuclear bombing of Japan to be the discussion itt

  • Oct 30, 2021

    Didnt expect the nuclear bombing of Japan to be the discussion itt

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 30, 2021

    f*** them kids

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    “Hitler's concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America's extermination—by starvation and uneven combat—of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

    U talking about s*** that happened in the 17 and 1800s we was in the 1900s bro not comparable

  • 4am

    Japan was not going to surrender, Unconditional surrender was so that Japan couldn’t make any demands with their surrender. Such as keeping land they took and their Emperor. They were able to keep their Emperor so the US could rebuild Japan with friendly relations to the civilian population.

    Anyway as for Japan saying they were gonna surrender, they weren’t. The Japanese were training civilians to train with bamboo spears to kill the allies if they invaded the Mainland. They hoped the USSR would help them or be the middle man so they could keep the war going on just a bit more. Until the Soviets invaded Manchuria(Land they wanted to keep) they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender.

    Either way, Hiroshima was still of military importance. Idk why you replied without telling me why you thought it wasn’t. Hiroshima has housing 40k Japanese soldiers, was the HQ for the Second Japanese Army. Which was defending Southern Japan. Theres more reasons why but this reply is too long already.

    Respect bro

  • Oct 30, 2021

    U talking about s*** that happened in the 17 and 1800s we was in the 1900s bro not comparable

    the 1800s were closer to WWII than we are now

    this is hitler literally comparing us to them in a positive light

  • Oct 30, 2021
    3 replies

    Anyone disagreeing saying you hate women is ludicrous bullshit. Hyper sexuality isn’t what you want around your kids.

    What a dumbass take. They'd have no problem with a murderous veteran or police officer volunteering.

    It's fine for kids to be around bloodlust, murders and imperialism but god forbid it's a woman who makes money off her body?

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Trash Star

    What a dumbass take. They'd have no problem with a murderous veteran or police officer volunteering.

    It's fine for kids to be around bloodlust, murders and imperialism but god forbid it's a woman who makes money off her body?

    A lot of assumptions u got there buddy

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply

    A lot of assumptions u got there buddy

    im not ur buddy, pal

  • Oct 30, 2021

    I open this thread & y’all over here talking about Japan/ the 1800s/ ww2…

  • Ryuka

    Imagine wanting your kids around that hypersexual mom

    School is right

    It's not like she putting p**** out at the school though

  • XavierMane

    Nah. From a school standpoint it isn't worth the s***storm that'd come from parents and donors.

    this facts

  • Yall acting like there aren't worse people hanging out with kids on the regular though and she's the worst

  • Oct 30, 2021
    Trash Star

    What a dumbass take. They'd have no problem with a murderous veteran or police officer volunteering.

    It's fine for kids to be around bloodlust, murders and imperialism but god forbid it's a woman who makes money off her body?

    LOL your name is so fitting. Yeah... Whataboutism. Sorry, no. I don't want my kids around a woman or man that spends time selling their body.


  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Trash Star

    im not ur buddy, pal

    Alright chief go take your kids around glorified internet protitutes since u wanna use extremes

  • Oct 30, 2021
    4 replies

    Page 1

    Page 6

  • Oct 30, 2021
    2 replies

    Alright chief go take your kids around glorified internet protitutes since u wanna use extremes

    If I had kids I'd have no problem with them being around a s***worker. Wtf is wrong with you guys, what do you think is gonna happen? They're normal ass people that make the very same content that you consume and you look down upon them like they're scum.

    Some of ya'll in your early-mid 20's and already got the same mushy brains as 60yr old conservatives

  • Oct 30, 2021
    3 replies

    Japan was not going to surrender, Unconditional surrender was so that Japan couldn’t make any demands with their surrender. Such as keeping land they took and their Emperor. They were able to keep their Emperor so the US could rebuild Japan with friendly relations to the civilian population.

    Anyway as for Japan saying they were gonna surrender, they weren’t. The Japanese were training civilians to train with bamboo spears to kill the allies if they invaded the Mainland. They hoped the USSR would help them or be the middle man so they could keep the war going on just a bit more. Until the Soviets invaded Manchuria(Land they wanted to keep) they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender.

    Either way, Hiroshima was still of military importance. Idk why you replied without telling me why you thought it wasn’t. Hiroshima has housing 40k Japanese soldiers, was the HQ for the Second Japanese Army. Which was defending Southern Japan. Theres more reasons why but this reply is too long already.

    you said the soviet union had no influence on the US dropping the nuclear bombs on civilian targets - that was a demonstrable lie.

    "JFB still hoping for time, believing after atomic bomb, Japan will surrender and Russia will not get in so much on the kill, thereby being in a position to press for claims against China."
    -Walter Brown, assistant at the Potsdam Meeting

    as for the second point:

    at this point hitler had already killed himself and the Japanese Security Council already knew they were going to lose. They had hoped the USSR would honor their non-aggression pact - which the Soviet Union had already made plans to break and enter Manchuria.
    Internal documents show that Truman himself had written that the USSR's declaration of war against the Empire of Japan would have been enough to force the Japanese surrender without any US involvement in a land invasion. A US land invasion of Japan was completely off the table at this point.

    (also not sure what you mean when you say Japan wasn't gonna surrender and then two sentences later you say "they figured it was better to do an unconditional surrender")

    for your third argument:

    Hiroshima was in no way a tactical military target in the same way Kyoto was in no way a tactical military target. The critical criteria for Target Selection was

    "At the suggestion of Dr. Conant the Secretary agreed that the most desirable target would be a vital war plant employing a large number of workers and closely surrounded by workers' houses."

    I know you don't need me to explain what this means, but obviously this does not say "the target should be a target of extreme military significance" but instead says "drop the bomb somewhere with lots of people and stuff to make the biggest psychological impression on the Soviet Union".

    The reason Hiroshima was chosen was because it was - prior to the atomic bomb - relatively untouched by prior bombings due to its insignificance as a military target. Actually important military targets such as Tokyo had been firebombed for months and were in a state of total disarray.

    Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima were extremely populous relatively untouched cities providing the Target Selection Committee the most spectacular examples of what the nuclear bomb could do. As a matter of fact both cities were placed under a "No-Bomb-List" in order to preserve the cities as much as possible to provide the most dramatic contrast to emphasize the destructive capabilities of the atomic bombs. So much for "military importance".

  • Oct 30, 2021

    clearly everyone who works on the board who made this decision is a kissless virgin. s***is true evil.

  • Oct 30, 2021
    2 replies

    how you a stan of jpeg mafia, a person who is a far left anti capitalist progressive and you're out here going "AAAAH S***WORKERS STAY AWAY EVIL"

  • Trash Star

    If I had kids I'd have no problem with them being around a s***worker. Wtf is wrong with you guys, what do you think is gonna happen? They're normal ass people that make the very same content that you consume and you look down upon them like they're scum.

    Some of ya'll in your early-mid 20's and already got the same mushy brains as 60yr old conservatives

    facts. people itt starting to starting to sound like karens

  • Oct 30, 2021

    how it started

    how it's going

  • Oct 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Trash Star

    how you a stan of jpeg mafia, a person who is a far left anti capitalist progressive and you're out here going "AAAAH S***WORKERS STAY AWAY EVIL"

    This is a serious question and I want to understand because it’s interesting.

    How can someone like JPEG make money off his product, which is music (being a capitalist) and be anti capitalist? Is it just rejecting the impact of capitalism on a larger scale while using it for his own benefit?

  • Trash Star

    If I had kids I'd have no problem with them being around a s***worker. Wtf is wrong with you guys, what do you think is gonna happen? They're normal ass people that make the very same content that you consume and you look down upon them like they're scum.

    Some of ya'll in your early-mid 20's and already got the same mushy brains as 60yr old conservatives

    Why u worried about them around a military person? The exact same logic is used bro. Wtf u talking about
