only legends missing from this list is ariana grande
ariana grande is not a legend
At least the debate is over: 69's DUMMYBOY being on the list confirms it is a classic
Told yall
Nah that Macklemore album being on here is crazy. Who the f*** is streaming that s*** that much lmao
Yep and every album over a decade old on here. AEOM, Take Care, etc.
The albums from before streaming are the most impressive imo
AEOM and 2001 the only albums from the 90s to make it on here which is super impressive
i like how people think the apple music 50 would be so much different
maybe swap tyga for moneybagg yo or some s***
this list is pretty much if you have a song over a billion streams then your album is probably on this list
Now who the hell is listening to Macklemore’s “The Heist” casually? Especially for an album that wasn’t fully released in the streaming era
i gotta assume a lot of that is white moms still playing thrift shop
how is there a Tyga album on here but not a Wayne one
ima off myself
Wayne hasn’t made a good project since No Ceilings