  • Apr 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    Yeah World & Genrations were way different & still had hunter prep. Even in village which i always do village first for the story & to get my feet wet, so i def know the usual average of things.

    Its really weird in Rise. Tryhardness & speed runner times are like the norm time in Rise.

    that’s not cool at all, all my favorite hard ass hunts from World took me like 25-30 minutes

    the feels hit different when you been grinding that b****’s health for that long then they finally fall

  • Apr 3, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    In 4 star & still killing most things within 5 to 8mins & only have had two carts total, from Barroth & Tobi

    6mins and below were like speed runner and/or maximum tryhard builds in all the other games, to put it into perspective (which i am not doing nor even at the level yet to do). 10 to 15mins is usually good players & 15 to 25min were usually average players in previous titles. I would usually be in the mix of good and average, usually taking me 10 to 20mins, sometimes a bit shorter & sometimes longer.

    Feel like the game got casualize tbh, not only with evidence of way quicker monster slay times, but also by them taking out stuff like cold/hot drinks etc. which is part of the preparing for a hunt aspect of it all.

    Not saying its a totally bad thing & it makes it an excellent choices for newcomers to start out with, but it is odd.

    I can understand maybe shorting life pools for time to kill, but why take out items & experiences that make you prepare & feel like a hunt?

    Game still fun tho.

    I’m in 6 star HR6 and it’s still pretty easy with my build. It’s a little difficult at times compared to village quests 1-6 but I’m not complaining. The HR cap goes up after April and after you do HR7 you start the real challenge being able to hunt apex monsters

  • Apr 3, 2021

    I literally haven’t really thought about my inventory so far

    It’s never full and since the village quests have been easy af I usually have potions and s***

    I also don’t like that the monsters run away like 5 feet bc it’s supposed to be like world but the switch can’t handle huge maps

    Same, ive never had to craft in an hunt yet, & i barley have to use my whetstone 💀

    Yeah i noticed that too. The monsters barely have any defensive & run away tactics. They do it at most twice so far for me, & they feel a bit more lifeless. And when they do run away, they barely go far. Its usually always just the next zone over.

    And yeah the maps are like a combine of world and old style. Not as intricate or indepth & interactable as World, but still big with vertically while still keeping the more "arena-like" built zones of old style.

    I was really hoping they would keep the scoutflies & tracking the monster more naturally aspect of World at the very least, but now they just show everything at once & say get to it

  • Apr 3, 2021

    I’m in 6 star HR6 and it’s still pretty easy with my build. It’s a little difficult at times compared to village quests 1-6 but I’m not complaining. The HR cap goes up after April and after you do HR7 you start the real challenge being able to hunt apex monsters

    Yeah and thats a problem imo, i shouldnt have to "wait for an update" to get "real" monster hunter. And as ive said before, it goes beyond difficulty which isnt being patched in, such as hunter prep. Its just the flow of Rise.

    But yeah i agree, its still and fun & overall a good game, but it is noticeably less in all aspects compared to literally almost every title except for the original PS2 ones.

    Its very odd & i hope it doesnt continue. Would rather get World 2 or a whole new entry that isnt as simple as Rise instead of Rise 2 if they gonna keep it that way, imo.

  • Apr 3, 2021
    1 reply

    i agree with you guys on how stupidly easy the game is tbh, esp compared to the other MH games

    i am glad i bought it at the end of the day, though! it's fun to play with friends as a kinda arcade-y MH experience

  • Apr 3, 2021

    that’s not cool at all, all my favorite hard ass hunts from World took me like 25-30 minutes

    the feels hit different when you been grinding that b****’s health for that long then they finally fall

    Yeah faxx.

    I talked about it more in detailed in my long post on the last page before above my quote to dream of u.

    Most fights for me in MH games would mostly take 10 to 20mins including village quests, while sometimes popping in the 25 to 30 zone for really high tier quest mons & really strong elders. Im mainly a solo hunter too.

    Other games made it feel like a game of cat n mouse n a hunter tracking its hunt. Made it feel rewarding, realistic & fun.

    Maybe thats part of the issue tho, Rise taking out hunter prep, monster searching & monster defensive tactics has sped it up, plus shorting the time to kill a bit

    Sucks, but hopefully it doesnt continue like that. Im ok with it being for one game mostly due to still being fun overall, but if that becomes the norm imma be put off.

  • Apr 3, 2021

    i agree with you guys on how stupidly easy the game is tbh, esp compared to the other MH games

    i am glad i bought it at the end of the day, though! it's fun to play with friends as a kinda arcade-y MH experience

    Agree 100%!

    Its great for now but please dont let it become the norm

  • Apr 3, 2021

    70 hrs

    Lmfao nerd

  • Apr 3, 2021

    I can wait frl, still haven't finished iceborne dlc and i just recently bought bravely default 2 and I'm still heavy into nioh 2 endgame

  • Melz ⚜️
    Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply

    i finished all of the village quests

    took me 19 and a half hours i didnt do any hub quests

  • Apr 4, 2021

    i finished all of the village quests

    took me 19 and a half hours i didnt do any hub quests

    Great now you can play with us broder

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply

    I picked up the charge blade

    It’s hard to use but it’s cool af. Hopefully it pays off with some practice.

  • Apr 4, 2021
    1 reply

    F*** Rajang. Broken ass monster.

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Beat the online story a couple days ago

    Just cleared 99% of the high rank gathering hall quests

    Anyone know how to unlock the 6* "do it for the dango" quest? Blue check mark is bothering me

  • Apr 5, 2021

    F*** Rajang. Broken ass monster.

  • Apr 5, 2021

    Charge blade is def the hardest wep to master, but once you know the guard points lord have mercy

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    I picked up the charge blade

    It’s hard to use but it’s cool af. Hopefully it pays off with some practice.

    Best DPS fr

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Finally at endgame grinding for jewels and builds

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    F*** you f***ing pieces of s*** gonna play with us or what

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Finally at endgame grinding for jewels and builds

    Okay this mh world type s***

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    F*** you f***ing pieces of s*** gonna play with us or what

    LOL my bad I just been grinding to clear all this s***

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Shout out to chilla that mans a legend shout out to our drainer idk his ktt name and that boy ray too he be going hard af.

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    LOL my bad I just been grinding to clear all this s***

    The village s***? F*** man I want to do it but I don't have fun doing that s*** so I don't.

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Okay this mh world type s***

    Yea I didn’t even know myself until yesterday. Mad jewels and s*** just like world. Currently trying to stack 3 attack boost jewels

  • Apr 5, 2021
    1 reply
    Soo Diff

    Shout out to chilla that mans a legend shout out to our drainer idk his ktt name and that boy ray too he be going hard af.

    Just trying to learn from my mistakes in world
