  • Jun 26, 2022
    2 replies

    dunno but I initially bought Rise on Switch and instantly regretted it. Played it for about 10 minutes on it. Can't play that kind of game at ~25 fps. It's horrible

    i’ve put like 30 hours into the game on Switch and had tons of fun never understood FPS snobs

  • Jun 26, 2022
    2 replies

    Sunbreak worth it?

    Haven't touched my switch since I finished base lol

  • Jun 26, 2022

    i’ve put like 30 hours into the game on Switch and had tons of fun never understood FPS snobs

    as someone who isn't the biggest switch fan (and loves 144fps), rise runs insanely well on switch. once you start playing a bit, it really isn't that bad at all. i definitely more than enjoyed my playthrough on the switch.

    that being said, now that it's out on PC, you couldn't pay me to play 756p @ 30fps or w/e it runs at on switch

  • Jun 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Sunbreak worth it?

    Haven't touched my switch since I finished base lol

    looks like it'll be pretty solid. apparently there's gonna be 17 new monsters on release, but from what i'm understanding from these leaks, the endgame will be pretty damn decent.

  • Jun 26, 2022
    1 reply

    looks like it'll be pretty solid. apparently there's gonna be 17 new monsters on release, but from what i'm understanding from these leaks, the endgame will be pretty damn decent.

    Heard GS got new combos and the demo sounds pretty decent

    May pick it up

  • Jun 26, 2022

    Heard GS got new combos and the demo sounds pretty decent

    May pick it up

    i think every weapon got new moves? i feel like switch skill swapping is a pretty huge change in terms of what can be done in combat.

    i'd definitely check out the demo if you haven't already. i'm really looking forward to the full release on thursday.

  • Jun 26, 2022
    Mr Motion

    Most people play on pc?

    Dunno about most but launch had something like 130k players on Steam + right now it's about 70k players. Plenty of people on PC

    If you can run it, PC is def the way to go, especially since you get access to mods.

  • Jun 26, 2022

    Gonna get it but man I haven’t really made it far into any mh endgame tbh

  • Jun 26, 2022

    USE SPOILER TAGS for f***s sake

  • Jun 28, 2022
    Mr Motion

    does this apply to the base game? Might end up copping
    Given the sale going on, I’m guessing the deluxe edition doesn’t come with sunbreak included?

    I am not sure if it will be in base game as an update, i think its a quality of life thing that comes with the dlc.

    Also sorry for responding too late i get hella notifs n forget

    But the current deluxe edition does not include the expansion, they will probably have an updated bundle sometime after the expansion offically comes out.

    Honestly the deluxe current does not seem worth it imo unless ur really into armor skins.

  • Jun 28, 2022
    Mr Motion

    Most people play on pc?

    Most play on console but PC has a good live pool as well

  • Jun 28, 2022

    The full list of new monsters in Sunbreak is out there leaked

    17 is the official number, without counting updates. Only 3 that havent already been confirmed or leaked, that are the Magnamalo Variant, Furious Rajang and the final boss (he is cool af tho)

    they also saying metallic raths, the nargacuga rare and the bird invader from World subspecies in the first update

    Its a dissapointing number tbh, and supposedly the dataminer that digged up a review copy, says that there are only 6 slots for Title updates monsters, personally idk if they could include more or we only getting 6 more

    In Iceborne they did add on a whole new tier of added mons but iirc that was to match an anniversary plus the cry out for Fatalis after they showed off the new render for all the Flagships thats in my op

    Thats how we got Fatalis & some of the other final surprise mons like Frostfang

  • Jun 28, 2022

    Shagaru looks so good, Furious Rajang & Seething Beezel also confirmed

    Also a tease at another monster towards the end.

  • Jun 28, 2022
    1 reply

    If Gravios (the adult version of Basarios), Zamtrios & Agnaktor (its babies the lil fire worm things are in the game & Zams babies the lil shark bois are also in the base game) arent in the game imma be pissed tho.

    Also wish we got Great Jaggi instead of freaking Velocidrome since Jaggis babies are ALSO in the game SMH who tf wants Velocidrome lmao. I doubt they would have Velocidrome and Great Jaggi at the same time. Great Jaggi + Great Maccaco are the best raptor leaders imo. HMs to Great Jagras (whos babies are also in the base game of Rise but no adult LMAO) & Great Izuchi.

    Happy at everything else tho.

    Praying to God that Testsucabra (the adult version of the lil frog mon the elder is riding on) & Lagiacrus (whos been teased since World & my personal 2nd fav mon after Tigrex) get added or are in 🙏 🙏

  • Jun 28, 2022

    Man the adult versions better be fixed bro. At least give us Gravios, Zamtrios & Agnaktor those are awesome monsters. This has never happened before besides base Generations (which is understandable there n got fixed in its expansion update besides Great Jaggi) smh.

    They lucky that the brand new mons, Espinas & Shagaru are so good or else I'd still be abstaining.

  • Jun 28, 2022
    Mr Motion

    So I bought monster Hunter rise on switch. Never played MH before, anything I should know

    Every weapon is genuinely different in this game with different movesets, timing, power, speed, combos & handling. Its the most varied out of any class in a game & the weapon you pick truly matters to your experience. Even down to the way your char moves with it while drawn.

    If you dont like one weapon, try something else. Certain mons are weaker to certain weapons types too which are blunt, sharp or piercing, but its not a gigantic big deal outside of breaking certain parts. Like heads are easier to break with blunt, while tails can ONLY be cut off with pierce or slash. Easier with slash.

    I think people should be using two diff types of weapons, maybe even 3, but as a beginner just concentrate on one at first. Depending on the weapon there is a steep learning curve.

    There are flashy advanced weapons that take a lot getting used too like the Switch Axe or Charge Blade & there are more simpler straight to the point weapons like Hammer & Lance. Then inbetween like Long Sword & Great Sword.

    I personally use Switch Axe as my main, then Long Sword & Hammer. Once in a great while Bow. I started off Long Sword years n years ago then eventually got used to Switch Axe n I love it.

    If youre using a bigger heavier weapon like a Switch Axe or Great Sword, put them away in combat when youre trying to run. Bigger weapons are about timing and postioning but slow you down when drawn.

    Youre a fan of fast paced games/weapons tho, so I would suggest Dual Blades as your starter/main, then try out the Insect Glaive & Charge Blade. Charge Blade is really hard to learn tho so maybe Long Sword.

    Youll get a basic weapon of every single class tho when you start, so you can try them all out if you want, but I think those 3 or 4 will be the most appealing to you.

    All weapon types are good though, but Sword Shield is probably the worst followed by Regular Lance if I had to personally pick.

  • Jun 28, 2022

    Imo in order easiest to hardest weapons to learn:

    • Easiest to learn

    Sword Shield
    Long Sword
    Light Bow Gun
    Dual Blades

    • Middle

    Heavy Bow Gun
    Great Sword
    Regular Lance

    • Hardest to learn

    Insect Glaive
    Hunting Horn
    Switch Axe
    Gun Lance
    Charge Blade

    Sword Shield being the easiest, while Charge Blade being the hardest.

    My main is Switch Axe (slash+pierce dmg), while Long Sword (slash dmg) & Hammer (blunt dmg) are my secondaries I use for specific mons. Like LS for really fast ones & Hammer for really hard shell ones.

    And I sometimes, although rarely, I will use Bow (pierce dmg). Mainly for mons that stay in the air for such an annoyingly ass long time such as Silver Rathalos, or mons that are dangerous af to get up close too like Seething Beezlegeuse.

  • Jun 28, 2022

    i’ve put like 30 hours into the game on Switch and had tons of fun never understood FPS snobs

    Same, especially since MH is more about strategy, paitience & postioning

    They would have REALLY hated this when the series was a sole exclusive to PSP n 3DS lmao

  • Jun 28, 2022

    Sunbreak worth it?

    Haven't touched my switch since I finished base lol

    Seems like it

    Not out yet tho

  • Jun 29, 2022

    ❗❗If you're on PC, Sunbreak pre-order is discounted for 22% off on Gamebillet

  • Jun 29, 2022
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    If Gravios (the adult version of Basarios), Zamtrios & Agnaktor (its babies the lil fire worm things are in the game & Zams babies the lil shark bois are also in the base game) arent in the game imma be pissed tho.

    Also wish we got Great Jaggi instead of freaking Velocidrome since Jaggis babies are ALSO in the game SMH who tf wants Velocidrome lmao. I doubt they would have Velocidrome and Great Jaggi at the same time. Great Jaggi + Great Maccaco are the best raptor leaders imo. HMs to Great Jagras (whos babies are also in the base game of Rise but no adult LMAO) & Great Izuchi.

    Happy at everything else tho.

    Praying to God that Testsucabra (the adult version of the lil frog mon the elder is riding on) & Lagiacrus (whos been teased since World & my personal 2nd fav mon after Tigrex) get added or are in 🙏 🙏

    Gravios, Zamtrios, Agnator and Velocidrome arent on the game confirmed, i also think not having the adult monsters is wack af, its makes no sense like, they just dont grow up lol

    Lagiacrus is 99.99% isnt making it because the devs have been really open about having big problems to put him in the game, something about the engine, and that because his belly is in constant touch with the floor, there are a lot of bugs with the uneven terrain. I do think that they will put him in MH6 if they fix the problem tho

  • Jun 29, 2022

    I dumped so many hours into this when it first came out but haven’t touched it in like a year, feel like I have to re learn everything my first MH, i mained switch axe so maybe I’ll pick something different this time

  • Jun 29, 2022

    Gravios, Zamtrios, Agnator and Velocidrome arent on the game confirmed, i also think not having the adult monsters is wack af, its makes no sense like, they just dont grow up lol

    Lagiacrus is 99.99% isnt making it because the devs have been really open about having big problems to put him in the game, something about the engine, and that because his belly is in constant touch with the floor, there are a lot of bugs with the uneven terrain. I do think that they will put him in MH6 if they fix the problem tho

    Im f***ing pissed if true.

    Velocidrome is tho it was shown in a trailer recently along with its babies, the Espinas trailer iirc. Great Jaggi no tho. Drome now fully HD does look cool af tho ngl they did amazing on its scales work.

    I thot with Mitzusine & Almudron they fixed the issue in Rise tho which would lead to Agnaktor (whos babies are there) n Lagiacrus (they both were suppose to be in World instead of the mud n fire fishes but World couldnt handle any Leviathans at all, which is also why we didnt get Mitzusune either, so the Leviathans got replaced with Piscene Wyverns) but yeah thats my pie in the sky wish.

    If those three adults arent at least added at some point imma be pissed smh. No reason for Rise to be (confrimed) rushed like that in the first place. Main reason why i was s***ting on Rise so heavy the first 2 pages smh. We didnt even have elder dragons at all except the very end one for months like what the hell is going on with the 2nd dev team bro

  • Melz ⚜️
    Jun 29, 2022

    Rurikhan playing Sunbreak live on switch rn

  • Jun 29, 2022
    1 reply

    reviews are looking good. can't wait for tomorrow
